Chapter 37

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At first All the people were amazed by the flying ship but now no one is outside because of the insane cold in the air.

Jazz: " Ah it's cold.. its freaking ice age here. "

Jazz was tucked up in couple of blanket which are proving useless as the air slowly freezing him. And the speed of the ship made it more hard for him to continue his sailing in the cloud.

Hancock:" Stop moving cold air are passing through the blanket. And it was your doing that we are having this problem. "

Jazz: " I had to do it or we won't be having this quality time together you know. All of them refuse to sleep and were enjoying flying in the air just too much. "

" Hmnf here i want to enjoy some alone time with you, and those kids want to enjoy the best view from here. Serve them right with this much coldness they had to get inside. ha ha ha"

Yes this narrow minded guy, got sick of the people who keeps pestering him for hours. so he made the ship sail in the region just below the clouds which made the air outside so cold that all of the other people are tucked in their blanket sleeping inside. Now no one is pestering him.

Jazz: " Are you going to stay in there all the time, look out side it's a beautiful night."

Hancock brought her head outside of the blanket, the blanket covered both of them as they cuddle with each other. Outside clouds are touching the ships, sometimes it covered completely the ship making quite a spectacular scenery. From up here moon looked especially big and beautiful.

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Jazz: " Hancock you are not cuddling properly. " saying he grabbed her waist and brought her on his lap.

" Hmm... Now we can enjoy it properly " now her back is resting on his chest and the blanket covered them upto their neck. Both of them rest their head on each other.

Hancock :" Do you think we could encounter sky island up here " she said looking at vast sky filled with clouds.

Jazz: "no sky island is further 5000 meter up."

"Sky island 10000 meter above sea level and fish men island 10000 below sea level. Their are all kind secret and adventure we could find in this world. "

Jazz was caressing her hands under the blanket.

Jazz: " hmmm your hand are very soft and warm, i want to find out what are more soft things." he said in her ear making it red.

Jazz touched her thigh over the skirt, the softness of her body still amazes him. Her long legs with short skirt always stimulate him.

His hand went all over her soft thigh.

Jazz: " Your thigh are soft and sexy Hancock, but there are more soft things you are hiding right. " When his breadth touched her ear her body jerked a little.

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He suddenly squeezed her right breast startling her, she couldn't help but moan in pleasure.

Hancock: " Aaaaaaaannnnm.. "

When she moaned he kissed her lips, she relaxed all her body on him. He kept massaging her breast while still hugging her from her back.

After sometime he felt his little brother in slight pain. He picked her up by her ass and positioned her in middle, he was the feeling her ass was giving to his little brother.

Hancock: " Han....han...annn..... Jazz wait... "

Instead of waiting he pressed her boobs with both his hands, while she started rubbing her ass on his bonner. Due to her rubbing his attention shifted her nether region. His hand moved downward while his other hand playing with her Nipple.

Hancock :" Unn... annn.. annn wait.... Jazz " she wanted to say something again but this gave his access to push his tongue deep in her mouth.

Jazz hand reached her underwear, with a slight rubbing she reached her peak in a instant. She moaned her lungs out..

Hancock: " Iyaaaaannnnn.. hah... hah... "

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With her climax she released his hand which was between her legs which was unconsciously tightly grabbed by her soft thigh.

When she was catching her breadth jazz said.

Jazz: " Well that just the beginning, let's do something but with less cloths this time. " he was stopped by her who was still catching her breadth.

Hancock: " Wait I am trying to say something for sometime, look up. "

Jazz with questions mark looked up and saw something jaw dropping.

There were clusters of islands floating above them, they were still at least 2 kilometers above them, but with his ship speed they should have left them behind long time ago. It means...

Hancock: Is that a sky island.

Jazz gritted his teeth:" No, Damn it.... Damn it.... Hancock where are my weapons where is my guns. "

Seeing his serious expression she knew their night has ended in a wrong way.

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Hancock: " I have kept it with me, i will bring it now." when she was about to leave jazz said to her

Jazz: " Also alert everyone up but don't let come outside. we need to ready for anything." while she was waking everyone up he kept looking at the islands.

Jazz: " This is bad, if my guess is correct then we are in serious trouble." Hancock came shortly

Hancock: "I brought your things." she handed him over his cloths,guns, Bat and everything.

Jazz used the lens of his long range rifle to see the islands clearly, there are around 20 islands and for a brief moments he saw ship with a jolly roger with a skull on the middle of steering wheel.

Jazz: " Sigh as i thought, brace yourself and inform everyone i an removing the limits on the ship. Ship will move at very fast speed and when it will gain its momentum, the speed will increase continuously until it reach its target." saying he again started observing those islands.

Hancock: " What is it that making you so much worry." she was seriously worried now hearing him say things like that.

Jazz: " He is a legend from the time of Gold Roger generation, once he wracked havoc in Marineford which is Navy's head quarter he was subdued only with the joint effort of Garp the Hero and Sengoku The current Fleet Admiral of Navy. But he managed to escape to escape from Impel Down making a record. He is Golden Lion Shikki."

Hancock was sweating and her hand clenched tightly. she could not believe that they will encounter a legendary person from the previous era.

Hancock:" But how is he making those islands keep floating in sky, it is a devil fruits ability? . "

Jazz: " Yes it is Fuwa Fuwa no mi, he can make things and himself fly. Curse my luck i awoke just this morning but now Shikki is hot on our tail. "

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