Chapter 98

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Nojiko:" Why did you hit...."

She was about to complain but was stunned seeing the gold and jewels in which she is sleeping.

Jazz:" Oh we found the treasure, the big-sis from earlier sure is generous...." he said lightly but he got smacked again but this time by both of them...

Nami:" how can you say that, you were" her cheeks became red

Nojiko:" Yes i don't know what they want but we can't stay here, lets look for a way out of the ship..." she said that Jazz started looking for something in the hip of the gold....

Nojiko:" What are you looking for, you know we can't take things from here. These belongs to the pirate...." she believed if they took anything they probably will be killed

Jazz:" I know but Pirates looting pirates is normal matter, didn't i tell you i sail the sea once and also did some piracy at that time..."

Nami:" You are a pirate?" Jazz simply Nodded,this is the first time she heard that, she didn't understand what does it mean to be a Pirate....

Jazz:" Oh .....i got something interesting....."


Violet :" Hancock i spotted something I can't see clearly in the darkness but they are swimming really fast...."

Hancock :" it's must be someone from Fishmen island, what are they doing here in this quite sea... "

Hancok :" Keep an eye on them, report me if anything unusual is happened ... " The ship slowly followed them in the darkness...


Jazz is with Nami and Nojiko in the treasure room. He found a big sword with a semi -circle curved on the sharp side of blade side which can be used to separate some one head.

This Sword name is Executioner blade, one of the seven ninja sword of the mist village.

Nojiko :" What kind of sword is that..." she looked at it curiously.

Jazz gave it to her....

Nojiko :" What am I going to do with this over size blade.

Jazz :" Just keep it with you for now, maybe you would need it in future... " She looked at him weirdly....

Jazz looked more in the treasure, there were some weapons mixed up in the gold and jewels. Armour, shield, chains, sword, Hammer.....

Finally he found something he thought that is perfect for Nami. He don't know from where he got it, but this thing is useful for her....

Nami :" Why are you picking odd thing from all the treasures.... "

Jazz :" It will probably help you someway in the future, if you don't want it you could pick something that you want from here.... "

They both looked at each other and thought that jazz is behaving weirdly today. They decided to keep it....

Nami :" You are not picking up anything...."

( Jazz: All of these things are mine to begin with...)

Nojiko :" Then we will choose something for you... "

To jazz surprise they brought out an full body Armour for a grown up man. This Armour could be said one of the unique because jazz found it in some rich man collection. One thing about it unique is it weighs 1000 Kg, it will be a miracle if you could lifts your wearing it. He don't know what kind of material it is made of but it is very tough.....

The one who build it, only thought of making an impenetrable Armour. But forgot about its weight that's what jazz think...

Nami :" Its Hard to move it. .. " Both of them struggle to move it...

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Jazz :" Why did you choose this Full body Armour. " he was puzzled

Nojiko :" We thought it will protect you from any injury... "

Nami :" But look like to we have to give up on the idea, it's too heavy. You will never be able to move in it.... "

Jazz :" No i will take it, it will remind of you all the time. " He felt really happy that they were thinking about his safety.

Nami:" I have Noticed you are behaving weirdly since you wake up...." Both of them became worried because jazz was speaking like they are going to separate....

WAM the treasure door opened and Violet came in. She looked at him seriously....

Violet :" There is something you need to see, all of you come... "

They followed her outside, but the Executioner Blade was carried by Jazz. This Sword is still out of her league....

Nami noticed strangely no one objected them bringing out some treasures from their vault.

Nami and Nojiko were surprised seeing that, night has already passed and Its already Morning.....

Unknowingly They have spent close to 24 Hrs on the ocean.

Nojiko :" Where are we...." She is still wary of them, But When she tried to understand their location she didn't find any ocean outside the ship . She could only see clouds everywhere...

Nami and Nojiko were stunned seeing, that they are flying. No the ship is flying...

Nami :" J we are flying.... " she tried to express her surprise to him and tried to confirm that she is not dreaming...

But she saw him with the beautiful girl from last night who kissed him....She became angry, seeing them being chummy together... She is afraid that he will be

Nami :" J what are you doing with this woman..." she tried to separate them but jazz didn't budge...

Jazz :" She is taking us home, she said there is some trouble on Conomi Island. "

Nojiko :" What kind of trouble... " she also joined them...

Hearing the name of their Island both of their attention were peaked..


jazz Nami and Nojiko have gone missing for 20 hours,

Jasmine :" Bellemere-san, you are worrying too much, they will be fine. J is with them... "

Bellemere :" But some fisherman said that one of the boat is missing, they must have gone out on the sea. I am worried something happened to them.... "

she would have already left to look for them but Jasmine stopped her and soon a storm struck the area making her incapable of doing anything, she only wished that all three of them are alright.

