One Piece Gold List

Chapter 219

Chapter 219 Stand-in [Crazy Diamond] Meet Eight Inner Gates

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Kaido, who was hit by Yamato’s “Night Guy”, twisted his body into a straight line and flew backwards behind him at an extremely fast speed.

The powerful force even opened a big hole in Kaido’s abdomen.

If it weren’t for Kaido’s huge body, people have no doubt that this blow might even kick Kaido’s body directly into two parts.

After flying tens of meters, Kaido smashed a big hole in the ground.

Yamato, who hit the shot just now, stood still, shaking all over because of the side effects of using “Night Guy”.

Obviously, the blow she hit just now made her very uncomfortable.

“Captain Kaido!” At this time, the ship doctor with Beasts Pirates wanted to take care of Kaido.

But before he ran a few steps, a huge sword energy suddenly fell in the sky.

“Stop there! Those who cross the boundary will die!” Nami fell from the sky, looking at the pirates in front of him with a cold expression.

Yamato’s physical discomfort was naturally felt by Nami, who was sensitive.

At this time, even if Li Fan didn’t say anything, she wouldn’t let the members of Beasts Pirates cross the border to their battlefield.

The pirates headed by King looked at Nami, and then at Li Fan, who was smiling at them in the distance.

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In the end, they were not able to cross the boundaries drawn by Nami.

[Redhair Shanks: It’s a terrifying blow. I don’t know if I can stop it.]

[Whitebeard Newgate: A single round of attack, this move is stronger than my ability to shake fruits.]

[Tekken Garp: Don’t talk about your shaking fruit, I don’t know how much stronger this kick is than my iron fist. If that kick hit Kaido’s head just now, he would be dead.]

[Sengoku: It was actually able to hurt Kaido.]

As people like Sengoku, Garp and Whitebeard who have played against Kaido, they know how abnormal Kaido’s body is.

It was because of the strength of Kaido’s body that even if they caught Kaido, they couldn’t kill him. In the end, they could only watch him be rescued by the crew of Beasts Pirates.

Yamato’s performance once again let them know the horror of [Eight Inner Gates].

“Cough, cough!” Nearly half a minute later, Kaido opened his eyes suddenly and sat up with difficulty, holding the hollow of his abdomen.

Looking at the condition of his body, and then at the condition of Yamato, Kaido’s brows wrinkled tightly.

“You can still stand up.” Yamato took a deep breath and saw Kaido’s faintly healed wound. She said to Kaido, “If I knew it, I would have kicked it in your head.”

Hearing that, Kaido was a little silent.

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“Yamato, you didn’t kick me in the head on purpose.” Kaido asked, “With your attack just now, you could have killed me.”

“Huh, it just happened to be attracted by your weapon.” Yamato squeezed her fist. “The next blow, you won’t be so lucky next time.”

With that, Yamato assumed a posture of attacking.

“No need to fight. I lost this duel.” Kaido shook his head. “In a short time, I don’t have the ability to resist you.”

“You should withdraw from the Eight Inner Gates posture first. Don’t die before me.”

“Yamato, you have grown to be stronger than my useless father.”

“If you can, I really want you to inherit my pirate group.”

Kaido’s tone made Yamato tilt her head. In her impression, it seemed that Kaido had never had such words that seemed to care about her.

– Ding! Kaido concedes defeat to Yamato and judges that Yamato has completed the gymnasium mission. Congratulations to Host for obtaining the freedom of action on Ghost Island. Congratulations to Host for the new gymnasium.

–The new gymnasium has been randomly distributed to a certain location in the world, please host to explore it by yourself.

‘Can you only act on the island of ghosts?’ Hearing the system’s prompt, Li Fan frowned. ‘Could it be that, in order to gain the authority to move in Wano, in addition to defeating Kaido, he also needs to solve the Kurozumi Orochi?’

After thinking about it, Li Fan thought it was very possible.

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Although Kaido is standing behind Wano’s initiative, at least on the surface, Wano’s king is Kurozumi Orochi.

The best way is to bring down the Kurozumi Orochi within Wano’s actionable range, to deter Wano citizens with force, or to become the pillar of Wano citizens’ hearts.

Thinking of this, Li Fan sighed and stood up from his position.

The next moment, his figure appeared next to Yamato out of thin air.

“That’s it, Yamato, you can exit the Eight Gate state.” Li Fan patted Yamato on the shoulder and said.

“Oh” Originally, Yamato didn’t plan to continue fighting. Hearing Li Fan’s words, since Li Fan spoke, she also submissively chose to stop.

After exiting from the Eight Gate state, a sense of powerlessness instantly spread across Yamato’s body, and the whole person fell uncontrollably toward Li Fan.

“I said, you are okay.” Li Fan raised a hand to support Yamato, and asked gently.

“It’s okay, but the body seems to be unable to use any strength!” Yamato said with difficulty, and even Devil Fruit’s form could not be maintained.

“Remember this feeling.” Li Fan said, “Although Eight Inner Gates is very powerful, once you use it, you will have such side effects. Now you should not only be able to test the strength of the whole body.”

“Looking at your appearance, the pain all over your body is definitely indispensable.”

“If you hit “Night Guy” again just now, you might die on the spot.”

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At this time, Nami also walked back from the side.

Hearing Li Fan’s words, Nami’s eyes widened immediately.

“Is this so serious?”

“Then Yamato, don’t use the Eight Gate in the future, you should be able to fight with the Seventh Gate.”

“By the way, Teacher Li Fan, you can teach Yamato some other martial arts.”

Nami said worriedly.

“Don’t worry, Eight Inner Gates is not such a terrifying power.” Li Fan smiled, “Yamato will become stronger in the future. Even if only the Seventh Gate is opened, the power may be the same as the current Eight Gate.”

“Moreover, with me by my side, even if the Eight Gate is open, Yamato won’t die as long as there is a breath.”

When the words fell, in the eyes of everyone watching the gold list, Li Fan’s stand-in [Crazy Diamond] appeared.

[Crazy Diamond] Put your hand on Yamato’s shoulder, and an invisible golden light quickly enveloped Yamato’s body.
“Huh? This feeling is that my body is recovering?!”

Feeling the warm feeling in the body, Yamato’s tone revealed a strong surprise.

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