Chapter 47

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Jazz keep on kissing Anko their kissing sound resonant in the area. At first the kiss was forceful but now it became a survival game for jazz. Anko had wrapped her arms and legs around him not letting him go and fully responding him. It aroused him more he decided to push his luck by pushing his tongue inside her mouth. Anko opened her mouth to welcome his tongue tongue, as soon as his tongue entered her mouth she bite it. Jazz who was enjoying till now, opened his eyes wide and saw her smirking. Jazz tongue was still in the custody of her teeth and she is enjoying the kissing in the wrong way.

Jazz pleaded with his eye to let his tongue go but she kept on kissing him back with her lips and her teeth putting a little more pressure on his teeth.

Seeing that this girl is tormenting him, so to save his tongue he took the matter on his hand. He reached her breast under her mesh Armour and squeezed it tightly.


A sudden moan escaped from her mouth, her breast were bouncy and gave a elastic feeling. He looked at her eyes she was still holding his tongue and refuses to let it go. He decided it time to get a little extreme.

Anko kept on kissing him, and enjoyed his pained face when she bite his tongue. She don't know what is happening she should resist him but she felt he is not going to hurt her or he wasn't an enemy and since morning she felt a frustration she don't know it was sexual or not but she knows it started when someone grabbed her ass and teased her anus. And when Jazz pinned her down and started kissing her she loved it.

Jazz brought his hand and slapped her butt, which she enjoyed very much and moaned louder. He squeezed and slapped her butts her face became red with excitement. Her breathing was getting rapid and in excitement she bites his tongue more tightly. In his final attack he teased her anus just like in the morning.

Her eyes widened and she finally let go off his tongue. She engrossed in the feeling of being teased in her anus. Jazz reached inside her underwear and put one of his finger in her ass, she squeezed him in her arms and moaned louder. He kissed her again but this time Anko didn't bite his tongue, she grabbed his head and pushed her tongue in his mouth. They entangled their tongue with each other, jazz kept finger Fuck her ass until she screamed in ecstacy and came.


Anko :" Huff....huff... you are the one who played with me in the morning. " she wrapped her hands around his neck and brought their face closer.

" Do you know what will happen now, you can't escape from me anymore. You are stuck with me now. " she licked his lips seductively.

Hancock: " And what is going on here?" An angry voice came from behind them.

When they turned around they saw Hancock, Ravel, are looking at them cuddling to each other.


Have you ever seen a cat fight, that is exactly going on between Hancock, Ravel and Anko.

Hancock and Ravel are on one side and Anko is on the other side... As for jazz, he hanging on the tree upside down courtesy to Anko excellent ninja skills. Why you ask?

Atmosphere changed Erotic to Bombastic in just few conversion....

Hancok: " And what is going here Jazz?" Anger clearly shown on her face,

Anko: " Who the hell are you?" Anko asked in return, clearly not pleased by the tone of Hancock.

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In response to her question, two person responded to her simultaneously.

Hancock/Ravel: " I am his Queen/Fiance."


Explosion happened in her mind, She stiffly turned her head and looked at Jazz for answers.

Jazz: " Cough...Hancock, Ravel meet Anko. Anko say hello to them, she is family now so get along all right....." Hancock and Ravel expected this on the other hand Anko just smiled sweetly at him and bring out a rope and tied him up on a tree....

Anko was arguing with them, but surprisingly she is on the losing end ever since Hancock released her Aura/charm suppressing her. Jazz knew he have to separate them and give them time to get to know each other.....

Jazz: " Guys...." He shouted getting all of their attention.

" Are you forgetting something, Orochimaru is on the loose you know." Anko finally remember what they are here for...


Jazz, Hancock and Ravel are now in their Disguise again moving toward to the center Tower.....Anko asked him lots of question regarding their identity and what happened with Orochimaru.

He couldn't explain her completely now but did told her that he fought with Orohimaru when he tried to harm Team 7, this did surprised her that i could fight off a powerhouse like him. I told her our disguise as a sound Ninja and also told her that Sound village is Established by Orochimaru himself and he is targeting Sasuke.

Finally she asked the most surprising question that was my name which did gave the Girls a chance to laugh at her. Sending her off to the injured team 7 with a promise to explain about himself in the future and made her promised to not tell anyone about them except the Hokhage ....

Jazz: " We already got the Heaven scroll, so do you guys want to hang around in the forest longer or get to the tower " they ignored him.

Jazz: " Hey ...Guys? "

Hancock and Ravel :" We want to go home." They demanded, he was force to teleport them to sky island for now hoping they would not quit the exams. Ravel undid her magic on him, Leaving him in his true form.