When she worrying about the kids, Suddenly outside things became chaotic.

" zee ha ha ha.... " A Fishmen with sharp shark like teeth and nose sharp as a jagged sword laughed as he destroy some house and beat some villagers.

" Ku ku.... These mere human are trying to fight with us, how pitiful... "

" Let them taste the true strength of our Gyojin Karate. "

Jasmine and Bellemere who came outside of the house saw the destruction some Fishmen are doing. Bellemere became angry seeing how they Are destroying their Tangerine field....

Bellemere :" Jasmine-san you get inside.... " She brought her inside and told her to hide.

Jasmine :" But what are you going to do, it's dangerous outside... " she tried to persuade her to not go outside

Bellemere :" Don't worry i was in Marine remember, I will be fine... "

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She took out one rifle and went outside.


Jasmine who was inside got worried because after 3 gunshots outside silent permeated.....


Jazz, Nami and Nojiko just arrived out of a portal, Girls didn't have the luxury to ask how did that happen because in front of them was the most Horrible scene that they didn't even thought about it in dream happened ...



Bellemere-san was shot and now she was bleeding heavily on the ground. Jasmine also came outside, she paled seeing her bleeding so much....

Nami /Nojiko :"Bellemere-san.... "

They both screamed out of their lungs and rushed at her, Jasmine also rushed at her and tried to stop the Bleeding...

Jasmine :" Its ok nothing will happen to you, just keep breathing... "

Nami and Nojiko cried seeing her like that....

Bellemere :" Nami, Nojiko..... i am glad that you are alright...." she smiled seeing them when it could be her final moments

Nami :" Bellemere-san.... bellemere-san.... No no... don't go please, don't die..... I will not be picky anymore.... I will listen to your every word..... just don't leave me... " Her tears drenched the already bloodied cloth....

Nojiko :" Mother..... waaaaaaaa.... mother please stay, i don't want to be alone without you...." their cry resounded in the village.....


His laughter and their cry mixed together really annoyed him to no end, it brought out a disgusting feeling towards Arlong.

The chief of the village seeing the girls in this state took out his sword and slashed at Arlong but, he was blocked by another Fishmen.....

Suddenly Ikaros appeared near jazz...

This Startle everyone because no one noticed her movements, Arlong and the others Fishmen attention now shifted on her...

Jazz :" With you how did things develop like this... "

Ikaros :" Master i am sorry, I was trying not to reveal my identity and in this form fighting became hard while maintaining the transformation.... "

she was busy dealings with other Fishmen all over the village but she had to maintain the current image of a small little girl so it became hard to fight while avoid the prying eyes, she became down hearted that thing became like this..

Jazz just patted her head indicating to not worry about it anymore....

Jasmine :" Jazz what are you waiting for.... " she rebuked him for just standing there and doing nothing....

Jazz didn't say anything and two figure appeared out of the portal. Both were in disguise and started treating her injury.....

Jasmine :" Bellemere-san stay with us, these two will heal your injuries in no time..... don't give up... "

Bellemere :" Cough... puke... Jasmine-san please take care of them..... "

Jazz :" What are you blabbering, you are going to be just fine, it's just a gun wound... "

Bellemere was A little taken aback hearíng him, the usual happy go lucky nature vanished and now his face showed that how calm he is even in this situation...

Bellemere :" Who are you? "

Before he could answer a sword was on his neck.... Nami and Nojiko became paled, first bellemere-san and now J....

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Nojiko " No stop it stop hurting them please, they are precious to me... " she begged them

" Like we care stay down filthy human, you two seems to be close to the woman.... " a Fishmen restrained her

Jazz :" Don't talk and don't touch them..... " He poured his killing intent on the Fishmen stopping him for doing her any harm....

The killing intent washed all the Fishmen, rooting them on the place paled, they felt their life was about to vanished....

Arlong :" Who..... who are you.... " He felt this kid is nothing like what he seems. That much killing intent would kill a normal man....

Jazz grabbed the sword the sword on his and it broke instantly....

Arlong even with the pressure weighing on him. Moved back hastily .....

"RIPPING SOUND " resounded and a deep and long wound appeared across his whole torso.

Arlong :" Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa"

He screamed as blood flow out of like a fountain, if he didn't get treatment he would seriously die....

""""""""""Arlong - san """""""""

All the fishmen moved and supported him, they gritted their teeth and looked at him venomously. No one saw what happened but there are blood drio....

" You bastard, how dare you... ugh " One of the Fishmen didn't understand their situation..... and was blasted away by his kick and crashed into several houses ....

Jazz :" Arlong do you know why you or any of the fishmen are not dead.... " saying he istantly appeared in front of him and grabbed his neck.....

