“Another example is to take her on a trip, and choose a place that is a holy place for couples to play. There are lovers around, and if you stay together alone, you will definitely be able to develop a relationship.”

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“Then what if it still doesn’t work?”


“It can only mean that person is not interested in you. It’s better to give up early.”


Yuan Yi never thought that Yan Xi didn’t like him at all. It was not how confident he was in himself but that he subconsciously avoided this question.

“Can it be more secure, for example, even if the confession fails, the relationship will not become awkward,” Yuan Yi’s tone became uncomfortable, “You can help me think about it.”

“Then just wait until April 1st next year. Others will only take it as a joke even if you fail to confess your confession.” Zhang Wang felt that he was a little cowardly but usually quite courageous. How did he get here? Are you confused about emotional matters?

“Forget it. It seems you have no reliable solution,” Yuan Yi felt that what Zhang Wang came up with were terrible ideas. He shouldn’t ask Playboy for the experience. He should ask his brother about it.

But… His brother and his girlfriend have been dating for so many years and haven’t gotten married yet. Is there really no problem with love?

The two non-marriages get together, and they probably don’t want to step into the grave of marriage. He doesn’t seem to be too disgusted with marrying Yan Xiaoxi?

That night, Yuan Yi posted another moment.

Yuan: Insomnia again.

As soon as this moment was posted in the circle of friends, even Yuan Bo couldn’t help leaving a message to his younger brother. He told him to rest well, not under too much work pressure, and not to carry things alone.

Yuan Yi browsed Moments for a while, and many people left comments and liked his post, but there was no Yan Xiaoxi.

She should have fallen asleep by now.

Yuan Yi thought so, opened Yan Xi’s artist Weibo, and turned to her first Weibo post.

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The first Weibo post is a long strip comic that draws a story about a mother rabbit and a baby bunny. There weren’t many comments on Weibo, so he turned to the first comment. The blogger’s profile picture was of a mother rabbit, boasting how good and wonderful the painting was. The praise and joy between the lines almost overflowed the screen.

After this Weibo post, almost all Weibo comment areas have this mother rabbit. This situation has been going on for several months. Then she never appeared again, and Yan Xi has not updated Weibo in the past half a year.

Yuan Yi clicked on Mother Rabbit’s Weibo, but the blogger didn’t post many Weibo. Half of them were reposting Yan Xi’s Weibo.

This is… Yan Xi’s mother’s Weibo, right?

Although he has never seen how Yan Xi gets along with her mother. Yuan Yi’s intuition tells him that the relationship between mother and daughter must be very good.

Unknowingly flipped through Weibo for an hour or two. When Yuan Yi fell asleep, he was still thinking about Yan Xi’s Weibo post on New Year’s Eve a year ago. 

The rabbit father, rabbit mother, and rabbit baby stand by the window, watching the fireworks outside together.

Warm and beautiful like a dream.

“Xiao Yan, are you going to follow?” Zhao Peng squatted on the side of the road, looking at the old farmers tending vegetables in the vegetable field and then at the mud on the soles of their feet. His whole body was about to collapse.

“If we don’t follow the shots, how can we prove this is their real-life routine?” Yan Xi specially wore a pair of high-top leather shoes when it rained last night. She tied her hair behind her back with a headband, walked to the old man, and said, “Sir, is there anything I can do to help?”

“Girl, hurry up. You girls in the city can’t do these rough jobs.” The old man’s forehead is already wrinkled, his skin is dark, and his body looks strong. “I don’t need to do much work alone; the machines can finish it. It’s not like a few decades ago, such a piece of land would keep the whole family busy for a long time.”

“It’s okay, just think I’m here to join in the fun.” Yan Xi helped the old man put the dug sweet potatoes into the basket, and her white and clean hands were soon stained with mud.

When the old man is free, he also likes to watch ‘Those Things Around Us’ at home, so he has a very good impression of Yan Xi, the host. Now seeing her get dirty, his heart aches. Seeing that Yan Xi insisted on helping, he had no choice but to reluctantly agree, but he asked Yan Xi if she was tired and needed a rest.

Yan Xi didn’t take long to get acquainted with the old man. The old man told her some interesting old stories, which made Yan Xi keep asking about the plot behind them. The old man was even more proud and told the story that was originally a bit mysterious, full of doubts, ups and downs.

Yan Xi and Zhao Peng had lunch at the old man’s house, and the dishes on the table were all picked from the field. They tasted refreshing and tender. Yan Xi couldn’t hold back, so she used half a bowl of rice too much.

She touched her slightly protruding belly, thankful she had a physique like her mother, not her father. Otherwise, she would definitely be too fat to be photographed.

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At noon, the two elderly people took a lunch break for an hour. Then the old lady went out to pick vegetables, and the old man continued to pick up sweet potatoes. The baskets of sweet potatoes were moved to the electric tricycle. When chasing the old lady decades ago, the old man hummed and told Yan Xi about the romantic deed.


Speaking of the funny thing, Yan Xi and the old man laughed together. Probably because they got along so happily that day before Yan Xi and Zhao Peng left. They also received sweet potatoes, jujubes, and fresh fruits and vegetables from the old man and lady.