(Jazz: They seems to pissed at me for courting Anko, i need to give them some time. Ah....this harem path is troublesome, i hope they don't throw a tantrum when i court any girl in the future.)

All over the forest sounds of fighting were echoing, Jazz is roaming casually in the forest when he heard a scream of a girl. He dashed in that direction.....

????: " Ahhh.... No... don't come any closer.....some one help me...." A big brown bear is attacking a girl with red hair with Grass Ninja Headband....

She desperately run while shouting, asking for help. She ran in hope that her team mates will come and rescue her...

After running for some time she got cornered against a tree, Bear seeing his pray is finally giving up roared and attacked her with his claw.

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Karin waited for some time but her demise didn't come, she slowly opened her eyes but it was all blurry she purchase her glasses on which was on the ground beside her.

When she looked up, jazz was also looking back at her. He smiled and gave his hand she unconsciously grabbed it.

Pulling her up he said: " Its been a while Karin. "

Karin: " Ah....its you from before, so you are real not my illusion. " she saíd while rubbing her eyes.

Jazz: " What you are talking about, didn't we meet a month ago." he said while picking leaves and twigs from her hair.

She looked a little flustered, seeing how he is caring her hairs and being intimate with her.

Karin: " What.... what are you doing? " she said while taking a step back.

Jazz: " Your hair is beautiful, you should take extra care of it." he said again started removing leaves from her hair

Jazz: " So, where is your teammates? "

Karin: " They went ahead to secrure the scroll, i am not good at fighting they left me behind.... " She felt a little down thinking how her teammates just using her as a medical serum, but his hand brought some comfort which is still roaming in her hair.

Jazz: " You are having a hard time aren't you, why don't you leave the Grass village. They don't deserve you. " she felt nice hearing someone finally appreciated her.

Karin: " I can't, mother is in the village she is very sick and we don't have a place to call it home. Who will accept us." she started crying remembering her mother conditions and suffering.

Jazz hugged her, she cried even more in his embrace. She remembered how the village treated them as a outsider and always used her mother ability as a rent.

Jazz caressed her back, she finally stopped her crying and found herself being hugged by a person she hardly knew but she felt secure with him and liked the feeling of being pampered a little.

Jazz grabbed her shoulder: " If you want, i can help you. Do you remember me saying that i was looking for a Extraordinary medical ninja. In leaf village, there used to be a kunoichi One of the Sanin Senju Tsunade. I searched for her in all over the places in the last one month and finally was able to find her in a Town, which is famous for Its Gambling.We will ask her to cure your mother."

Karin eyes brightened: " Really, my mother can be cured."

Jazz: " Yeah.... lets go save her now."

Jazz took her hand and opened a portal and jumped in it with her.

In the training ground of Grass village, a black portal opened and Karin and jazz came out it.

Jazz: " Huff.... huff.... haaa.... Grass village is really far i had to teleport 15 times to get here. Flying is easy than this..... " he felt half of his energy gone while teleporting 2000 s of KM, it took them Less than 1 minute to get here.

Karin: " What... how is it possible, how did we get here, we were on the Chunin exam ground just now... " she looked at jazz who just smiled mischievously...

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Jazz: " I have the ability to teleport to any place i have seen before, so i teleported us here in the Grass village."

" Now you know one of my biggest secret, you would have to stay close to me from now on...."

Karin: " What...what do you mean by .....close...." she blushed

Jazz:" I mean this." he said while quickly grabbing her waist and brought their body closer.....

After few minutes they came near a hospital while walking, Karin was blushing the whole way thinking strange things. But she become nervous and worry when they reached the hospital.

It was strange that nobody stooped them but he knew people are watching closely their movement. But he was confident that here no one will pose any threat to them.

They walked inside the hospital, they can see doctors and Nurses hurrying all over the place tending to the Injured patients.

Jazz: " Is grass village is on a war ?"

Karin: " Yes, its not a big war but there is always small skirmish between Grass and Waterfall village on daily basis." she looked around also wondering where all of the Ninja's who always guarded this place.

They started looking for her mother, and it didn't took long for them to find her...

When Karin saw her mother her voice chocked, not a word could come out of her mouth. Rage started building up inside jazz, she is unconscious on her bed and one by one injured Shinobis are leeching her off. It is clear to the eyes she is dying but even then they wanted to bite her dry hastening her death.

Zosui: " Karin what are you doing here ?" one large build man asked her, but Karin was in no mood of answering him.

Karin: " Get away from my mother " she shouted and dashed toward her mother, only to be blocked by Zosui .

