Chapter 4 Nami is a swordsman

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“Why are you looking at me like that?” Kizaru looked at Sengoku and others around him. “Although I am better at Devil Fruit, it does not mean that I am not good at swordsmanship.”

As if to prove himself, Kizaru put his hands together and used the power of Sparkling fruit to draw out a golden long sword.

“Ama no Murakumo, can it be said that Gold List treats this kind of trick developed by using Devil Fruit’s power as a sword trick.”

Gion touched his chin and whispered.

“It looks like this.” Tsuru nodded, “Otherwise, Borsalino won’t be on the list.”

“When he used the Sky Cong Yun Sword, he looked a bit like a swordsman.”

“That’s fine, I hope you can get rewards to increase your strength later.”

Kizaru curled his lips and looked at the gold list in the sky.

“If this is the case, then that’s good.”

[Redhair Shanks: Haha, it seems that we all underestimated Marine Admiral Kizaru, he seems to have some tricks.]

[Aunt Charlotte Linlin: Even if it is on the list, it is definitely only the tail of the Tsuru.]

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[Issho: Please be quiet, everyone, the list seems to be released.]

[Aunt Charlotte Linlin: What kind of thing do you dare to order us?]

Somewhere on an island, a man dressed in purple and blinded in both eyes opened his eyes slightly.

If Li Fan is standing in the present, he will definitely recognize him as the Fujitora who will become Marine Admiral in two years and smile.

‘It’s a peculiar thing. My eyes are blind, but I can see the things on the gold list.’

For Charlotte Linlin’s words, Issho did not care, but instead focused on the changing list.

On the list, one swordsmanship was listed one after another.

Those on the list are extremely happy to speak on the list and look forward to the rewards mentioned by the gold list.

Slowly, the [Swordsmanship List] came to the 50th place.

——[Swordsmanship Ranking], the fiftyth place, [Thunder Breath·One Type Thunderbolt], users, Li Fan, Nami.

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——Using the breath of thunder, pour power into one foot, and then explode, like thunder tearing the air, after approaching the opponent at high speed, it will carry out a fast assault sword cut at a speed that ordinary people can’t see clearly. The head can be cut off with a single blow.

Then, on the gold list, Nami appeared.

In the picture, Nami squatted slightly, grasping the scabbard with his left hand, and holding the handle of the knife with his right hand, in a posture of drawing a sword, his body was like a tight slingshot.

“Huh….” Nami exhaled a white breath, “Thunder’s Breath·One type of thunderbolt flashes!”

As soon as the voice fell, Nami suddenly opened his eyes, and people saw that Nami suddenly flashed with golden lightning.

The next moment, Nami’s figure suddenly disappeared.

When her figure appeared again, in front of Nami, a man with chaotic eyes and a weird face suddenly dropped his head.

The screen freezes, and Zoro, Luffy, Usopp and others cast their eyes on Nami who is standing not far away.

All of them opened their mouths wide.

“No… no no no no, no, Nami, are you so strong?” Usopp stepped back and rubbed his eyes vigorously, as if he was about to get to know Nami again.

“You guy, have you been pretending to be weak all the time?” Zoro yelled at Nami, “Yes, is your sword in your hand? Damn it, I’m going to fight you, Nami!”

“What, bastard Chlorophyllum, you are going to duel with a beautiful lady!?” Sanji stood up, “Are you still a man? Also, Miss Nami’s ranking is a full 50 higher than you. What are you going to do with Miss Nami, take the head?”

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Zoro: “You guy, call me Chlorophyta again, bastard, I’m going to hack you.”

Sanji: “Come on!”

“Noisy guys.” Looking at Zoro and Sanji, Nami shook his head, and there was a slight worry in his eyes.

‘I don’t know if the Arlong Pirates can see this.’

Originally, Nami wanted to take Luffy’s boat to Cocoyashi Village, and relying on his identity in the Arlong Pirate Group, quietly killed Arlong and others.

Now that I see this situation, I am slowly becoming a little unsure about the success of such a plan.

“Hey, Nami, you are so amazing.”

“By the way, who is Li Fan who made the list with you?”

Luffy asked curiously.

“He… is my teacher.”

Thinking of Li Fan, Nami’s mouth couldn’t help but draw a nice smile.

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However, when he saw the ghost whose head was cut off by himself on the screen, Nami couldn’t help feeling a little bit of complaint in his heart.

‘Really, just exercise.’

‘Why throw me into those secret realms.’

‘I really don’t know where this guy found those places. There are ghosts that can only hang out at night and can only be killed with Nichirin Blades.’

‘Furthermore, why is it just opening a door in the gymnasium, and walking in, it comes to those secret realms.’

‘After dragging the blessings of these secret realms, I have been dead for many times.’

“Although this has also improved my strength very quickly…”

“Wow, look, Nami, you are on the list again, 49th place! However, this trick is a bit similar to the name of swordsmanship just now.” Luffy shouted.

Hearing that, Nami raised his head and looked into the air. On the gold list, a brand new ranking has appeared.

——[Swordsmanship Ranking], 49th place, [Thunder Breath·One Type Thunderbolt·Six Lian], users, Li Fan, Nami.

——An enhanced version of Thunderbolt, which uses the surrounding terrain to change the direction of the rush many times. It is an extended move to make up for the shortcomings of Thunderbolt that once it is seen through the nature and track of the skill, it will almost become weak. When the move is made, it will be accompanied by thunder.

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