One Piece Gold List

Chapter 45

Chapter 45 Gymnasium resources can only be used by formal disciples

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“Mr. Li Fan, Nojiko is okay.”

Looking at Nojiko who was lying on the hospital bed with a painful expression on his face, Nami asked worriedly.

“Relax, it’s just that she didn’t have the strength to control the fruit, so hurt herself.”

“But, this is a lesson.”

While talking, Li Fan raised his right hand and placed it in front of Nojiko.

On the palm of the hand, the emerald radiance condenses, releasing a gentle force to nourish Nojiko’s body.

Healing Jutsu, a healing technique used by medical ninjas in Naruto World.

Being healed by Healing Jutsu, both trauma and internal injuries can rely on the operator’s Chakra to achieve an amazing recovery speed.

With Li Fan’s level of medical ninjutsu, as long as people still have a breath, Li Fan can pull people back from the world of the dead.

The premise is not to be too special.

Li Fan’s Chakra flowed into Nojiko’s body, and her internal organs that had been shaken by using the power of shaking the fruit quickly recovered.

After a while, Nojiko opened his eyes.

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“It looks like I’m causing you trouble for Teacher Li Fan.”

Chapter 45 Gymnasium resources can only be used by formal disciples

“Ms. Li Fan, Nojiko is okay.”

Looking at Nojiko who was lying on the hospital bed with a painful expression on his face, Nami asked worriedly.

“Relax, it’s just that I didn’t have the strength to control the fruit, and it hurt myself.”

“But, this is a lesson.”

While talking, Li Fan raised his right hand and placed it in front of Nojiko.

On the palm of the hand, the emerald radiance condenses, releasing a gentle force to nourish Nojiko’s body.

Healing Jutsu, a healing technique used by medical ninjas in Naruto World.

Being healed by Healing Jutsu, both trauma and internal injuries can rely on the operator’s Chakra to achieve an amazing recovery speed.

With Li Fan’s level of medical ninjutsu, as long as people still have a breath, Li Fan can pull people back from the world of the dead.

The premise is not to be too special.

Li Fan’s Chakra flowed into Nojiko’s body, and her internal organs that had been shaken by using the power of shaking the fruit quickly recovered.

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After a while, Nojiko opened his eyes.

“It looks like I’m causing you trouble for Teacher Li Fan.”

Nojiko smiled apologetically.

“It’s not a big deal.” Withdrawing his hand, Li Fan casually pulled a chair and sat on the edge of Nojiko’s bed. “Take this as a lesson, and don’t do it again next time.”

“The power of Shock Fruit is too strong, there is no strong physique, it uses more power than your body can withstand, and cannot precisely control Shock Fruit. These three points are the reasons for your injury.”

“But it’s better to get a little bit of injury now, it’s better than bleeding when you really face the battle in the future.”

“Who told you to ran out without listening to my precautions before.”

Hearing Li Fan’s words, Nojiko was even more embarrassed.

Li Fan did want to talk to her about Devil Fruit before, but she was busy going to Nami, so she didn’t have time to listen.

“By the way, what about those Marines just now, what’s their situation now?”

Nojiko struggled to get up, looked at Li Fan and asked.

“You should lie down first.” Li Fan stretched out his hand and pressed Nojiko back. “Although I cured your injury, your physical strength was really exhausted. If you don’t sleep on the bed for a while, I am afraid that you will not be able to recover.”

“As for Marine, except for one who was still hanging, you killed all the others.”

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“Um… …maybe within a few days, you will be able to see Nojiko’s wanted reward order, haha.”

“Ah, really, isn’t that bad?” Nami covered her face with her hands, with a panic on her face, “Could it be that Nojiko can only leave the village and hide from Marine on the sea?”

“Mr. Li Fan, why don’t you think of a way to help Nojiko.”

Nami hugged Li Fan’s arm and pleaded.

“Just become stronger, isn’t it?” Li Fan shrugged, “Shock Fruit is very powerful, and it’s not afraid of sea water.”

“If Nojiko cultivates well, maybe she will become the second Whitebeard.”

Thinking of the possible future scenes in which Nojiko and Whitebeard might meet, Li Fan felt a burst of fun.

“Yeah, it’s better to become stronger.” Nami clapped his hands, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face. “With Teacher Li Fan in, plus those secret realms, Nojiko will definitely become stronger quickly.”

Although those secret realms have caused Nami to suffer enough, at this time, considering its ability to quickly increase Nojiko’s high strength, Nami seemed a little moved.

“Unfortunately, Nojiko can’t use the Secret Realm.”

Li Fan shook his head and said that only his official disciple can use the resources in the gymnasium.

“Mr. Li Fan… don’t be so stingy, Nojiko is my sister, can’t she be accommodating?”

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Nami said.

“Even if you act like a baby to me, there is no way.” Li Fan shook his head. “Unless Nojiko finds the gymnasium I set up elsewhere in the sea, otherwise I can’t accept him as an official disciple. This is the rule.”

“But, although I can’t play Nojiko as a disciple now, I can still do it with a little guidance on Nojiko.”

As he said, Li Fan took out a bag containing 50 Pills from the Gold List and put it on Nojiko’s body.

“I’ve seen this physical training pill, and it has some effects. You can take this exercise in the future.”

“Thank you, Li Fan… Teacher.” Nuoqi smiled slightly and nodded gratefully.

“By the way, I also have my physical training pills for you.” Nami put the physical training pills she got from the gold list to Nojiko’s side.

Nojiko nodded to Nami, but did not refuse.

Nami is taught by Li Fan himself, and Nojiko believes that Nami can steadily become stronger.

On the contrary, in order to be able to help Nami in the future, I need these gadgets more.

“You have a good rest first, Nojiko.” Li Fan stood up and put his hand on Nami’s shoulder. “Next, with me, you don’t have to worry that Marine will find you.”

“As for you, Nami, the rest time is over, now it’s time to train you.”

“Huh! No, I want to rest for a while!!” As soon as he heard the exercise, Nami’s flustered voice came directly far away from the gym, Nojiko smiled apologetically.

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