Chapter 131

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A humongous snake, that is the thing is right in front of him. His whole body is covered with tough black metal like scales and his humongous size is over shadowing the sky like a cooling dragon...

The size of it mouth could clearly gobbled up a 10 Storey building...

Jazz saw its mouth is open wide trying to gobbled him whole. Its opened mouth seems like a tunnel for 4 lane highway...

But the putrid breadth coming from it smell exactly like death...

Jazz :" This going to be troublesome, and the lightning are definitely for me. It's like the whole world is against me... " When he was in vampire transformation he felt the air, the earth, the sky is against him...

Swallow, he was instantly swallowed by the humongous snake... A flash of light pierced the belly of the beast, it burned a hole allowing Jazz to came out using Light transformation...But its wound began to healed at visible rate...

Jazz :" Any other transformation won't do, it's like. He is covered by A veil. No one can see it, even i have to use violet transformation to perceived it. It's like he is being kept on the thin boundary of reality and illusion. " When


Suddenly Lightning fell from the sky, he was able to dodge it but it didn't stop there. Soon it became like a rain...

Jazz :" Damn... it forcing me to go all out... "

He started turning the dial of Omnitrix in a specific pattern...

" Required Item? "a robotic voice came from it.

Jazz :" Give me my My Bat "

Suddenly in front of him a sword appeared, that looks exactly like Excalliber. Jazz grabbed it and it transformed into a Bat with Gold and silver lining. It looked beautiful and exotic...

Jazz :" Its time to see if Gabriel did a proper repair or not, i hope you don't disappoint me... " His Bat vibrated in response. He suddenly felt all his abilities boosted, his body overflowing with energy...

Jazz :"Ha ha Nice Blessing is working fine, Now Come you overgrown snake. " He coated his Bat with Haki...

" HISSSS " The snake hissed at him, but he was sure he is trying to tell him something.

He instantly appeared on top of its head and Smashed it with full force...

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" Destruction"


" Hahhhhhh "

They separated and dashed at each other once again.

" BOOOOOOM " Blood splashes everywhere...

Jazz :" Damn this shit is tough, i am only making little bit injuries to it... and here he goes and healed himself again..."

Jazz :" This is going to be a long fight. " He started absorbing energy from his surrounding...


Illya returned to the Mansion...

She can feel it, shock waves even from this distances.

Rin :" Where is jazz?" Ground vibrated and things inside the Mansion started shaking and falling on the floor due to the shockwaves...

Altoria:" Its him i can feel it he is few miles away, but who is he fighting." she looked at illya

Illya:" I don't know, he just send me here while telling me to use this if necessary..." she shown a Queen piece...

They again felt the ground shaking, this is happening all over the Fuyuki City...

Xenovia:" I am going, are you guys coming..."

Illya:" Wait, i also felt that one more servant was summoned just a while back."

Rider:" One more servant? it is possible because me and Artoria are not dead. And from my understanding Grail needs 5-6 Servant souls to become active and appear in the present world..."

Artoria:" I understand, since we became devil. Our soul can not return to the resting place. So the Grail allowed two more servant to appear."

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Rin:" You mean Saber and someone new that appeared today, can it be one more Rider...." Rider interest perked up...

Xenovia:" We need to help jazz before going after this new servant..."


Emiya:" Saber what is going on..." Sakura is clinging to him in fear, his cousin is also worried about this unusual shock waves that had rocked the city...

Saber :" I need to go and check it out..." she was about to when...

" Booom "

Jazz unknowingly crashed near the Emiya residence, he don't know whose house he just destroyed but like he care...

Jazz:" You wait there i am making that annoying tail of your shushi next time..."

Jazz:" Sorry for the property damage but it also hard for me so... Chiao..." When he said that he saw lots of residence is watching him like he is a weirdo.

Saber watched jazz as he wiped his blood and started fighting something that she can't see.

Booooom Bang Flash Rumble

Shock waves and rumbling can be heard from all over the sky. Slowly they moved towards the sea area while fighting... But in its wake they left damaged building and whole city in wreck, fear took over the common people they look up at the sky which was filled with sharp rumbling of lightning...

