Chapter 112

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At night all the Girls are discussing something important....

Hancok :" So what is going to be tonight... "

Rias :" What are we gathered here for actually...? " some of them were puzzled...

Ravel :" Since we two are already pregnant, some of other are possiblely want to have few babies themselves... "

Anko :" Yeah i want to have it right now, i have already thought of the play we are going to have next ... "

Akeno :" Oh a play, i am interested in it too... "

Chaos :" Me too, i am also have several ideas... "

They found each other have lots of common among themselves. They started sharing their ideas...

Others looked at them weirdly...

Violet :" Actually why did you invited me... I am not going to be his wife or anything " she raised a question with red face.

All :" Tsundere... "

Violet :" I am not... "

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Tsunade :" Its futile Violet, you can't escape from his hand... " she looked at her with pity

Ravel :" Says the person who lost to me... Oh.. ho ho ho.. " she mocked her

Tsunade :" What did you say bitch, i am going to have his kids next.. mark my word... " she angrily growled.

Karin :" Tsunade-sama i will help you, since it will be your first time... "

Tsunade :" I don't need anyone' s help i can do it on myself... "

Ravel :" Virgin grandma.... "

Tsunade :" Grrr... if you were not pregnant... "

Hancok :" All right enough fighting... those who still hasn't decided raise your hand... "

Sandersonia, Artoria were the first one to raise their hand. Violet, Anjali and Asterea also slowly raised her hand. Shiro suddenly appeared...

Shiro :" You all do what you want but remember who has eaten devil fruits should get pregnant in some other world. "

Marie :" I have eaten one... So do I will finally have a chance to go to other world....I can't wait... " she is more happy about visiting other world...

Hancok :" Why is that? "

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Shiro :" I think i should tell you now, actually I wasn't sure that it was possible but I can feel it your baby is special one. I told jazz to use the Mero Mero transformation when he had sex with you everytime. And the result is that your baby now carried the power of Mero mero Devil fruits inherited from you and Jazz, which was impossible in this world.... "

Hancock was shocked, not only her everyone was. That means the power of Devil fruits can be transferred now, this is really breaking the world law.

Ravel :" Then what about me... "

Shiro :" You are also a unique case. When both of you were having sex i set the Omnitrix in his Phoenix Transformation. Now i want to see what kind of kid you will give birth to... there might be some side effects so be careful..."

Ravel :" No i don't want anything happen to my child... " she covers her belly

Shiro :" Don't worry i am here, i will take care of everything... " she reassure her...

Shiro :" And also I advise not all of you get pregnant at the same time, we will be short on people when something happened..."

Sona :" Hmm actually I don't want to get pregnant now, i just want to take things on a normal pace..."

Rias :" Yeah she is right, at i want to graduate from the school before start thinking about kids... "

Xenovia :" But i want to know where is Gabriel... "


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When girls were discussing who will spend the night with jazz... he was busy stargazing with Gabriel.

Gabriel :" Its unbelievable that another world exist, but it also devoid of God. " her mood became down...

Jazz :" Hey Gabriel how were angels born... " he decided to change topic

Gabriel :" Hmm i am not sure may be from an Egg..."

Jazz :" Egg? You are joking right. You are not a bird silly... " he laughed

Gabriel :" No.... i am telling you, i vaguely remember that I was inside a egg. It was bright and warm and I loved it, i was little and suddenly i felt someone calling and I left the egg and that was the first time i meet father. " a smile bloomed jazz felt his heart beating fast looking at her...

Jazz:" You said father its God of Bible right, what kind of person he was...."

Gabriel:" He was the nicest person he taught me everything, i was a little kid that time.."

Jazz:" I would have love to see you in childhood, you must have looked more cuter than today....." she felt embarrassed

Gabriel:" when we were kids Michael was the big brother,but i hate Azazel he would always tease all of us specially me, Raphael was....." she keeps on talking about her family that is ,all the Angels who were born in the same era of her... Jazz who was looking at her beautiful eyes suddenly she said something that perked his interest...

" Samuel was the crybaby mother would always protect him and scold Azazel repeatably , she loved all of us but Samuel was more attached to her..."

Jazz:" Wait....did you just say mother."

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She for a moment was stunned, then she started to panic....

Gabriel:" I... never... say.. that... i ...was....saying..." she sucked at lying

Jazz:" come i never heard that God of Bible had a wife...tell me more about her..."

Gabriel:" I think...i would go to bed...." she was about to leave but jazz grabbed her hand pulled her toward him.

She accidentally sat on his lap...

Jazz:" Come on tell me, i promise i won't tell anyone...."

Gabriel:" No.." she struggled

Jazz:" You won't ? alright i have a solution for that... Tickle..tickle tickle...tickle" he started tickling her all her body area...

Gabriel:" Ha ha ha ha... stop it.. h ah haaa ha ha ha stop.... Annn" her melodious laughter echoed making him fell tingly sensation all over his body in his passion when he was tickling her belly he accidentally rubbed in the wrong area...

Jazz:" I am sorry..." he had some reservation against her because she is kind of Naive Strongest Angel, but he didn't remove his hand which accidentally touched her nipple....

There was shy expression on her face, almost all her body is red due to the embarrassment. Jazz thought should ' little bit won't hurt right'

He again slightly touched her right nipple, this time he was very much concentrated. He don't want to miss this feeling of heaven most beautiful breast.....But he miscalculated, it was more heavenly then he thought....

( Jazz:Huh what happen...why

Last thing he saw was angry and red face of Gabriel as she pointed her Golden cross wand at him which was glowing in holy light,her one hand was covering her breast but he was able to see a perky nipple over her cloths in his last moment....

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