Chapter 5. Compliment her dad

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The whole birthday dinner was very lively. When Mr. Yuan and his wife were toasting everyone, Yan Xi held up the wine glass and looked around. Almost everyone had a bright smile on their faces, as if they were sincere with the host, having fun.

In the business field, whether it is true or false, but everyone is a human being, it is not easy for everyone to make friends with each other with a smiling face. Yan Xi somewhat understands why her parents chose to divorce in the end. Her father is a merchant businessman, and her mother is an artist who likes quietness. In the end, the two let each other off and no longer tortured each other. Instead, it was the best choice.

When her father was young, he was also a very dazzling handsome boy. Otherwise, he would not be able to catch up with her mother. It’s a pity that the years were merciless and the handsome boy became a big winter melon. Before her mother died of illness, she was still an elegant beauty, even if she was not as beautiful as she was when she was young, but the charm of her whole body was enough to make women feel frustrated.

“Brother Song,” a tall thin man sitting next to Song Hai glanced at Yan Xi, “I heard that Ling Qianjin is a graduate student in media?”

“Yes,” Song Hai said proudly, “She won a scholarship in school.”

“Yes, yes,” the thin and tall man thought for a while. “Our station recently happened to be opening a show called “Those Things Around me”. If your daughter has the intention, it is better to come to this show as a host.” He is the director of the local station in the Imperial Capital. Non-satellite TV stations like theirs have low ratings. Only the local TV of the Imperial Capital can receive their station. In addition, Internet TV is popular nowadays, and hundreds of TV stations can be found from any household. Except for some old-fashioned locals in the imperial capital who occasionally watch their TV stations, no one pays attention at all.

Song Hai once had advertising cooperation with their TV station, and he still owed Song Hai several favors. Now that Yan Xi has a good image and suitable professionalism, he wants to sell it well. Even if her host ability is as poor as slag, he is not afraid, no one looks at it anyway.

“Yan Yan, this is Director Jintai of Imperial Capital No. 8 TV station, a good friend of Dad’s.” Song Hai didn’t immediately agree to go down and introduced Yan Xi to the tall, thin man.

Song Hai said that the two were good friends, but Yan Xi could see that the friendship between the two might also involve interests. She smiled at Director Jin and said, “Thank you, Uncle Jin, I will consider it carefully.”

Eight TV stations in the Imperial Capital… Does it turn out that there are so many local TV stations in the Imperial Capital?

“If my niece is willing to come, it will help Uncle Jin a lot,” Director Jintai smiled.

Jintai speaks very well, but even if the Imperial Capital eight TV stations are not well-known, no matter how bad the ratings are, it is also a TV channel, and many people want to go in.

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“She’s a little girl, what can she do for you? she needs you to take care and guide her.” Song Hai smiled and took the conversation and talked with Director Jin. Seeing that the Director Jintai wanted to befriend her dad, Yan Xi didn’t interrupt, bowed her head, and ate food in silence.

It is worthy of being a place where wealthy people hold birthday banquets, and the taste of the dishes makes it impossible to pick out the faults.

After eating more than half of the meal, the host’s house brought a glass to toast and thanked the guests for their presence. Yan Xi thought that a wealthy man like this had a cold attitude towards the guests who courted them, but he didn’t expect to be very thoughtful in terms of etiquette.

Maybe the original family of four didn’t know a few people at their table, but Yan Xi didn’t feel the slightest arrogance or disdain in them.

Yan Xi mingled with a bunch of successful people who can talk, just keep smiling and hold up a glass of wine. When she lowered her head to drink, she met the eyes of the original eldest son, and the other side nodded slightly at her as a sign of courtesy.

This calm and polite posture is worthy of being a wealthy aristocrat, and nodding his head can make people feel flattered.

Slightly dipping her lips with red wine, Yan Xi bends down and sits down when the four members of Yuan’s family have moved to the next table. Song Hai knew that his daughter didn’t like the taste of wine, so he scooped up a bowl of soup and put it in front of Yan Xi, letting her squeeze the taste of wine.

Yan Xi smiled at Song Hai and took a sip from the bowl.

“What are you looking at?” Yuan Bo saw that his younger brother hadn’t followed up, and looked back.

“It’s okay,” Yuan Yi withdrew his gaze, his tone was flat, “I just think that some guest I haven’t seen is a bit familiar.”

“Maybe you have seen it somewhere before,” Yuan Bo patted him on the shoulder. “Let’s go.”

Yuan Yi followed silently, with drooping eyebrows, and the waiter who served the dishes couldn’t help avoiding him, for fear of angering this one.

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At the end of the banquet, the two brothers saw the guests at the entrance of the hotel, and they were praised and blessed by countless people.

Yuan Yi took a deep breath with some impatience, turned his head, and glanced inside the door, a few more people came out, so he straightened up.

“Walk slowly.” Yuan Yi smiled reluctantly.

“Thanks for the hospitality,” the middle-aged fat man who walked forward smiled with joy, and looked very pleased. Yuan Yi glanced over the young girl he was holding, “You are welcome.”

It’s enough to be the father of the woman next to him at this age.