“Don’t worry, these are healthy vegetables that haven’t used chemicals. After eating them, come to uncle’s house next time.” The old man patted his chest, “I don’t have many other things here,but there are quite a lot of these natural fruits and vegetables.”

Yan Xi repeatedly nodded, promising that she would visit again if she had the opportunity in the future, and then drove away from this peaceful village.

“Xiao Yan, you can do it,” Zhao Peng sat in the passenger seat and said to Yan Xi, who was driving, “I found that you are very popular with old men and old ladies. Every time you do programs related to the elderly, you are in these old people’s hearts. You are like their own granddaughters. I have been a videographer for so many years and have dealt with many hosts. I have never seen a host like you who specializes in getting old people’s favorability.”

“Because I am a maverick, a very different kind of firework.” Yan Xi’s tied hair is loose and drooping in the back. This style is more like the heroine in a bitter drama. “I think these old men and women are very good. Yes, the legendary story they told is also very interesting, I almost believed it.”

“These stories are told by grandparents to coax granddaughters and grandchildren,” Zhao Peng shook his head, “Do high-achieving students believe this?”


“Believe it or not, it doesn’t matter. The important thing is that they tell it well. The story contains the fantasy color of the last century,” Yan Xi’s eyes lit up, and she felt she had a theme for her next comic.

Their country has a vast territory, and different customs and legends exist in different places. She can compile warm and touching stories based on these magical legends.

These legends are also part of the culture, and it must be very meaningful to be able to draw them with a pen.

After sending Zhao Peng home and having dinner at Brother Zhao’s house by the way, Yan Xi drove home slowly.

As soon as the car parked in the garage, her cell phone rang frantically.



“Yan Xiaoxi, where are you?”

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“I just came home. What’s wrong?” Yan Xi was slightly anxious when he heard Yuan Yi’s voice, “What happened?”

“No, nothing, I’ll just ask,” Yuan Yi’s voice calmed down instantly, “Don’t forget about tomorrow’s party, I’m worried you won’t be able to find a place, I’ll pick you up tomorrow morning.”

“Will that be too troublesome?” Yan Xi was a little embarrassed.

“Hmph, if you know it’s troublesome, get up early tomorrow,” Yuan Yi said coldly, “I’ll hang up if it’s okay.”

The tone seemed to be that she took the initiative to call him.

Yan Xi clicked her tongue, and it rang again before she could put the phone in her bag. This time it was Chen Pei calling.

“Xiao Yan, where are you now?”

“What’s going on today? Have you made it home?”

“I just came home, sister Chen, what is it?”

“Thank God, I read the news that there was a series of car accidents on the road you must pass through when you go back to the city. A woman in her twenties was seriously injured and has been sent to the hospital for emergency treatment. I thought…” She stopped a few times, “It’s good that you’re fine, you’ve worked hard, you should go to bed early.”


It turns out that Yuan Yi called because he was worried that she might have a car accident?

Why is this person so awkward? He is obviously worried about her and pretends to be disdainful. He is already a man that old, and he is still so awkward and arrogant. There is really nothing she can do about him.

After hanging up the phone, Yuan Yi slumped on the leather chair. He didn’t sleep well last night, and today he had two meetings in a row. Suddenly, he saw a car accident on a certain road. The car was exactly the same as Yan Xi’s usual car. The report also said a young lady in her twenties was seriously injured, so he couldn’t help thinking of Yan Xi.

Why did he forget that there is a saying called “The disaster will last for a thousand years” It is not a big deal for her to be hit by a lamp, so how could such a thing happen?

Thinking of this, he pressed the call button on the table, and soon Assistant Meng walked in: “Boss, are you feeling unwell?”

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Why is his face so white? It’s scary to look at.

“I’m fine. Please check the information of an injured person for me. I want to donate to her anonymously.” Yuan Yi pointed to the news and asked Assistant Meng to come over and read, “It’s her.”


“Boss, do you know this person?” Assistant Meng looked at the picture of the injured person whose whole body was covered in mosaics, and it was all blurred like this. Can the boss recognize her?

“Do not know.”

That family can afford to drive a Ferrari and need you to donate money. Too much money to spend?

“Even if it’s… accumulating virtue,” Yuan Yi patted Meng Zhu’s shoulder, “Thank you for your hard work.”

Assistant Meng: Anyway, it’s your own money, so you can do whatever you like. Anyway, the money he earns is enough for him to work for several lifetimes.

“No problem, I will handle this properly,” Assistant Meng wrote down the matter, “Boss, it’s off work, why don’t you leave?”


Yuan Yi tapped his inexplicably trembling knee, not wanting his assistant to see his weak legs: “You go first, I’ll go back after reading the materials.”

“Okay.” Assistant Meng walked out.

After Assistant Meng left, he slowly stood up from the chair, only to realize his knees were so soft that he couldn’t control them.


Squeezing his knees, he took out his phone to check tomorrow’s weather.


The weather will be fine tomorrow. Can he see the moon at night?

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