Saber decide to see what is going on...

Emiya:" Saber don't go..." He held her hand...

Saber:" But there is something which can even harm that guy, i want to see just what is it..."

Emiya:" Are you worried about him..." He asked in unpleasant tone...

Saber:" What does that supposed to mean..." She then saw Artoria, Xenovia, Rider and others flying just above her following Jazz...

Emiya:" You know what kind of person he is, he tried to kill me."

Saber:" He did not, if he wanted then even i would it be able to save you..." she said the fact, only today is she witnessing his true power.

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Emiya:" Why are you taking his side again..." he said in angry tone.

Saber:" what is wrong with you, all i am going to do is check out what is going on. Everyone is already there. Why are you trying to prevent me, it could be something that we need to face in future is it that hard to understand..."

Emiya:" Fine go, you are already considering them to be your allies then just go..." She sighed at his response but she need to witness it... In a flash her getup changed and she ran toward the direction where the fighting is going on...

Emiya:" Why can't you understand Saber..." he looked at her disappearing figure...


Sea surface continues to rock creating strong waves and lightning continues to strike jazz continuously, charring his body...

Jazz:" Fuck Off..." He shouted at the Heaven but it made the lightning raining more intense...

" Grrrrrrrr Shaaaaa" He heard a growling and saw the Humongous snake strikes again...

" Transparency"

He became invisible, Snake missed another bite of him. It looked around trying to find it Jazz...

" Bang " It barely dodged jazz attack, it almost lost its left eye.

Jazz:" Damn it has some nice instinct and Transparency also is functioning well..." Using transparency does hide his presence well. He probably has high instinct to dodge his attack...

"Rapidly " " Nightmare"

His speed increased tremendously and 10s of afterimage started confusing the snake.

" Boom " " Booom"

He showed no mercy and started barraging him from every side, his long body with the combination Nightmare and Rapidly became a total torture for it...

But several lightning interrupted his fun...

Jazz has no permanent method to get rid of these lightnings. It always keeps on interfering with his fights...

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Jazz brushes off the burned mark. But also enjoy the fill up in his energy. His Angeloids wings absorbed whatever lightning thats came in close with him...

Jazz:" I will definitely kill this thing, and i just got an idea for that..." Its almost been 30 minutes he is been fighting this Hard scaled Snake...

Xenovia:" Jazz, where is the enemy..."

Jazz:" Ah damn, you fool get out of here..." he suddenly saw the snake getting violet with Xenovia.

It hisssed and opened its jaw teying to swallow Xenovia.

"MIMIC" " Destruction" Jazz shouted and suddenly the bat transformed into a long 100 meter sword which slashed at insane speed at the its Neck.

Jazz:" Hahh AAAAAA"


It cut the Skin instantly but the sword got struck in its thick neck bone. Blood spattered everywhere, He put more power into it but it didn't budge...

Jazz:" The hardness of His bone is like a Diamond... What are all of you are doing here..." he saw everyone gathered there. He sighed seeing the snake regenerating at fast rate...


When jazz was fighting...

" He he ha ha... so that's it. No wonder Grail allowed me to become a proper servant again. So my mission is to kill all these paradox beings. It even gave me a nice power up, no matter guess i will fight again. My King of Knight no Knights, be ready to be mine both of you. For i am Gilgamesh the King of all Heroes...ha ha ha "

Shinji looked at him with stars in his eyes, he would never thought that Kirie would have method to make a contract between him and another servant. He felt lucky that he came to him for shelter after losing his servant only to get a strong servant like Gilgamesh...

Shinji:" I will kill them but i will first humiliate that man, till he begs me to kill him..."

Kirie smiled seeing the foolish Shinji but his expression serious when he felt the tremor and shock waves.

(Kirie: Since Illya is in that man hand i need to find an alternative... )

Gilgamesh was given one more chance to fight for Grail war, he don't need to depend on supply magic energy from his Master to sustain. Grail is providing him all the energy he need, its nearly a endless supply...

Not only him all the servant has been given the endless supply of magic energy, their only task is to Kill the paradox beings...

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