Chapter 18

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Sitting in the top of the Ryugu palace which is designed as a Dragon head.

Its been 3 year since i came to this island few days ago we celebrated my 11th Birthday, i spent some time everyday with my mother and rest of the time i trained, first Hancock and Marie were always around me even when i was training you know doing stuffs like a Good house wife because of that i could not practice on my Omnitrix abilities.

I told them if they don't exercise a little they will get Fat. Sigh ...wrong choice of words i say, they were so much upset that they did't talk to me for the rest of the day. i had to leave my training and coax them to forgive me. Well i had to take them on a date, i took full advantage of it when i was on the water slides. On a single Tube made up of bubble i made them sit on my thigh, and when we were having fun i deliberately hugged them keeping my hand on their still developing breast for a moment they jerked but they didn't show any negative reaction so kept touching them. Ha.... it was a bless and i learnt one thing Marie breast is slightly larger than Hancock. I am still suspicious about that so i decided in future i will definitely peep on them.

Getting off the Water ride their face was red from embarrassment but like hell i will give them time to understand what happened i grabbed both of their hand and rush to another ride. I decided to make them so much embarrassed by the end of the day will think it is normal, that's what i call serious brain wash.

That day was fun i got to know lots of mermaids and befriend them but there were also some Mermen hate is because we are human. i am sure i saw Arlong among them i was little tensed at that time he looked seriously dangerous.I shouldn't gave any chance to act against us so i decided to end our date.

Like this our days passed in last year training with fisher tiger, having fun, peeping unsuccessful because i forgot that the queen is seriously over powered in Obervation Haki and my luck was bad that she was also in the bath at time with others. Man..... the spanking i got from the queen was still a dreadful memories.

As a revenge i trained Mamboshi, Fukaboshi and Ryuboshi into little Naruto, Whenever i want to enjoy some peeping i released them, they prank her and the king. when whole Ryugu palace turn into a mess because of my own little underlings i busy peeping. But one day she caught me she must figured every thing out and i wasn't fast on my feet , i found that day her love for spanking kids. All four of us got our butts red, in the end this 3 years was fun.

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Otohime: What are you doing here jazz?

Jazz: Nothing just thinking about some stuffs.

Otohime: You can't lie to me, for last few days I can feel you are distressed about something.

" Is it about your mother. "

Jazz: " Sigh..... yeah mother hasn't awakened yet, her physical injury were healed years ago but she is not waking up. Now I don't know what to do? "

Otohime: " Hmm..... but i believe you know exactly what you need to do right?" She said mysteriously

Jazz looked at her, her observation ability is really of the chart.

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Otohime: " You know I see you as my own child not just you those three also, since the day you all have came here every day has been lots of fun. Lots of people seeks adventure outside but for me all treasure, all adventure is here. Thats why I want to give my children and all the other children in the Mermaids island the happiness they seek."

" Tell me jazz what do you seek. I saw you training like madman always wearing iron weight all over your body. If you are not training with Fisher- San then you would be with Jimbe. Its like you are preparing for something. For a 11 year boy it's not normal, i always feel like you know too much, you taught me lots of things of outside world about Navy duty, World government way of doing things, Yonko Role in the new world and lots of things. "

Jazz was sweating bullets, sheesh woman what do you want me to tell you that I was reincarnated and know literally every event that's going to happen in the world.How do i bring it up to her about she would die by hands of Hordy Jones.....

Sandersonia:" So you are here every one is searching for you" Turning their head they saw her come look like she was searching for him.

" Otohime-san you are also here Mamboshi, Fukaboshi and Ryuboshi are causing ruckus again.

Hearing this he smiled awkwardly, his underlings are really causing trouble again " Aw aw aw aw my ear... my ear"

Otohime: " What trouble you are causing this time jazz" pulling his ear closer she ask smilingly but there is nothing good behind that smile.

Jazz: "What? seriously i was here all the time with you Otohime-San. how can i create trouble." massaging his ear and showing his puppy eyes, saying you are mean to me.

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BAMMMM " What the Hell why are you hitting me Sandersonia "

Sandersonia: " Don't look at her with those perverted eyes" She said in angry tone

Jazz: "What? these are called Puppy eyes not perverted eyes, that's why you don't have any boyfriend because you Don't have any common sense." Saying he make a run for it slightly later stunned Sandersonia with an angry ran after him.

" good night otohime-san" came Jazz fleeting voice


Morning In the King Audience chamber

Neptune: " Are you serious about this Fisher"

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Fisher tiger: With serious expression " yes, when i was outside i saw what humans truly capable of, i want to help any slave out there sufferings in any case Navy is not gonna stop coming after me i didn't tell you that 2 years ago i got a Invitation for joining BIG MOM Pirate Crew."

Hearing him both of them were astonished.

Suddenly a vice came" Don't do it Tiger-san" Big door was opened and two people came inside.

Jazz: " Don't do it Tiger-san" He ran toward him and held his hand tightly. looking at his eyes seriously he again said " Don't do it Tiger-san, Don't join them"

Fisher tiger: " didn't hear me completely, i am not gonna join them. If I have to i will form my own pirate crew but I must go on my journey. There must be more unfortunate people living in misery due to Celestial Dragon, you can understand this since both of us got the same mark." A silence was filled in the room only Otohime silent weeping can be heard.

Jazz: After few moments " But it's me that they want, I am the one who killed... " he said almost grinding his teeth but before could finish

Fisher tiger: " ENOUGH i am not a little kid Jazz, it's my freedom to do what I want. I don't want your opinion "

Saying he went outside leaving him sad standing there, he clenched his fist and went inside his room.

Jimde seeing this situation don't know how to react, he hurriedly went after Fisher tiger to ask him why did he said something like that to jazz.

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