Chapter 91

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Jazz flashed through the sky, he wanted to reach Amazon lily before the island could be destroyed.

Ikaros is following him behind with ship using the vivere card. He wasn't much worried about her, she can take care of herself and Chaos is also present.

Jazz :" This transformation really consumes lot of energy..." He has been flying for 5 hours already. Normally flying with Shikki ability doesn't take any effort but this transformation gave him superior speed when moving in a single direction.

Jazz :" I need to get there fast, i need more speed and more energy. "

He used both of his Angel wing and Devil wings at the same time. His angel wings started absorbing energy from the surrounding filling his energy reserve. He gained sudden boost in the speed. Creating Sonic boom in his wakes.

While on the Amazon Lily....

Tsunade :" Bring more beer, Wa ha ha ha... "

Ravel :" I am going to sleep.... ugh.... vomit "

Anko :" Ha ha ha our princess can't hold liquor... Hey where is the dish I asked for.... "

" Anko -San your dish is actually over there...." one girl pointed at Asterea who is doing a Marathon of eating food. Its been 10 hours and still counting....

Anko :" Hey Asterea you are eating my food.... "

Asterea :" lost it.... I found it.... So its mine "

Anko :" This bitch.... " she started a drunken fight with Asterea.....

Karin :" Yeah fight..... fight..... " She is also drunk

As for Rita, she was in her room. No one knows what she is doing as strange sound of Moaning and groaning was coming from there...

This is the scene on the whole island, well they managed to repel the Marines and one of the Vice-Admiral Akainu.... They have been partying non-stop for 3 days...

Inside a big building, in its biggest room Hancock has just awoken, she sighed hearing the party is still ongoing outside. The noise is reaching to her room....

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Sandersonia / Marie :" Big-sis you awake.. "

Both of them entered the room, following them is Granny Nyon....

Nyon :" You are sleeping soundly, at least control them. How long they are going to Party. It just one win and If I have to say, that was not a win that can be celebrated... "

Hancock :" Let them be, they are tired of Non-stop training in Haki for 1 year. Let them release some stress, And I know that was not a victory. They retreated in the middle of the fight..." she gritted her teeth in frustration....

Nyon :" They will come you know right? Marines are now capable of Roaming calm belt. What happened 3 days ago is not finished. We need to be prepared, sigh if you had accepted their request of becoming a Shichibukai..... "


A sudden kick from Hancock threw her out of the window.

Marie :" Ah... Granny Nyon.. "

Sandersonia :" Leave her be.... She deserve that. "

Hancock :" Marie, Sandersonia is my bath ready."

Marie :" Eh... yes, let's have a bath together. " she excitedly went with them.

Outside Granny Nyon landed on the ground perfectly...

Nyon :" She is getting more impatient these days, she didn't even heard my word completely.....Must be the puberty "


In the bathroom room, it would be rude to say it but it is 20 times larger then a normal one. Hancok is washing her body while Marie and Sandersonia are washing each other.

She has became more sexy in this one year, her long black hair is shining, it would entrances any one whether they have Hair fetish or not. Her curvature body is becoming unparalleled, she washed her body which is covered with soap carefully..... but her eyes shows that all of her attention were on something else....


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A girl came in she blushed seeing Hancock beautiful body...

Sandersonia :" What is it? "

" Sandersonia-sama, lunch is prepared and I want to report something. "

Hancock :" Speak. "

" Yes... Actually.... how do I say this. Tsunade-Sama and the others are....."

She was interrupted as Hancock quickly stood up, her observation Haki picked up something coming fast toward her.....

Bang Crash

Suddenly the rooftop the bathroom broke and a person landed on the small pool. Te ground cracked under its feet....

As the dust clears.....

Hancok :" You what are you doing here? " she was surprised and this could be the biggest surprise she get in this one year.

Jazz ignored her question and hugged her tightly. She didn't mind being hugged naked, she also hugged him...

He caressed her back, he felt so much relieved. He couldn't help hug her more tightly seeing her all right.

Jazz: You have became more beautiful in this one year..." He said while caressing her face. she also smiled and closed her eyes as she try to feel him....

Marie :" Waa Jazz-kun... " Marie suddenly jumped and hugged him from behind, resulting in falling three of them on the small pool.

