Chapter 30

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Jazz was motionless lying on the floor, blood was pouring out of his back.....

Zell : " You thought that you could defeat a Navy's Commander with your ability, well you could have if i were a mere commander, want me tell you a secret...." Zell went near his ear

Zell: " You see a couple of months ago i was demoted from Navy's captain to commander and all of this was that girl fault. I don't know from where she collected some evidence against me and send it higher ups. For a little girl she do have some skills..." saying he looked at the pink haired girl who was trying to stand up....seeing her again made him more angry....

" you know how pissed i was when i came to know ,a mere recruit have nerve to go against me. Later when i found her, brought her here and sold her to be a slave for the rest of her life. But guess what? when i was just enjoying my stay here, i saw some pirates running and saying someone is killing people in Auction house. If i had came a little late she would have escaped from here, all this was your doing....." he kicked jazz flipping him over....

Jazz has barely any energy to move his body, he is losing consciousness due to blood loss.

Zell: "Oye are you listening..." seeing jazz barely conscious and not listening to him brought him more rage, he pierced his shoulder without any mercy.

Jazz: " Aaaaaaa" suddenly intense pain jolted his eye open. His eye were bloodshot as he looked at Zell....

Zell: " So, you are awake now then make it so that, you don't sleep while i am talking..." saying he twisted his rapier making him scream even more....

Zell was enjoying his scream while twisting blade even more, suddenly jazz grabbed Zell hand. His eyes shows determination,he looked straight at Zell and said....

Jazz: " Huff....Huff....i have decided, i was trying to save the last of my energy but now i will use every ounce of my breadth to kill you.." He announces loudly

Zell: " Hmnf useless struggle..." He tried to remove his hand but suddenly he felt danger coming toward him....

" Passing Through Hoop: Maximum Distance"

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Zell:" What is this ? a shadow..."

When Jazz word echoed in the room, a black portal was opened underneath them and swallowed them both instantly ....


On a certain pirate ship

Sandersonia: "Big-sis, Its past our meeting time. Why is he not here..."

Hancock: " I don't know....with his ability it should not be hard to bring some people and Long distance den-den mushi. I am worried that something must have happened....." she said while looking in the direction of Jazz.

Hancock: " Is Marie alright, how is her condition?" saying she looked at her sister who was unconscious and Sandersonia was treating her injuries....

Jazz had asked them to capture a pirate ship which will work great with his Ghost Rider ability. This ship has paddle wheel on both side of the ship with it the ship can also travel on calm sea.But looking at Marie conditions things also didn't go as planned for them.....

?????: " He is not coming you know."

Suddenly hearing someone both of them turn to the direction where it came from

Hancock: "Who are you? " she saw a shadow of a person in the dark, walking toward them. He was walking casually on the deck but the pressure coming from him making the wood produce creaking sound...

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Both of them went on their guard feeling the pressure, their knees were starting to loose strength. Sandersonia suddenly went on her knees gasping for breadth....

Hancock was no better then her, it took all her strength to just stand in this pressure. They saw him come closer and lay down another person beside Marie. They were perplexed and tense seeing this man near Marie.

Lifting his head he said to them: " You and that brat are both amateur and reckless, with your current strength you will die in Grand Line before you could lift some waves...."

Saying these words he disappeared,with the pressure gone both of them hurriedly went over to sleeping Marie. They relaxed seeing her alright...but when they saw the face of he person beside Marie they were both shocked and worried...

Sandersonia: " Big-sis this is..."

Hancock: " We don't have time , sail the ship toward Grove 10..." she hastily gave her order, and ran toward the helm to control the ship.

With paddle on both side rotating rapidly they went toward Auction House.



Zell suddenly found himself unable to balance : " what did you to me, where are we?"

But his mouth was shut tight with fear when he saw a miniature island in vast and wide blue color ocean. He couldn't believe he was free falling from high in the air, wind was hitting his face hard making him shudders .

Zell: " How could this be possible? " He was paralysed by fear imagining the outcome if touched the ground with such speed..

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Jazz: " He he he.....hahaha " his laughter brought both fear and utmost anger in Zell.

Zell: " You.... Are a lunatic, take me back use whatever ability you used. Take us back you psycho we are going to die at this rate "

But he just continue to laugh, their speed was increasing rapidly as they were falling towards island....

Jazz: " You forced me to do this now enjoy your demise ha haha.... Sigh.....Nothing went right today first going berserk result in having less energy to teleport all people to ship, then that big guy gave me more trouble than I thought and I was left with even less energy. Then suddenly you came.... BASTARD NOW I HAD TO USE WHATEVER ENERGY I HAD LEFT TO KILL YOU..... NOW DIE BITCH FROM FREE FALL OF 10 KM HEIGHT..... " He angrily spits on him.....

seeing the ground coming closer and closer jazz also felt fear, the wind pressure force him to close his eyes ....

( Jazz: sigh, even with this awesome Omnitrix i am reduced to this state. Why is the maximum range of my teleportation is 10 km, it's been constant from the beginning, the only thing increases is that if I have sufficient energy i can teleport as much as I want.)

Jazz looked around and found Zell far away from him, he was surprised how the hell he managed to slow himself down.


Zell Situation

Zell: " I am not going to die like this, this is not happening... " he became deranged seeing death coming closer and closer...

Zell :" I have great ambition, i want to become An Admiral. I will not die by the hand of a brat...."

With all his strength he stomp his foot in air, this didn't work like Geppo as he was not skilled in it but it did slow his speed down...

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With each sound his falling speed starting to decrease a little now he was far behind Jazz who was still falling at tremendous speed.


jazz: "That bastard is trying to use Geppo, but failing miserably hahaha.... "

He looked down as the Sabody Archipelago coming closer....

" BOOM "

Suddenly he heard a Sonic Boom forming a cone of mist around him.

Jazz: " WAAA...AAAAA.... THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED TO SEE NOW.. AAAAA..... GOD DAMN IT..... IF I SURVIVE THIS I WILL TELL KAIDO THAT 10000 METER IS NOT ENOUGH..... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... SO THIS IS IT....." ripping the air like a rocket he slammed to the ground....





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