Chapter 134

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[ I WAS RIGHT, YOU ARE NEED TO BE ERASED. ] Dhamna was surprised as how things turned out. he didn't care about Gilgamesh well being, So he didn't intervene but to his surprise Gilgamesh soul got trapped inside something. To play with someone soul is against Gaia's principles...

" Whoosh "

Like a raging wind, it leap at him...

Jazz :" Like you can kill, me LIGHT HAMMER. " A hammer same designed of thor's Materialised made purely of Light element , it size suddenly increased to the size of building.

Jazz :" Hahhhhhhhh "

" Boom "

He hammered Dhamna with full power, both of them were pushed back...


???:" Woooa oh.. lord.... what did I see , did you record it, after brutally killing a man who conjured numerous swords and weapons. This person is now fighting with this humongous Monster which can brought despair to anyone... "

" He is using don't know what kind of Hammer but it size is ridiculous... Whoa they are coming in this direction, you pilot dodge it... " he hurriedly said to the distracted pilot.


The helicopter was caught up in their fight... Its tail rudder got damaged being too close to the shock wave.

Pilot :" May day.... may day.... may day... we are going down..... "

???:" Viewers please pray for our safety ugh... " He and the cameraman were flung outside....

???:" Aaaaaaaaaaa... I.... dying... dying... you record my endeavour till the last moment... "

" I was paid less for this shit..." cameraman was still recording

When they were falling a portal opened and they disappeared Along with the crashing helicopter...

When they opened their eyes they were on the sea shore... Both of them looked at each other...The first thing reporter asked....

???:" Are we still live. " Cameraman had a bad feeling seeing the delight expression of the reporter.

" Yes... But i am quiting... " he gave the camera to the reporter and left.

???:" Right the pilot...? I hope he is okay... " He dragged the unconscious pilot out of the Wreckage... After few minutes Pilot slowly opened his eyes...

pilot :" Where am I? " He looked around and saw her was safe and was out of the Burning Helicopter. He sigh in relief...

Suddenly he heard some familiar sound. He saw a Helicopter landing near him... He then saw a smiling face of reporter...

???:" You awake, don't worry we have another ride. " The pilot didn't want to ask but he did...

pilot :" Do you plan to go again...? "

???:" Of course, other pilot only came to deliver the helicopter. You are coming with me to complete my dream and ready for Round 2" The pilot vomited some blood and fainted

???:" Huhh? " He wondered now what should he do.

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" SWIPE " a tail size of Bhuj Khalifa slammed a Huge shield size of 10 storey building made purely from light...


Jazz :" Damn this guys is tough... Spear of Light. "

A light spear formed in his hand, Jazz poured more light energy into it making it glow like a Sun....It shape he imagined as the True Longinus from Dxd.

He threw it like a Javelin, it tore the air apart and instantly reached Dhamna. The snake realised that this attack is dangerous even for him. It coiled it's body like a dome protecting the head ...

Time seems to stop and...


An explosion with the area of effect on par with Nuclear explosion covered the whole snake... The explosion can be seen even from the horizon...

Jazz :" I love being able to use my power unrestrained, in one piece world, i would not be capable of doing this. I wonder what reason is that the law restrains Devil Fruits abilities... "


On the beach Servants are facing Artoria, Xenovia and Rider.

Clang Bang Clang

Saber and Artoria glare at each other trying to push each other and gain advantage...

Saber :" You said i am not a challenge for you, then why are you struggling against me. Hahhhhhh " They once again separated... Suddenly the saw something glowing like a Sun on the Horizon and a large 50 m wave coming towards them.... because of the blessings of Water god she was able to ride the waves. But this wave destroyed everything on its way house, farms buildings people would have died if they didn't evacuated when the fight started ...

Artoria :"Damn it that fool..." she contacted him with Magic circle.

Jazz :" Artoria did you beat Saber, if you are calling for my wellbeing then you don't have to... I am.. "

Artoria :" Shut up and listen, don't fight on the sea it's creating Tsunami all over the world. Your recklessness will get someone killed... " she

Jazz :" Ah sorry... " a little downhearted reply came.

Artoria :" Sigh... how are you..." she said after hearing his down tone.. Jazz immediately felt really renergized

Jazz :" I knew you were worried about me, only few bruises. Right what about your fight, did you finish it... "

Artoria :" I will in few more minutes, i am trying to find something out... " she disconnected.


