Chapter 82

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Jazz:" Ha ha ha ha ha.... in this form your attack is useless. Just die for me....."

Ikaros was having hard time maintaining the barrier because when jazz misses a shot. It would them damage the barrier itself. The power of his canon comes from his Hell fire, it will burn literally anything and each shot is destructive as a Grenade. Kizaru is also no exception even if he is a Mass of light if given some time he will be turned to ashes....



The continuous explosion making the people outside not able to see what is happening...

Kizaru and jazz both attack each other.


His laser beam explosion is to be dread with. The whole barrier is shaking as he started unleashing High density light beam.


Jazz now understood that Kizaru has still lot of power to display. He has thrown caution out of the window, if jazz wasn't compensating all the damage with Magic energy. He would have blasted into smithereens.

In these 3 year he had tried hard to increase his magic energy reserve. And with his wings he wouldn't have to worry about depletion of Magic energy or Stamina.

While jazz and Kizaru are trying to kill each other inside the barrier. Two masked man were getting closer to their location.

???1:" The Marines have became useless these days. " the swirling patterned masked man said while looking at the scene below them.

???2:" This kind of thing happened when Underestimate your enemies. " spider patterned masked man said while looking at his palm.

It has a burned mark similar to a gun wound, with the level of strength he have. He don't have to worry about guns that won't work on him. But they underestimated the guy who shot at him who has the ability to wound them.

??? 1:" Are we going to ignore the one who just attacked us? " The swirling patterned masked person asked in sinister tone , there was anger in his voice as. He was also injured although it is just a scratch for them but nonetheless it a humiliation ...

??? 2:" So what do you want to do, we have a mission and you know we don't have luxury to divert our attention when we are facing him,he always hide his tracks but this time he didn't we're here to investigate his purpose .Sigh..... I can't believe they are using old folks like us, you can't expect more from youngsters these days . "

??? 1:" There is no retirement for people like us look it's Vice-Admiral Tsuru, even she is working in this old age what are you complaining about . it's been long time i have seen this hand of mine covered with blood ..."

He said while looking at the Fishmen pirates giving hard time to the Marines.

??? 2:" Don't do things on impulse, we are just here to investigate his purpose for coming here. We can not afford to disrupt the balance on a whim ..."

???1:" Tch...At least i can give them a helping hand since we are on the same side right ..?." he didn't wait for his answer and move towards the island where Fishmen and Navy are having a battle...

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Seeing his partner taking this mission lightly he sighed. Then his attention shifted to the other island where he could feel two presence Inside a spherical dome like object he figured it is made by some kind of ability.


Marco:" Guys someone is coming and fast.." he felt a strong pressure coming from the man. Even if the man is hiding it he could feel it clearly the bloodlust, the amount of people he had to kill to obtain this kind of strong smell of death and blood even made him pale.

Marco: " We need to leave now.....bring out jazz he is not something we could deal with.... "

Ravel :" What are you saying.... " all of them saw a person landing some distance away from them. When Ravel saw him she felt that a sharp claw was on her neck. She knew this person was deadly and she was never wrong about accessing the opponent ...

Tsunade:" Who are you ?" she asked while keeping her guard up..

??? 2:" I am some old relics not worth mentioning, i was wondering what is going on here. " he said while pointing at the explosion happening inside the barrier.

There was a slience, non of them said anything.

Hancock :" Ikaros remove the barrier.... "

Ikaros :".... " she was pondering what to do, but seeing how everyone is tensed she heed to Hancock word they would need his help on this ...

But something unexpected happened, the old man suddenly appeared near the barrier and swiped his hand. It was way too fast they couldn't understand what happened but 4 claw ripping like mark appeared on the barrier and it broke down. It was like ticking time bomb light energy and hell fire which were forced to stay inside of the barrier were concentrated to the limit were all released in a gigantic explosion. Even when the barrier broke Jazz and Kizaru were still at each other Neck.



The whole island quaked the area of effect was already surpassed the island overall area. Outside seas also form waves as the explosion slowly died out.

The explosion threw all of them away outside of the small island. When the smoke cleared the island was close to destruction with scorch and beams Destruction energy. On one side Jazz was huffing with still his canon in his hand and on the other hand Kizaru who was condensing his physical form from the scattered light. This explosion was really devastating as some of his body part was torn apart.

In the middle the Masked was still standing as most of his cloth was burned of and his spider mask was destroyed showing his face to them. It was a face of an old man with a one of his eye cover with an eye patch. He has a topnot like a samurai but the attire he wore is a like how Sanji always wear very odd combination indeed . He was persuading his partner to not be reckless but a crazy smiled formed on his face when he saw the destruction around him but the next moment he became normal again...

Jazz looked at the man whose Mask just broke, he remember that this is one of the man he tried to shot him down but jazz never considered that they were coming here but not for him. If he knew that he probably wouldn't make his presence known. He believed his shitty luck and thought they were coming for him.