Zosui: " I asked you a question what are you doing here Karin Uzumaki. You were tasked to help the Genin of this Village in Chunin Exam held in Leaf Village." he asked in demanding tone.

Karin: " You are asking what i am doing here" She shouted at him but the curses she wanted to say couldn't come. In her rage she howled and her Chakra spiked .....


From Karin back Adamentine chains, Kekkei genkai of Uzumaki blood started to take shape, 3 Extremely Durable Chain attacked every thing in its path.

Jazz: " Damn it ....her power had gotten out of control." He dodged some incoming chain, opening a portal he disappear with Karin mother from the hospital.

From high in the sky using his Devil wing Jazz is floating and watching the mayhem Karin is doing. Hospital is gradually getting destroyed by her chain, Ninjas who were following them since they entered the village surrounded her and launched all kind of Jutsu's on her. Jazz wanted to help her but refrain from doing so, it is her fight if she can't handle it any more he will get her out of this place. she can come here and wrack havoc in future after getting stronger.

She has wound all over body but she kept on healing herself by biting on her own hands. Her chain is really versatile combining two chain she made a barrier which helped her in protecting herself and the last chain she used it in stabbing people like a spear or swinging it randomly destroying things some unfortunate Shinobis got their body smashed by it. Dead bodies and broken limbs were scattered all over the place, patient and doctors are trying hard to escape the place but the unlucky one were killed before they could do so.

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After few minutes of fighting she finally couldn't take the load of constant healing and maintaining the adamantine chains. she knelled on the floor breathing heavily but her eyes shows she want kill more people. The hospital is already destroyed and stronger ninjas are coming one by one totally blocking her escape route.

Zosui: " Do you understand what you have done here Karin" he said while grinding his teeth, their village was already low on ninjas but Karin killing Doctors,patient and destroying hospital have made it impossible to continuously send Ninja to the border to suppress the waterfall village Ninja's.

" Capture her, she has already done lots of damage to the village. We need to compensate it by researching her abilities thoroughly and where is the other one that came with her." he ordered other shinobi....

Jazz: " Oh...i was here the whole time." his voice ringed, all of them looked up in the sky.

Zosui: " How is it possible." all the shinobi were stunned seeing black wing coming out from his back which resemble of a bat and he is holding two people on each of his shoulder.

Zosui instantly recognized them, he was stunned and and slight fear crept in his heart. He know who this person was although they don't know his name but they feared to get close to him. Last time the Shinobi who turned into stone were able revert back after one day, they reported that the one who attacked them with this unknown Jutsu was the woman and the man Ordered her to do so making them believe he is even strong than that woman.

They were able to incapacitate them within a moment, they feared them because they could kill hem but did not do so. They did not wanted to make enemy out of them so they kept their distance and only observe him to get any intel on him.

But now seeing a man flying up in the sky several 100 meter above them where their attack cant reach but he was capable of taking Karin from their encirclement with out them knowing did truly put fear of the unknown inside their heart.

Jazz: " You don't have to fear me but indeed i was angry seeing Karin Mother getting such Treatment. I wanted to kill all of you." he said with anger in his voice, all the Shinobi gripped tightly their weapon. Ready for any incoming attack.

" But it is not my place to do so..." all the shinobi relaxed a little, Zosui decided to ask something..

Zosui: " Can you tell us who are you and from which village you came from." he said with a respectful tone....

Jazz: " I am a pirate with no affiliation with any village, and my name is Don Jazz." saying he fly away from that place in a style....


In an underground base outskirts of the Leaf village.....

Orochimaru is reading a report from Kabuto of the things that is going on inside the Forest of Death

Orochimaru: " Ku ku ku.....Even Kabuto couldn't get any information on any of those three people. Those three pawns werebeing are also unknown, since they didn't contact me, It is likely that they have been captured or killed and the three people who attend the 1st exam are imposer....ku..ku...ku..ku." a feeling of irritation and pain slowly started appearing all over his body...

He grabbed couple of pills and took it, it did helped in suppressing the symptoms ...

" This body is no good, it showing sigh of rejection. If not for this condition i would have loved to analyse his ability some more. It truly is fascinating seeing a person devoid of Chakra could show such abilities, i truly want to dissect him....but before that i want to have a perfect body with limitless potential. Sasuke uchiha, i can't wait to see him again. Ah.....I should start making preparation for the meeting with Khazekhage..." he again started his creepy laughter and started working on something in his lap....

A snake slithering made its way toward his hidden base. When it made contact with the door of the lab it got trapped in a sealing justsu.

Orochimaru: " Ho.....what do we have here" he made a hand seal, the snake turn in blood mist releasing a scroll.....

Reading the message he frowned at first but soon started smiling again...

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