Back to Jazz...

Jazz flew up higher in the sky, upon reaching the cloud he released large amount of light element outside of his body like a mist . It slowly took form a Giant who is wearing A helmet, Arm guards, Body armour and leg Guards , The Excalliber transformed into a Huge Bat , he poured lots of light element in it making it glow ...

Jazz :" God of Giants "

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" This name is perfect... Is this how Riding a Susanoo felt.. " Dhamna with heavy burned skin and some deep injuries faced Jazz. He frowned seeing that Dhamna is is still fully capable of fighting even with these injuries ... he is really tough...


Jazz :" Not much grand but for now i am trying to find someone and conquer worlds... "


Dhamna was very shocked but Jazz was equally perplexed...

Jazz :" whatever, lets fight..". Dhamna was in deep thought and have some reservation after thinking if Jazz was someone from those of past...

Jazz swung his Gigantic Bat, like a meteor it crashed on Dhamna body.


A shockwave separated the clouds, Dhamna body was blasted backward...

" HISSSSS" it hissed at Jazz and fought back disregarding the possibility that Jazz could be one of those Ancestors.

His tail slammed on Jazz back throwing him into upper layer of clouds... He felt suddenly large amount of magical energy consumption..

Jazz :" Ahhh... Damn it.. I definitely can't let him hit me. .. I am barely managing the input ( Through Angeloid wings) and output of magical energy to maintain the God of Giants form. "

He started maneuvering and Dodging Dhamna attack...

Both of them strike at each other, God of Giants Avatar was not slow even though it size is like of a Giant. His 100 meter long and 10 meter wide bat created shock wave in its wake, air was pushed back creating storm.



it hissed in pain, this strike almost broke it's Bone. It swipe its tail Jazz hastily blocked with the Bat.

Jazz :" Son of a bitch.... " God of Giants Avatar was blasted back several miles only from this strike....

Jazz :" I can't forget about the weight behind his every attack, he is a monster of a ridiculous size afterall.... "

Jazz :" Here he comes... Oraaaaa " he swung the bat in a vertical chop. Dhamna used its tail to block it, it's movement was fast and he was again pushed back...

Jazz :" His tail area are definitely hard then, it's other body part. He is not giving me any chance to get close to his head... He he... Its going to be tough but this kind of fight makes my blood boil... "

This was the start of a really long fight...


1 Day later... in this one day the sky thundered with their clashes. Wherever they went weather changed, ocean raged creating high waves. The whole world was on alert...


Jazz was blasted and fall on a forest area Making a Crater. He slowly got up from the crater...

Jazz :" I finally ran out of magical energy..." He looked at his wings, it is burning hot due to overworking...

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His Bat is also slightly lost its radiance....this long fight has also put lots of strains on it...

Jazz:" You also rest for a while... " His Bat vibrated in response. He used every abilities of the holy swords. He is sure he had broke several bones of Dhamna when he used destruction...But that monster is persistent and came after him repeatedly...

Jazz :" Where am I..? " He flew and went to the nearby house. He saw a woman and a 5 year old girl are watching something on TV... They didn't even noticed that he was inside the house.

" Excuse me can you tell me where the heck am i...? "

They were startled and quickly turned around. Their eyes widened seeing him...

" ANGEL " The girl shouted seeing him.

Jazz :" I don't want to disturb you but.. "


" On second thoughts, do you have something to eat... "

After Few minutes...

Jazz :" Oh this is good... ah...I would never guess that pizza could taste this good.. hmmmm... I was really hungry... Fighting continously for 24 hours is really taxing... are you sure you don't want me to pay for it... "

He is eating pizza, and there is atleast 20 pizza more to go . He found out that he crashed in America somewhere in pennsylvania it's a very peaceful place. This woman is 23 year old her name is Rachel, she is a nurse and quite attractive with her short Brunette Hair and blue clear pupil like spring water, her white skin and rosy lips, those soft looking round boobs are really a rare sight with her perfect figure. She lives with her 5 Year old daughter, he wondered if she is married or not ....

Rachel :" No i can atleast do this... " she paid and paid to the delivery boy, who was looking at Jazz like he was a ghost...

Jazz :" Well, to tell you the truth i don't have any cash on me...." She almost tripped hearing that.