The woman next to her raised her head and smiled at him, with her eyebrows and apricot eyes, her nose was small and straight, and she looked pitiful. He remembered where he had seen these two people, the last time he took a high-end gift.

It’s a pity that the old man and the young wife put a flower on the cow dung.

(Meaning:  put a flower on the cow dung / fig. a terrible shame (as when a lovely woman marries an odious man)

As for whether the two people are united for money or affection, Yuan Yi doesn’t care much. Old couples or old wives and husbands are all the tricks that rich people play. He really can’t get too emotional.

As the two descended the steps, Yuan Yi noticed that the fat man was holding the young woman carefully, he was very precious to her.

“Big Brother,” Yuan Yi glanced at the time, “I’ll leave it to you here.”

Yuan Bo glanced at his watch and knew that it was almost time for his brother to go to bed, so he nodded and said, “Go back, anyway, the guests are almost gone.”

His brother has a quirk, he must go to bed before 11 p.m., otherwise, he will have a headache the next day, and his family has long been used to it.

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After Yan Xi returned home, she turned on the TV that had been left out for a long time, and it took a while to find the Eighth TV station. At this time, an unnamed TV series with unfamiliar male and female protagonists were being broadcast on the TV. Halfway through the TV series, an advertisement suddenly jumped out, and a pompous and shrill male voice kept circling.

“Good news, good news, a big sale of electrical appliances on the second floor of Hualai Plaza…”

With the advertising layout style of ten years ago, the dubbing of advertisements fifteen years ago, and the slightly rough picture, and the careless “consumer interview”, Yan Xi began to wonder, is such a TV station watched by anyone?

After this pompous advertisement was over, another advertisement popped up. This advertisement turned out to be a product of their company. The style of painting was still difficult to describe. It was just that the dubbing of the advertisement changed from an exaggerated male voice to a sharp female voice.

She can probably guess what kind of show style “Those Things Around Us” is.

“Yan Yan, do you want to be a host?” Song Hai pointed to the advertisement on TV. “This TV station has the cheapest advertising fee. I am familiar with the leader of the station. If you go to work, no one will dare wrong you.”

Of course, it is the cheapest, because it doesn’t have many ratings at all. It’s not easy for someone to find their home to advertise.

Yan Xi has no intention of entering the entertainment industry. When she was a child, her dream of being a writer had already been shattered. Now she is idle and bored. It is not bad to work in a TV station that is not hooked on the entertainment industry and has a relatively easy job, at least not gnawing old.

Thinking about this, she agreed.

Song Hai mentioned Yan Xi’s interest to Director Jin, and Director Jin immediately and happily invited her to a dinner party for the new colleague. He also said that he would introduce her to her partner in the program group.

Eight TV stations in the Imperial Capital mostly broadcast TV shows that no one sees. Forty minutes of noon news is broadcast at noon, and national news broadcasts are broadcast at 7 pm. After the news is broadcast, the weather forecast of the Imperial Capital Satellite Station will be broadcast, and then the TV series will continue. , And stopped after one o’clock in the morning.

So the program that belongs to them is only forty minutes of the noon news. Now that the main station has proposed innovative reforms in the TV station, Director Jin has thought about it for a long time before adding a column “Those Things Around Us”, and the broadcast time is set at 8 o’clock.

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“Director, the host you invited is a graduate student from Haida University the Department of Media? The cameramen had a heavy expression, if this is the case, he is afraid the show’s host had the most say.

“Not only a graduate student of Haida University but also the daughter of entrepreneur Song Hai,” Chief Jintai reminded several people. “The little girl is still young. You, seniors, must be tolerant. You must teach what you should teach, don’t hide it”

“Director, you are too polite. We are all mixed up in a wild way which is not comparable to Song Qianjin,” the column director smiled. “Don’t worry, we are all at this age. We will not wrong the little girl.”

(Song Qianjin: Remember the term Lin Qianjin in the previous chapter? Lin as an official term change to Song, Yan Xi father surname)

The head of the station said that for this reason, none of them were stupid, and they knew what attitude to take.

“Her surname is Yan but not Song,” Chief Jintai smiled, “The little girl takes her mother’s surname.”

Although a few people here are curious about why this entrepreneur’s daughter doesn’t follow her father’s surname, they also know that some things can’t be too curious, and curiosity is too heavy.

Yan Xi came to the appointed place, which was a hot pot restaurant in the city with good decorations. She just knocked on the door when she walked to the private room, and the door opened. It was a woman in her thirties who opened the door.

“This is the host we’ve been waiting for?” The woman smiled brightly, “My name is Chen Pei, and I am the director of the show. Just call me Sister Chen.” After that, she turned her head to look for Director Jin, “Director, where did you cheat such a beautiful little girl?”

The remaining few people heckled one after another, all saying that such an outstanding character must have been deceived by Director Jintai.

Listening to the fancy bragging of these new colleagues, Yan Xi silently sighed that it is not easy to do anything in this world. To praise her, these colleagues don’t know how many brain cells it will cost?

Compliment her dad for letting her live a dignified life.

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