One Piece Gold List

Chapter 195

Chapter 195: Im and Shiratori Saint Cloth

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Although Li Fan mentioned interrogative sentences, he has basically determined that the World government wants Edward Weibull to become the new Shichibukai.

After all, Crocodile and Doflamingo in the original Shichibukai were defeated by Vivi and Rebecca respectively.

And Gekko Moria was directly made into a doll by Golden Lion.

Shichibukai now has three position empty. In order to maintain the balance of the sea, the world government will definitely be anxious to find suitable candidates to become the new Shichibukai.

And Edward Weibull, the strength is enough qualification.

In addition to its convenient control, only need to give enough money to Edward Weibull’s mother, Miss Bajin, to basically allow him to do things for the World government.

Such existence is the ideal Shichibukai of the World government.

Compared to Zephyr, who is old and whose strength has declined severely, and can no longer deter the sea, Edward Weibull is indeed much more useful.

[Golden Lion Shiki: If this is really the case, then it is really an interesting thing, hahahaha.]

[Black Arm Zephyr: My business, will it still attract the attention of Juggernaut Li Fan? This is really an honor for me. Your Excellency Li Fan put Impel down into his own hands, do you intend to use your own power to catch the pirates?]

[Juggernaut Li Fan: I am not interested in capturing pirates, but someone wants to bring back the prisoners who are about to escape, so I took her as a disciple. The price is exactly this Impel down.]

[Black Arm Zephyr: In other words, you are not going to take the initiative to catch the pirates. However, if someone sends a pirate to you for detention, do you allow Impel down to be detained?]

[Juggernaut Li Fan: Impel down is managed by my disciple. If she is willing to take it into custody, there is no problem.]

[Black Arm Zephyr: Yes, if I can go out in the future, I hope I can send the captured pirates to you. After all, the impel down you guard seems to be much stronger.]

At this moment, in the sea not far from Navy Headquarters, on a warship.

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“Mr. Shuzo, do we really not return to Naval Headquarters, but change our direction to Impel down?”

Zephyr’s disciple, Binz asked the muscular man in front of him.

“Yeah!” Shuzo nodded seriously, “Like you, I also want to find Marine and take Zephyr Instructor away.”

“But looking at the current situation, the World government will not allow Zephyr to leave.”

“If we go this way, maybe our condition will be the same as Zephyr Instructor, and caught in Navy Headquarters.”

Hearing this, Binz frowned and said, “However, Impel down is now occupied by Li Fan. Will we cause misunderstandings in the past?”

“Just now, Li Fan deliberately used [Projection Card] to warn Marine not to approach the Impel down waters.”

At this time, another student of Zephyr, Ain, the Retrograde Fruit Ability, came over and said in a cold voice:

“Since Zephyr doesn’t want to continue to serve as Marine, then I don’t need to be this Marine either.”

“As long as it is not Marine, you can enter the Impel down sea area.”

“Just now, Teacher Zephyr specifically mentioned Li Fan’s Impel down. I don’t think it was a casual mention.”

“Perhaps Teacher Zephyr really thinks it is possible to cooperate with Li Fan.

Shuzo looked at Ain and nodded appreciatively:

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“Yes, I think so too.”

“And if you find Li Fan, it may be possible for him to help get the Zephyr Instructor out of Marine’s hands.”

“I have received a lot of favor from Zephyr Instructor, and I don’t want to see him being so wronged here at Marine.”

“If you are sure that you are not the Marine, then go to Impel down with me.”

Hearing Shuzo’s words, Ain and Binz nodded without hesitation.

Soon, the decision of Shuzo and Ain was communicated to all seamen on the warship.

Like Ain and Binz, all marines agreed with Shuzo’s approach.

After all, unlike other Marines, they are all seamen who have been following Zephyr, and they are more willing to side with Zephyr than Navy Headquarters.

At the same time, Navy Headquarters.

“Enough, Zephyr, stop here.” Sengoku said with a complex expression.

Sengoku was both angry and sad when he saw that his good colleagues suddenly had such a big opinion on Marine.

“What about Shichibukai, can’t you really let go, Zephyr?” Sengoku asked. “Even if I told Five Elders to give up letting that guy become Shichibukai?”

“Can you do it, Sengoku?” Zephyr gave Sengoku a look. “Will Five Elders agree?”

“I have to admit that before, I may not be able to do it, but now, it may not be anymore.” Sengoku glanced at the gold list, “Because of what you said just now, many people have learned about this, and even that Issho started to suspect Marine’s justice.”

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“In addition to Issho, many people who plan to join Marine may also change their minds.”

“Allowing an Edward Weibull to join Shichibukai will result in a sharp decline in the number of people willing to become Marine. Even Five Elders do not want to see it.”

Hearing this, Zephyr couldn’t help frowning.

He knows that what Sengoku said is true, and now things are like this, the possibility of Edward Weibull becoming Shichibukai will indeed become smaller…

But even if Edward Weibull could not become Shichibukai, Zephyr himself don’t want to be Marine anymore.

Finally, Zephyr sighed and looked up at the gold list without saying a word.

On the side, seeing that Zephyr did not continue to leave a message, Sengoku breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, the battle between the young Akainu and Im on the gold list has also ended.

[Golden Lion Shiki: This Im is quite strong. Although Akainu was not Marine Admiral before, his strength is not as strong as he is now, but it is already very good. Being able to defeat Akainu at that time so quickly, the true combat power of this Im has reached Admiral’s level.]

[Red-hair Shanks: Seeing her easy-going posture, maybe she still has her hands.]

[Rayleigh: There are so many hidden powerhouses in the world.]

“Who is this woman?” Akainu frowned.

He knows his own situation and can defeat Marine Vice Admiral in a few minutes. I am afraid that only Sengoku and Garp can do it.

And now, Im did the same thing, which can only show that her strength may not be inferior to a strong like Garp.

–Congratulations to Im for completing the first stage of the challenge and randomly obtaining the bronze saint clothing [Shiratori saint clothing].

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–Excuse me if you want to proceed to the next stage of the challenge.

Im put his hand on the white bird-constellation saint cloth in front of her, and a cold feeling spread through her body through his hands.

However, although the saint clothing was cold, it didn’t make Im feel any discomfort.

On the contrary, the faint connection with the saint clothes made Im feel a little cordial to the saint clothes.

With Im’s thoughts, the Shiratori Saint Cloth suddenly split, and finally covered Im’s body.

Immediately, Im felt a wonderful power flowing on the Saint robe.

“Is this the power of the small universe?”

“It turns out to be so powerful!”

After closing his eyes and perceiving carefully, Im was surprised to find that the power of the small universe flowing on the saint’s clothing was much purer than Haki.

This can only show that compared to the small universe, Haki can only be regarded as a lower-level force.

Facing Gold List’s question, Im did not immediately make a decision. She sat directly on the ground and chose to feel the white bird sacred garment on her body.

At the moment when she put on the saint clothing, she not only felt the power of the small universe, but also a strange feeling filled her heart.

It seems that as long as she makes a certain action, she can strike a certain powerful stunt.

‘Before the second duel, try to master this power.’

Im thought in her heart.

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