Arlong :" Who.... " He was about to ask the question because he felt being wronged here. He came to this backward water and still got his ass handed to him by a kid....

But upon seeing him closer he istantly recognised him....

" You..... you.. what are you doing here " he paled upon recognising him....

Jazz :" You don't need to know, you only need to get out of East Blue and never come back. you would be dead if I didn't owe Otohime- san great favour. I don't want to get the blood of a Fishmen on my hand. But if you push my hand, I can only apologise to her later... "

" Now take your men and leave this place.... "

After saying that Jazz didn't pay attention to them, Nami and Nojiko and all of the villagers looked at the scene with awe.

Jazz:" Everything is fine now.... " He said to Both of them.

Nami :" That blood... on your hand, did you killed him. " Jazz flick her forehead....

Jazz :" Didn't you see he is just injured.... " he looked at bellemere-san she seems to be fine, her wound is already healed but she is unconscious.

Nami :" Yeah i am relieved, for a moment i felt you are a totally different person. " She smiled weakly, Nojiko looked at his face trying to understand something...

Jazz couldn't look at her eyes or give her a response that could reassure her that he is the same J that used to play with them because he knows what she knows about him is not his Complete self, it's just a part of him which he showed them .....

When things were calming down few Marine leading by a Officer with strange pointy nose and wishkers on his face....

" Sir, you came at the right time. Those Fishmen went that way please arrest them. "

" Sir you have to get them, they hurt my husband. "

" Sir....."

" Sir...."

One by people started complaining, asking for help. But that officer ignored everyone and went directly to jazz...

" ARREST HIM " he ordered to his subordinates.

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All the villagers were left flagbrusted, just what is happening? Why is they arresting a kid instead of the Fishmen who just terrorises the village.

" Excuse me officer there must be a mistake he is not the criminal, it is the fishmen that destroyed this village, you got the wrong person here. He is the one who saved this village.. " Village chief tried to explain

" No he interfered with Marine Work, he will be taken to Base for further inquiry. " Captain Nezumi said

( Damn, because of this kid my plan to exploit the village with Fishmen pirates have failed. who knew that the Fishmen pirates will be this weak, i shouldn't have joined hands with them in the first place losing to the kids.)

Nezumi:" Hey what taking you so...."

When he was in deep thought on how to use this situation to his full benefits those who went to arrest them were down on the floor groaning in pain....

Nezumi:" What are you doing, you can't even arrest some kids..." He brought out his gun and pointed at them.

"Kid do not resist " he don't know what happen but better be safe...

Nami and Nojiko went and shielded him.

Nojiko:" You are a Marine, you should protect us why are you doing this. They didn't did anything wrong , J only did that to protect us." she pleaded him

Nami:" J and I are innocent, you should arrest the criminal who destroyed this village...." She was angry seeing how they are behaving.

" Yeah do your job properly.."

" Is this how a Navy officer should act.."

" You are not welcome here, get out of ..."

One by one villager gathered some make shift weapons and tried to push them away.....

Nezumi seeing they all are protecting the kids and pushing them back, he became angry and pulled the trigger aiming at Nami.


"Thud "

Nami fell to the ground but the bullet didn't reach her as she was pushed away from it and it hit Jazz. Jazz look at the wound and thought...

jazz:( Hmm my skin have become tough only a little scratch...)

While jazz was marveling his body toughness, others have different reaction.

Jasmine, Nami and Nojiko rushed at him. Jasmine knows that he is strong but her heart felt pain seeing him injured like that.

While Ikaros seeing him getting injured , her eyes changed color and a halo appeared on her head. Slowly her size returned to her previous state wearing an Angeloid Armour and a pair of beautiful wings appeared behind her back...

Ikaros:" To harm my master i will destroy you....." a tremendous energy erupted out of her body pushing everyone back.

She grabbed the head of Nezumi, who became scared seeing and feeling the pressure coming from her....he pulled the trigger...

Bang bang bang

But nothing happened, the bullets bounced back from her body....

Nezumi: " Aaaaaaaaaaa..." all the other Navy soldiers also pointed their guns at her but they shake in fearand couldn't pulled the trigger....

Ikaros squeezed his head, a cracking noise could be heard blood started coming out of his Mouth, nose, ear,eyes....

Jazz:" Ikaros...." she would have killed him but jazz stopped her.

She left Nezumi bleeding and went to Jazz , some villager became scared seeing how a liitle girl suddenly changed into a big boobed girl and almost killed a Navy officer...

Nami and Nojiko also were scared and hugged jazz like they are trying to shield him, they were glad that he is fine and talking like nothing happened...

Ikaros:" i am ....."

Jazz:" You don't have to , its fine ..... But with the ruckus today i guess our time is up....." he sighed

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