One Piece Gold List

Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Kaido: Laozi is finally on the list

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–Now, the [Martial Skills List] is announced, and anyone on the list can speak.

–Past players on the list can also leave a message.

As a golden light fell, people in the world, no matter where they were, no matter what they were doing, stopped their movements.

Doflamingo, who had originally planned to leave, had a slight change in mood because of the appearance of the gold list.

“Fu Fu Fu, here comes, [Martial Skills List].”

“The first three lists were all watched in the castle. I didn’t expect to be able to watch it with the top three list of Juggernauts this time.”

“It’s such an honor.”

Doflamingo said to Li Fan with a smile on his face.

“Li Fan, since you can guide your disciples in martial arts, I don’t know if you have the confidence to rank well on this list.”

After a little hesitation, Doflamingo decided to stay and continue talking with Li Fan.

Anyway, the gold list has appeared. If the mysterious disciple of Li Fan will appear on the list, he will naturally know who it is afterwards.

It must be too late to respond accordingly.

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After all, the mysterious disciple does not seem to be inside the gym now.

Leaving now, Doflamingo felt it was a pity.

Doflamingo feels that even if other people are accepted as disciples here, if they can reach a cooperative relationship with Li Fan through conversations with Li Fan, they will definitely bring him huge benefits.

“Well, don’t you know if you look at it.” Li Fan smiled and looked up at the gold list outside the gate.

[Beast Kaido: Huh?! Can I leave a message? Hahaha, sure enough, this group should have my place.]

As soon as the gold list appeared, Kaido couldn’t wait to communicate the gold list in his heart.

According to the rules of the gold list, even if it has not been announced, as long as there is a ranking on the list, you can speak.

And he was not on the [Swordsmanship List] and other lists before, and now he can speak, naturally because he has been placed on the [Martial Art Skills List] by the gold list.

[Tekken Garp: Hey, hey, hey!]

[Tekken Garp: Well, I have my name, hahaha, finally I can speak on the gold list.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Spray, Marine hero Garp, I really have you as a fellow.]

[Tekken Garp: Bastard Shiki, you guy even attacked Navy Headquarters while I wasn’t here, I must not spare you.]

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[Golden Lion Shiki: Hmph, I’m thousands of miles high in the sky. If you have the ability, you can step on the Moonwalk to come up. Speaking of it, you should still thank me, because I killed Moria, which made that guy’s ability temporarily invalid, and a lot of Marine’s shadows were liberated.]

After killing Moria, the Golden Lion took Moria’s terrifying Thriller Bark ship to a high altitude, and also captured Moria’s ship doctor cadres.

He naturally knows who Moria has taken away from him over the years. In addition to the pirates, he also includes some powerful Marines.

[Tekken Garp: These are two different things, Shiki, you were let me find you. Otherwise, I will definitely impel you again.]

[Brook: Yo ha ha ha, it really was the Golden Lion who defeated Moria. Thanks to this, my shadow is back.]

[Black Arm Zephyr: Anyway, Golden Lion, you have accumulated too many crimes. We will definitely catch you and execute you.]

[Marine A: Yes, Golden Lion is unforgivable.]

[Marine B: Agree]

[Marine N: Definitely catch the Golden Lion.]

[Straw hat Luffy: Wow, a lot of Marines, Marine has so many on the list.]

[Blackfoot Sanji: Of course, there are countless people fighting with fists and feet in Marine.]

[Tekken Garp: Bastard Luffy, you guy actually hit Marine. Where are you, I will come over and catch you myself now.]

[Straw hat Luffy: Hmph, I won’t tell you where we are.]

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[Sabo: Luffy is also on the list, hahaha, I really want to see you with my own eyes, Luffy.]

[Straw hat Luffy: It’s Sabo! Sabo, it’s great that you are not dead, I really want to see you.]

[Sabo: When you come to New World, you will naturally see me. I have already met Ace, because of Aunt Rouge’s resurrection, Ace is very happy now.]

[Straw hat Luffy: I see, I will definitely go to New World as soon as possible.]

[Tekken Garp: Bastard, I will never let you go, Luffy. And Sabo, since you kid is also on the list, you shouldn’t be a pirate too. In other words, since you haven’t died, why have you disappeared for so many years? Don’t you know how sad Luffy and Ace were at that time?]

[Sabo: I haven’t seen each other for many years, Mr. Garp. When I went to sea, because the ship was too close to the ship of Celestial Dragons, he was bombarded me with big cannons. After that, I lost my memory and knew that I only recovered recently.. But don’t worry, I am not a pirate.]

[Rayleigh: Hahaha, it’s really what Celestial Dragons will do.]

Rayleigh, who lives in Sabaody Archipelago, can be said to have seen Celestial Dragons often, and he was not surprised that they drove out and bombarded Sabo.

But Five Elders was very upset with Sabo saying this in public.

Although they all know the character of Celestial Dragons, it does not mean that they like someone to say such things in front of the world.

[Tekken Garp: Squirt, it’s the guys from Celestial Dragons who did it. Having said that, since you are not a pirate, why will you fight Future Issho in the future.]

[Sabo: Well, I am not very clear about this, maybe because I am a Revolutionary army, hahaha.]

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“Sabo, how can you say it in public.” Koala looked at Sabo dissatisfied.

“It’s okay, Koala.” Sabo waved his hand. “Those guys in the world government, because of the future battle between me and Issho, have been eyeing me a long time ago, and it will be a matter of time before I know who I am. What’s more, our Revolution Actions are becoming more frequent, isn’t it?

Hearing what Sabo said, Koala couldn’t refute for a while, but still glared at Sabo.

[Tekken Garp: What, you guy became a Revolutionary army?!]

Thinking of the three kids he had taught, two became pirates, and the last one was alive, but he also embarked on the path of banditry, Garp felt that his head was about to explode.

[Sabo: Well, when I lost my memory, I was rescued by the leader, and there was no way I could become a Revolutionary army.]

[Kaido: Hmph, I’m not interested in the ass of you guys, don’t swipe the screen on it, Laozi is still waiting for the official release of the martial arts list.]

[Tekken Garp: Bastard Kaido, there is no place for you to speak!]

Navy Headquarters, Sengoku looked at Garp and Kaido who were arguing, and sighed deeply.

“I knew that after Garp was able to speak, this would definitely happen.”

Just when Sengoku wanted to speak to stop Garp, the first place in the [Martial Skills List] appeared.

–[Martial Skills List], 100th, plastic kick; the player on the list is Sanji with black feet.

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