He was looking at Tv, since they somehow entered USA while fighting. Us government decided to act against Dhamna, they send lots of Highly advanced fighter plane to destroy him. This gave Jazz some time to breathe and he is sure Dhamna also would like to rest for a while, but he was keep getting annoyed by US airforce...But they are only making him more angry and getting their plane destroyed on the process. He sighed, they seriously are underestimating Dhamna. Just what are they planning...

Lucy :" You are Angel right? " She is the daughter of Rachel. She is looking intently at him, she seems to be in Joyous Mood.

Jazz :" No, but one of my friend is an Archangel. "

Lucy :" But in tv they are saying you are a angel, And you have wings. Can you do miracle, is god bald... "

Jazz :" Its Hard to answer all of your questions at the same time you know .... hmmm it really is delicious... " Rachel was interested in his talk about Archangel, she sat opposite to him. She was silently watching him eating 20 pizzas in one go...

Jazz :" I wonder why are you not afraid of me, you clearly seen on TV what I am capable of... " he asked her.

Rachel:" That is why, if you wanted to harm us you could have done that since the beginning... "

Jazz :" You are right, but who knows what my motive is. " He said while looking at her eyes... She did get the meaning. She blushed lightly...

Lucy :" Are you flirting with my mom... " this brought their staring contest...

Jazz :" For a little kid you know lots of things... "

" Cough " " Cough "

Rachel suddenly violently coughing, he looked at and somewhat worried about her...

Jazz :" You okay? "

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Rachel :" it's okay, i have some conditions... you don't need to worry about me... " she left them went to the bathroom.

Jazz looked at her back, a fine round ass.. its kind of tempting, he pushed his urges down . He wondered is she really is a mother, with a figure like her who is the fool husband who left her...

He came to that conclusion because there isn't any photos of her husband.

Jazz :" Where is your dad Lucy? "

Lucy :" Don't know, mom won't talk about it... " Her expressions dimmed... He felt like a jerk now.

Jazz :" You want some pizza... "

Lucy :" Mom says junk food is bad for me you eat it, Angel can I ask you something. I didn't get my wish done by Santa, since you are Angel... You can do it Right... "

she looked cute, or she purposely doing the puppy eyes act but it did work on him... She is still having hard time speaking correctly, it kinda cute seeing how she struggled to put word together...

Jazz :" If it's with in my abilities, i will do it.. "

Lucy :" Then can you make mom okay, she is sick for a long time... mom always says she is okay but... But... Hic... Hic... my friends said those who get sick they die quickly ... I don't want her to leave me... Waaaaaaaa " She started crying loudly...

Jazz became startled, he don't know what to say... how to calm her down. Hearing her cry, Rachel quickly came...

Jazz :" I swear I didn't do anything..." he hastily said t when she glared him...

After clear all misunderstanding, Jazz was about to asked her something but he felt that lots of people are gathering around this area...

Jazz :" I have to go... " He started Leaving through the front door...

Rachel :" So quick, Airforce are still fighting that monster. " Jazz looked at her for sometime... He could see her worried expression. He wondered why didn't she asked him what or who is he... Maybe knowing me will put her in somekind Of trouble... He sighed, he don't want to put this family into any danger...

Jazz :" Take care Rachel... bye Lucy... " he started walking on the open road, he want to see who is coming for him.

As expected Its military... He don't know what they want and he didn't care... He just wish they don't harass Rachel and Lucy.

Jazz :" Its been around 20 minutes,For some reason Dhamna is holding back against the humans. I think we both have rested enough. "

" Hold, Don't move... " One officer pointed his gun. All the other soldiers did the same.

Jazz :" Seriously Guns, you all know that won't work on Me... " Saying he started removing his clothes, this did surprised them.

?:" I said stop. " but in the few moments he was already in his underwear...

Jazz :" What do all people want? " A man came out of the vehicle... He was wearing black suit.

" Sir, we meant no harm, When you were fighting with that monster, our Government discussed the event happening in the past few days with other countries. We just want to cooperate with you... We are currently distracting the monster so that we can speak and discuss with you how to bring that monster down."

Jazz :" What are you people exactly? "

" We are from a secret scientific research organisations called Monarch. " Jazz noticed that, behind the Black Sunglasses, he vision were at his Omnitrix.

Jazz just couldn't believe them, there is something that they are definitely hiding from him and the way he looked at his Omnitrix... Jazz hand moved towards his watch he used the Violet vision to see directly into his current thoughts...

What he saw made his mind shut and his breadth stop for a moment...

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