One Piece Gold List

Chapter 209

Chapter 209 In a way, you are silly and cute

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Accompanied by a series of exclamations, the people onlookers knelt down on both sides of the street, and did not even dare to raise their heads, for fear of being deemed disrespectful by Celestial Dragons.

“Celestial Dragons? This is interesting.” Rayleigh, who was sitting on the roof, couldn’t help but curl up.

[Sabo: Celestial Dragons? They will appear at this time.]

[Charlotte Smoothie: With the character of Celestial Dragons, it shouldn’t irritate Li Fan.]

[Vista: It shouldn’t be, even Celestial Dragons, no matter how stupid they are, they dare not disrespect Li Fan. Before, Li Fan killed Five Elders in front of the whole world.]

[Golden Lion Shiki: Jiehaha, I always find things interesting.]

Im, who was recuperating in the Mary Geoise Central Garden, frowned and looked at Gold List.

There, a Celestial Dragons was walking on the street where Kuma and Li Fan were.

Behind them, followed by a group of slaves controlled by chains.

If it was normal, Im would not feel anything wrong with seeing such a situation.

But at this moment, in the presence of Li Fan, the appearance of Celestial Dragons made Im feel a little in seconds.

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Soon, this frustration turned into reality.

When Celestial Dragons came close to Li Fan and Kuma, he saw Li Fan and Kuma who were still standing and not kneeling, his expression immediately became extremely surprised.

After a few seconds of silence, the nasal Celestial Dragons standing in the front raised the gun in his hand and fired directly at Li Fan.


After the gunshot, Li Fan didn’t fall down, but watched the Celestial Dragons shooting with interest.

“Why didn’t you fall down!” Celestial Dragon said blankly.

Li Fan smiled, his figure flashed and suddenly appeared in front of Celestial Dragons.

At a speed that Celestial Dragons and the bodyguards behind him couldn’t see clearly, he took the gun in his hand and used it against the glass cover that Celestial Dragons clasped on his head.

“What are you going to do?!” Although being pointed by a gun, the Celestial Dragons in front of him was not afraid of anything. Instead, he screamed at Li Fan, “I’m Celestial Dragons, don’t you want to live anymore?”

“Come here, get him up for me, I will keep him in the dark, and torturing him to death!”

Hearing Celestial Dragons’ words, Li Fan smiled even more.

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“What are you doing, don’t you arrest this person for me.” A few seconds later, seeing the bodyguard did not act, Celestial Dragons turned his head unhappy.

“Huh? What’s the matter with you, why do you have so much sweat on your face?”

“If you don’t act, aren’t you afraid that I will imprison you in the dungeon too?”

At this time, the butler of Celestial Dragons took a step forward, and he said to Celestial Dragons in horror:

“Charlotte Saint, that man is Li Fan!”

“Who is Li Fan?” Charlotte Rose frowned, “I don’t care who he is, you can grab him for me, do you hear it?!”

However, even if Charlotte Rose rebuked him, his bodyguard did not take any action.

Charlotte Rose was angry, and raised his hand to point his gun at his butler.

However, after digging it out, he remembered that his gun had been taken by Li Fan.

“Give me the gun!” Charlotte Rose turned around, looking at Li Fan with an angry expression.

“Celestial Dragon, it’s really interesting.” Li Fan’s mouth curled up, “Since you want it so much, I’ll give it to you.”

As he said, Li Fan pressed down with his right hand and pointed the pistol at the right leg of Saint Charlotte.

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After a shot, Saint Charlotte Rose fell to the ground crying.

“Legs, my legs!”

“It’s so painful, it’s so painful, I’m going to kill you.”

“And you bodyguards, I will kill all of you.”

“And you civilians, dare not to help me, everyone is going to die, all of them must die!”

Saint Charlotte Rose hugged his legs on the ground, and from time to time he burst out a swear word to the people around him…

“It’s noisy.” Li Fan shook his head, moved his muzzle up, and aimed at Celestial Dragons’ head.

Seeing this scene, Saint Charlotte Rose suddenly widened his eyes.

After being shot and wounded on his right leg by Li Fan, Charlotte Rose has fully realized that Li Fan really has the guts to shoot him.

However, before he had time to say something, Li Fan’s second bullet had already come out of the muzzle.

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Accompanied by the cracking sound of the glass cover helmet, a hole was permanently left in Saint Charlotte’s forehead.

“In a way, your Celestial Dragons are also silly and cute.”

Shaking his head, Li Fan casually raised his foot and kicked Celestial Dragon down the corner of the street, as if the Celestial Dragon he had killed were rubbish.

Throwing aside the gun that was disarmed from Celestial Dragon, Li Fan stepped towards the slaves following Celestial Dragon.

At this moment, no one dared to stop Li Fan. As for the bodyguards, after Celestial Dragon was shot, they were already limp on the ground.

It’s not that they don’t want to save Celestial Dragon, it’s that Li Fan in front of them is too scary.

At the moment they showed their intention to rescue Celestial Dragon, a terrifying suffocation had already enveloped them.

As long as they acted, something terrible would happen to them.

Li Fan ignored the kneeling bodyguards. The Celestial Dragon they protected were killed by himself. After these bodyguards returned, they would definitely pay the corresponding price.

It is very likely that he need to use their lives to offset it. Li Fan does not need to communicate with these people who have been doomed.

In Li Fan’s view, they, who helped Celestial Dragon do their best, died together with Celestial Dragon, which is exactly what they should have ended up with.

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