Baby Chu felt as though his head had exploded…

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Gu Jinglian pinched the boy’s ear and said through gritted teeth. “Are you courting death?”

Baby Chu clutched his head and mumbled with red eyes, “Sob sob… Daddy is bullying me…”

“That’s right. I’m beating you up.” Gu Jinglian coldly dragged the boy towards the door by his ear and said gruffly, “Let’s go!”

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Baby Chu was thus dragged away by Gu Jinglian. They walked along, still bickering.

“You’re too violent, Daddy. I have to wonder if you’ll bully Mommy in the future, now that I’m handing her over to you.”

“Shut up!”

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“As a man, you must be gentle to women and children. Don’t you even understand this common knowledge?”


Another knock on the head.

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“Any more nonsense and I’ll rip your head off.”


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Bang! The door shut.

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