Chapter 56

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Hancock / Ravel /Tsunade: " Hold it right there. " They started chasing him.

Jazz ran frantically, he could feel it if he stops now a hell awaited him.

Jazz: "why are you chasing your husband my sweethearts, husband is going for work. " he said while giving them a innocent smile but his feet did not stop.

Tsunade :" Husband? like ever "but her slightly red cheeks indicated different meaning

Ravel " Work..... more like thieving. "

Jazz :" My sweet bird it is so that I can keep on provide a living for you guys."

Hancock: " Then why are you running, come and recieve our love. " Jazz sweat dropped seeing her using Mero mero mero.

Ikaros: " Master you seems to be in distress. " She said after dispelling her invisibility technique and a video recorder in her hand.

Jazz said to record his ability and methods to pick up girls which he wanted to keep it as a memory to later he would show his grandchildren but it failed in the first attempt.

Jazz: " IKAROS it is not the time to keep recoding, let's run." Saying he opened a portal and teleported with her. --------------------------------

After running away from the girls. Jazz and Ikaros are now walking around a city, it's name he literally didn't bother to remember. Ikaros is looking around its kind of new for her and she remembered Jazz instructions on knowing how the world works.

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Ikaros: " Master why are people around us looking at me so much." she asked the obvious questions, since they looked like a pair of Cosplay couple. Him wearing full black leather cloths and she wearing Angeloid Armour. What made the thing worse the chain connected to her choker is visible and people are gossiping around us how we must be playing hardcore Master and Slave role.

Jazz :" Its not normal for people to wear a choker and chain you know, so they must be thinking we are weird people. " he said pointing at the chain wrapped around his hand.

Ikaros :" Did i did wrong imprinting you Master. " although her face doesn't show it, but he could see clearly when she said that her heart must have ached.

He pinched her cheeks: " Don't ever think like that ok, i am glad that you made me your master. Now we are connected and will share a long life together all right. "

Ikaros :" mast.....tere " she said as Jazz keep on pinching her cheeks.

Jazz: " But it would be great if you could make it invisible for others to see. "

Ikaros: " I could do that..." she touched the chain and made it invisible " Is it better now "...

Jazz :" It perfect, now lets go we would create a legend tonight for that to possible, i would need to remember most of the city. Are you hungry Ikaros. "

Ikaros: " Its ok for me to not eat food, i can work properly by the energy provided by the reactor. But Food can be converted into energy also, so if master wish I can eat food regularly like a human. "

Jazz: " Do that, since in future you would have to eat food like others regularly. "

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After few hour they returned, he figured they would have calmed down till now.

Ikaros has been touching her cheeks wondering when jazz will touch them again.

Reaching their new home :" Husband is home, and brought breakfast for all of you. "

Ikaros: " Master my scan shows that no one is home. " she said as her ear pad slightly glowed in multiple colours.

Jazz: " Can you find them through your scan."

Ikaros :" Yes they are in that direction with the two people we have met before and they are having food together. "

Jazz: " Then they must be pissed more than I thought since we are alone, let's do some training. "

He then teleported both of them to nearby beach.

Jazz: " Ikaros can you make some clothes which is around 50 kg in weight for my size "

Ikaros: " Yes master. " she made cloths which is exactly replica of her Armour but it covers most of the body unlike her's.

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Wearing those he walked inside the water with soap bubble covering his head and started his training. Ikaros watched him for few minutes and then few fishes attracted her attention and is now missing. Jazz wasn't worried about her, he kept on trying to achieve Soru one of the Rokushiki Technique.

Jazz realised that this technique could be said have limit less possibility. To achieve Soru perfectly one had to step on a single point 10 times instantly. He wanted to see what kind of speed he will achieve if he could do 20 times or more instantly.

In afternoon Jazz is now taking a break on the beach and waiting for Ikaros to come. She has been missing since he started his training.

Jazz: " Right shiro i wanted to ask you something. "

Shiro: " What is it onii-chan. " she materialise herself and strangely wearing a milky white swimsuits.

Jazz almost had the famous nose bleed moment, this is the first time she has shown so much skin to him. Her white smooth skin, silver shining hair, perfect round breast, thin waist with a tempting navel and her crotch which is covered by thin white bikini which is showing the forbidden line.

Jazz sighed at her beauty, there are not one people he knows that can match her.

Shiro :" What is it onii-chan, you are staring at your little sister too much. You Echhi.... " she said while showing more of her breast with a little push from her hand, with all the seductivenes she had.

" PSSSHH" Finally he couldn't control and released a jet of blood from his nose. He quickly hide his face from her view.

" Splash " from the ocean Ikaros suddenly came out by jumping.

Ikaros: " Master i felt your body lost some blood, do you need some medical attention. My scan shows your heart beat is way past the human limit, most of the blood in your body is converging on your groin. Let me check out this symptoms in synapse."

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Jazz: " Ikaros stop... its all right, i am going to be fine " He hastily grabbed her cheeks preventing her from giving any further details information.

Jazz :" Ikaros can you do me a favor, can you bring Hancock, Ravel and Tsunade here." Getting her command she spread her wings and disappear in breathing taking speed.

Shiro :" So what is that you wanted to ask onii-chan. " she has a satisfying smile and changed her dress to normal.

Jazz :" Why did you bring Tsunade here, it can't be a accident as only my peerage member are allowed to come to another world with me. "

Shiro :" because I wanted to give you some time to strengthen your place in her heart and also to give a chance to do what her desire the most. In the end what decision she will take only time will tell. "

Jazz: " Sigh you.... " he decided not to think much on it, what he wanted is to reach certain level of strength that the dangers that is coming for Ikaros he will be able to repel it.

When he was in deep thought a sound of Jet engine reached his ear.

"BAAMM " Ikaros who was flying at a speed which he can not measure suddenly stopped her movement which caused the air to vibrate and produce a shock wave. Jazz gulped seeing the condition of the three. All three of them have their eyes rolled back, face flushed red and unconscious.

Jazz :" Ikaros what is this "

Ikaros :" Master i brought three of them as per your command. " she tilted her head in cute manner

Jazz :" I TOLD YOU YOU TO BRING THEM BUT IN ONE PIECE. " he said while pinching her cheeks.

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