Marie :" He he Jazz-kun finally came to see me. I thought you forgot about me..... Hic hic. " she started crying and laughing at the same time.

Jazz also hugged her, he hugged both naked Hancock and Marie on each arm.

Jazz: Aren't I here, seeing you cry like that i am relieved that you missed me. Otherwise I would be sad if you go find some other men Marie. "

Marie :" Why would I find other men. I have big sis, Sony and all the other big-sis my friends are all here. So why would I go find other men. " she seems puzzled by his question...

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Jazz :" Alright then what am i to you. "

Marie :" Jazz-kun is jazz-kun.... "

Jazz sighed seeing this block head. He need to work hard carefully with her but he will enjoy it for sure...

Jazz :" Yo Soni aren't you going to give me a hug. " he said still lying on the water pool to the naked Sandersonia. Who seems to have all kind of expressions Delightful, envy, shy also anger.

In the end the shyness triumph....She quickly grabbed a piece of towels and wrapped it around her. Now no.2 emotions Anger took over

Sandersonia :" You shameless why are here and Big-sis, Marie have some decency. " her face turned red seeing three of them cuddling naked at least two of them are.

Jazz laughed seeing her reaction, he also started to strip. Making her even more embarrassed...

Sandersonia :" And why are you still here, get out... " she became Tsundere and tells the guard to get out, who is having hard time maintaining her sanity seeing their princess naked cuddling with a man.


Now jazz is now taking a bath with Hancock and Marie, Sandersonia already left.

Marie :" Big-sis I will wash the you wash his front. "

Jazz enjoyed their touch. He looked at Hancock swaying boobs beautiful round white boobs, pink Nipple just made it more Erotic at the same time sacred. He wanted to jump on her but there is some pressing matters...

Marie :" You look a tired Jazz-kun.... "

Hancock :" I was surprised suddenly you coming crashing through the roof. I thought Kizaru came i should have known it was you. " She said while washing his chest

Jazz :" Have you read this morning newspaper... " he was perplexed seeing no one in the Amazon Lily is worried about The Buster Call.

Hancok :" No we get them only when we set out outside of the Calm Belt. News cockkoo can't reach here. "

Jazz :" Then I am glad that I came before its too late. "

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Hancock :" Did something happens "

Jazz :" A Buster Call was intiated on Amazon Lily. " It took a while to sink it in her mind went overdrive trying to properly sink it all in....

Hancok :" What... what are you saying. " she can't believe something like that would happen to Amazon Lily and it is also this sudden....

Jazz :" Yes then why do you think I came at my maximum flying speed. It took me 8 Hours to reach here. "

Jazz :" Tell me did you have some major conflict with Marine. " Marie who listening understood something serious is going on. She wondered what is this Buster Call.

Hancok :" 3 Days ago One of the Vice-Admiral Akainu brought 6 Battleship and intercepted us when we were returning from a trip. He proposed that I became a Shichibukai and Help them in capturing you. "

Jazz sighed, there is something inevitable Them giving her the title of Shichibukai. But this time she didn't accept it.

Jazz :" Then how did you escaped. " He knows escaping Akainu is not a easy task. He can do that easily but for them it will be hard considering they have to look after other crew members.

Hancock: " Why do you think that we would escape and not fight back." There was a strange tone when she said that. Jazz was surprised from the sudden change in the tone....

Jazz :" No i didn't meant it that way, I know Akainu ability and defeating him is hard. I was just asking how did the fight go... "

Hancock :" You believe in his strength and don't believe in ours, you think we will not be able to defeat him and the only way to survive is to escape. " Jazz hold her hand and looked at her eyes....

Jazz :" What is going on Here Hancock, what happened why are you talking like this. "

He had never seen her like that, this is the first time she had talked like that....

Hancok :" Nothing happened, I am leaving. If they are coming we need to prepare for it. Marie you go and spread the word that Marines are coming, it will be a hard battle. "

Marie :" Now i haven't washed him completely"

Hancock :" Then do it quickly... i am going. "

Jazz :" No Marie you go and do your job, I need to discuss with her something. "

Marie :" Hmm ok i am going..... " she has some doubts that her sister is upset with something... She hopes that things will be back to normal soon.

When she went out she found Sandersonia there, she was also listening to their conversation...

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