The old man also looked at Jazz, its is very much strange seeing a skeleton in fire which give him a familiar feeling.

??? 2:" This form what kind of devil fruit you ate. "

Jazz:" What is it to you old man...." By now all of the Gang are standing beside him.

Marco:" Be careful jazz this person we can not engage him if we do that we will die here."

Jazz looked at Marco thought isn't this guy is being scardy cat then his vision shifted to all of the girls around him. Ravel look very much anxious, she has a sense where she would know what she is dealing with and a brain to deal with any unfavorable situation. If even she is this much tense then this old man must be a threat that exactly what his Vampire sense told him.

He put away his canon and looked at Kizaru who has severe burned mark all over his body. Half of his face would probably be never be the same . His two hands were the most damaged as he used them to block most of the blast if it was any normal world this kind of injuries would leave him paralyzed for the rest of his life but since he is a Vice-Admiral he would get back to its feet in probably in weeks with the medical treatment.

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jazz clicked his tongue not able to kill him, that guy when they were fighting figured out a way to survive his Hell fire. He would disperse his body into light particle removing the hell fire which is attached to his body. If not for his Logia body then the hell fire would have probably already killed him. He missed this golden opportunity and the next time will be hard to get him in a barrier again. He is also lacking magical energy reserve with all the Light sword attack and explosion he received.

Kizaru:" A person of your level what are you doing here ' Dou-San '." he said to masked man in return he only got a nod.

Jazz:"Are you the one who broke her Barrier."

DOU:" Yep that was me, are you the one who shot me kid, its somewhat extraordinary that someone was able to injure me although it was a little wound. Won't you do a favor yo this old man and tell me your name." now jazz understood they were here not for him

Jazz:" Now this is awkward sorry old man i mistook you for someone else and shot you. Since you are not much injured i am glad. Then see ya...."

He turned out and started to leave but still didn't undo his transformation....

Kizaru:" Where are you going, this hasn't ended yet?" He shot a Light beam at jazz which he destroyed by Asterea sword.....

Kizaru has an ugly expression, today he found lot of people capable of countering him.

DOU:" Ke ke ke ke.... you misunderstood me boy, i will ask you again what is your name ?" Jazz felt a pressure on him forcing him to halt.

Jazz:" You aren't going to let this matter go right?" he said without turning back...

DOU:" That depend on your answer... ?" he said in a playful tone....


While jazz was confronting DOU....

The moment the masked man landed between the Fishmen pirates, he used every kind of Rokushiki Technique on them. Making them bleed all over the place. Marines have already retreated receiving Tsuru instructions.....

He didn't killed them but was playing around making them bleed. His hand was really covered with blood

" Ha ha ha ha.... this is the feeling, i missed it.... but i have became somewhat rusty. I don't hear much scream from you Fishes." he said while looking at all the fishermen lying on the floor who are glaring at him.

Tsuru:" What are you doing here ' Theen ' you are not suppose to be here meddling in the Navy business. "

Theen :" Tsuru-san don't mind me i am just helping my own people here right?"

Tsuru:" And Since when did Former Cipher Pol member starting helping the Navy."

Theen:" He he he.....are you still holding grudges for the matter 40 years ago matter. i told you at that time Marine and Justice are absolute we have a higher purpose. Showing mercy to criminals is not the definition of Justice. I just put those useless marines into their place.... " he said while pointing at the marines who got injured while fighting the Fishmen....

The Marines soldiers gritted the teeth and gripped their weapon hard. How could they stomach when someone say them useless. Some were about to lash on him for coming in the middle of a battle and messing with them. But were stopped by her, she stepped forward....

Tsuru:" There never was and never will be a useless marines when a Marines saves a life his worth became hundred times greater then a simple Killer. And didn't some useless marine showed the value of Navy 40 years ago by breaking an unbreakable body." she snicker at him, Theen's spine started tingling in pain remembering the matter 40 years ago.

He would have argued with her some more but he saw the Fishmen getting up. Turning around he saw Karin using her healing spell on the Fishmen and they started healing at a visible speed.

He walked toward her but was blocked by Jimbei and Tiger.

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Tiger:" That is enough, i don't know who you are but for harming my people. You will pay...."

Tiger/ Jimbei:" Gyojin Karate : 1000 Brick Fist "

The shock wave teared the ground as it made its way toward 'Theen' . Who just stood there in totally relaxed position . As the attacked reached him he moved his body like he was going to punch forward.....

jimbei:" Its not possible.." Seeing his stance all the fishmen were surprised.

Theen:" Gyojin Karate : 5000 Brick Fist "


Jimbei and Tiger's combined attack were not able to withstand his counter attack and were nullified but his attack did not stop there and made its way toward all the fisherman. Its scale was larger then they have ever thought. It blasted them along with all the Fisherman behind them. Jimbei quickly got up although he was injured he felt his inner organs are being torn apart from the shock wave, he was able to stand back up quickly.

