Chapter 50

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Now that Anko is here and preliminary round started Jazz shifted his attention from Orochimaru. His goal has been achieved Orochimaru got a new name and Sarutobi whole attention is on Orochimaru now.....

Jazz: " Hi... " he greeted other Genins standing in the gallery.

Soon Anko joined them, she is fidgeting slightly as cold air is brushing on her naked body.

Anko: " I...i did as you said.... " she said with red face

Jazz looked at her, and took a moment to appreciate her beauty. Her deep blue hair, curvy figure most of all her fiery nature yet M tendency....

She started blushing hard when Jazz kept on looking at her...

Jazz: " You did well now whatever happens don't scream ok.." He wishpered

The first match started after Kabuto left with the excuse that he is Injured....

Yoroi Akado VS Sasuke Uchiha

Sasuke won the match easily not having cursed mark make this match seems easy for him, he defeated his opponent without giving him the chance to fight back.. Using Rock Lee movement that he copied before with a series of combo he knocked him out. Naruto, Ino and Sakura cheered for him....

Jazz looked at Orochimaru who was excited seeing Sasuke performance.

In the next match Ravel name was called.....


jazz: " Gud luck and hold back a little ..."

Ravel: " Hmm i will try...." she walked down from the gallery

Ravel faced shino, they both were staring at each other.

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" Its finished " suddenly shino said

" What do you mean " Ravel said she is confused

" Look around you... " she looked around but saw nothing.

When she looked at the floor there are tiny holes all over the floor spread like bees nest surrounding her. from the hole small insects came pouring out.

Ravel froze as around thousands of insect started crawling up In her body...

Jazz: " Oh oh.... " seeing Ravel froze he felt something bad is going to happen.....

feeling the insects all over her body she started muttering .....

Ravel: " Insects... insects.... insects..... " When insects almost reached her face...

Ravel screamed in her original voice: " AAAAAAA GO.. AWAY..... " Flame started to come out of every part of her body it covered every part of her body she became a being only made of fire and then...


Taking her as the epicentre fire exploded outside of her body covering the arena instantly. All the Jounin moved to protect their Genin.

But the fire which could have hurt lot of people started to reced from where it's come from...

Slowly All the fire was gone. Ravel was standing there while all the fire is now surrounding her forming a 5 meter radius Domain around her.

Jazz: " Ha... i got tensed for a second there, thinking she got out of control again. And looked like she has gotten stronger again. "

Hancock: " She is controlling the fire into forming a domain..."

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In the moment her phoenix flame exploded outside, she remembered her last mistake, she hastily recalled all her flame back to her. But unknowingly a domain was formed surrounding her.

(Ravel: This is.... so that's how it is My intense thought and will to not hurt people around me with my fire shapped this new technique. In this domain i can control my fire as it is a extension of my body. In here it will hurt only those who I deemed enemy....)

As she was examining, her new technique.

Sakura: " Kakashi sensei what was that just now... " she almost wet her panties when she saw the wall of flame coming toward her for a moment her life flashed before her eyes.

Naruto :" How did she do that."

Choji: " Whoa.... i thought i will be barbecued. "

Kiba: " Yeah... Akamaru pissed himself.. "

Hinata: " That fire has unusual heat. I hope Shino will be all right.

Ino: " I thought i would die a maiden death. "

Shikamaru: " Troublesome, she did everything without even forming a hand sign."

Sasuke :" Kakashi-sensei..." He also wanted to know, the power he felt from her fire remind him of another girl.

Kakashi: " You should ask about this from his teammates...." he said while pointing at jazz and Hancock, more importantly he also wanted to know about these three powers.

Jazz cleared his throat, seeing all of their attention on him...

Jazz: " Cough... he is different from all of you, it is said that she or her family are descendent of phoenix..."

Kakashi: " Are you talking about phoenix bird. "

Naruto: " What bird is this "

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Sakura: " You knuckle head, a Phoenix bird is one of the legendary bird. Who is known for their immortality, legend says that no matter what kind of injury they can heal it instantly and even if they are killed they will be reborn from their ashes."

Naruto: " Thats so cool so he is a immortal, she must be strong then...."

Ino: " Its just a just a legend you idiot. Right? " she looked at jazz...

Jazz: " Who knows..." he said mysteriously...

" But one thing is matches that of the legend that using fire is second nature to him just like a Phoenix is known for their fire ..."

" As for what happened just now he just lost control of his fire for a moment when he got frightened by the insects "

They all were surprised hearing this is the power generated when he was frightened, what are they going to do against this kind of opponent...

Finally getting used to her new technique, Ravel looked at her opponent....

Shino :" komamura



He started muttering some names while looking around on the floor...

Ravel: "What is he doing, " She asked

Hayate: " Shino Aburame, are you able to continue your fight.... "

Shino looked up with his downcast expression.....

Shino: " I am going home, i can't fight anymore. " he left the stadium feeling devastated, his entire generation of insects died. He never felt this kind of emptiness inside his body... literally.

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Hayate: " The winner is Zaku Abumi from hidden sound village... "

Jazz: " Congrats on developing a new technique " he said to the Approaching Ravel....

Hancok: " You have gotten stronger Ravel... "

Ravel: " He he... thanks " she felt embarrassed after all she almost lost control of her fire.

She looked at Anko who was just standing their, she thought why is she not congratulating her. more like she is avoiding their gaze. She went over to her and lightly tapped her back trying to gain her attention.

Anko: " Eeep... " A weird noise escaped her mouth.

Ravel: " What happened? " she is also surprised

Anko face is deep red, when she turned around her movement looked stiff. It looked like she is sick but her eyes say she is excited and drools are threatening to come out.

Anko: " What... is... the..... matter.... Ravel. " Her each word paused in a rythem matching her rough breathing

Ravel: " I won the match, and what is wrong with you... "

Anko: " Nothing... really... and... congrats... On.... advancing.... to..... the..... next..... round.... " After saying this much she again stiffly turned to the front...

Hancok: " Leave them be Ravel... " hancock said while pulling her hand...

Jazz saw Hancock giving him a glare, but what could he do.... he is busy now. Both of his hand in inside his pocket and training his space ability ...

he is using his Passing through hoop making 2 small portal just so he could pass his fingers inside it. And for the last the last 20 minutes he is fingering her pussy and Ass at the same time.

Anko is enjoying his finger just too much ignoring the match. She is using all of her will power to not to Moan.

Jazz is also enjoying the softness of her inside. Her pussy is gripping her finger tightly. He looked at her Her breathing as became unusual rapid, taking the hint he increased the pace of his fingers.

Anko gripped her Clothes tightly, moment later she Orgasmed.

Jazz :" You can't relaxed now, we have a long list of participants. " her ass tightened hearing him, but her eyes shows her excitement and a little craziness.

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