Jimbei :" You who are you? "

Theen :" Hmm.... its not a face i like to saw in public, to tell you the truth i feel with disgust whenever I see my face in the mirror as for the name it's been so long I forgot it...i only have only a code name....."

Tiger :" where did you Learned Gyojin Karate. "

Theen :" Its not like its a secret from the rest of the world."

Jimbei:" But the stance you took, it were never taught to the outsider before. And you performed it easily answer us who are you?"

He again confronted him with Tiger but they were beaten back almost instantly. His strength was great as he could block both of their attack at the same time without any injuries.

Karin stopped healing them all the Fishmen moved back but they still couldn't get out of the island which was surrounded by the Marines soldier some of the Rear-Admiral also joined them. She was now standing with Chaos, Anko, Sandersonia and Marie. The situation became more dire on both islands.

Chaos was looking at the island where jazz was now Facing 'Dou'. Although the island look small from here, she could still look at him clearly. Even when he was in barrier her scans can inform her that he is there. But her scans also told her that he is in trouble when DOU appeared on the island...

Anko :" Chaos stop where are you going. " she was trying to stop her but she was already out of her reach...

She started walking toward his direction, she totally ignore 'Theen' much less all the fishmen and Navy that are confronting each other. she ignored some marines coming at her. some hesitated seeing she is around 13 year old, while her simple Nun outfit does give her image of a gentle girl...

" Stop little girl or we will be forced to harm you...."

" No lets arrest her we will investigate her involvement.... arrest her...."

Some of the Marines moved to block her and arrest her. But suddenly she started floating astonishing lots of people. She just levitated and moved out of the island toward Jazz totally ignoring friends And enemy alike.


jazz in his Ghost Rider form released his Angel wing, it has still not restored completely from his previous confrontation with Machvise. Under the influence of Ghost Rider Transformation his transparent feather like wings transformed into a cluster of small sharp metallic blades. It looked sharp and shiny you can see your reflection on it. The wing started absorbing energy from the surroundings....

Ikaros:" Master be careful he instantly broke my Ageis Shield. I didn't even saw how he broke it but i saw 4 claw mark on the broken barrier. And i felt like something sharp penetrated my barrier and ripped it apart...."

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Jazz looked at the old man, he is standing there but the pressure he is giving them is off the chart he is definitely out of his reach at present and to break her Aegis shield like nothing he must ahve some kind of ability. Everything about this old man screamed dangerous....

Marco:" Jazz we

jazz:" Are all of you guys ready....." He signaled them.

Jazz:" Lets bolt..." he spread his metal feathered wing ran at high speed toward the Island where Chaos was at.

Asterea:" Ehhh... aaa.... EEEEE" she looked back and find non of them...she also ran after them.

Asterea:" Why didn't you say you are going to run...." she complained to jazz

Jazz:" Didn't i say lets bolt, i envy your high speed acceleration type wing you were able to catch up with us even with late start ...."

Asterea:" He he if you praise me more i would be embarrassed....."

Marco:"Hey if we use your other ability we could run away easily, why are we doing this ...."

Jazz:" We are not running away i saw two Masked people coming toward us although it was my mistake that they are targeting us now but only one of them came to us while other is probably went to the other island, i worried about someone on the other island...."

Shiro:" He he he he....." she suddenly appeared and started laughing at his misfortunes....

Marco:" I always wanted to ask who the hell is she...." but no one answered him

Asterea:" Shiro i always thought you are weird...." she had a bad feeling and jazz started sweating more....

Hancock/Ravel/Tsunade:" OH NO.....WE NEED TO GO THERE FAST BEFORE SHE AWAKEN." They suddenly remembered something unpleasant....

But were suddenly blocked by Kizaru on the front and DOU from behind. Ikaros swiftly covered his back and decided to protect jazz from DOU if he decided to attack him....

DOU :" Kid i am disappointed, since you managed to give Kizaru hard time i thought you would be able to entertain me but to think you would try to escape, even if you live for another 20 year it will not be enough to escape from my hands. " he sighed in disappointment

Jazz:" I know that you don't want to let us escape but believe when i say that we can fight all you want just let us get to the island before...."

Hancock :" I think it's already too late..... " she said while pointing at the island it's just 1.5 Km away but they can see that chaos is being stopped but tens of soldiers.

They became tense but something unexpected happened, she started floating. They sigh in relief that she is not going on offensive.

Hancock:" No i don't think its over...." DOU is also wondering what are they talking about, he became curious as there attention were on a Little girl. who suddenly started floating now that he think about it all of these kids have wings....

Suddenly THEEN came and blocked her route, and they become tensed again.....


Chaos is now looking at THEEN who is blocking her path. She just ignored him and floated above him and marched forward. When she felt her feet being grabbed...

THEEN grabbed her feet, it looked like she is being grabbed by a giant, her being small and he being around 4 meter in height. He swung her ruthlessly on the ground....

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