One Piece Shura

Chapter 14

Chapter 14 Platinum Material

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  ”Finally done!”

  He don’t have the energy to listen to the system’s prompts. After a bitter battle with Hanmok, I don’t think Raavan won the final victory. Even in the bitter battle, he made another breakthrough, and his fit with his own fruits has become higher.

  But Hanmok, who has the potential of a Admiral, is really not that easy to kill!

  If it weren’t for Raavan’s better luck, maybe the person who fell in the pool of blood now would be Raavan himself.

  At this moment, not only was the body exhausted, but the wound on his chest hit by the Hanmok snake’s tail was also faintly painful, causing Raavan to no longer be able to maintain Shura’s form. The dark red light on his body gradually dissipated, and Raavan barely stood there. It returned to its normal form.

  After returning to his normal shape, endless exhaustion swept through, undoubtedly making Raavan paralyzed on the ground with a “puff”, sweating, as if weak.

  Fortunately, Shura’s ability to recover is very strong. Now that the wounds on Raavan’s chest are crusted, he finally doesn’t have to worry that he will end up with Hanmok and lose both.

  But recalling the previous battle, until now Raavan is still in fear.

  It took a long time until Raavan fixed his eyes and saw the bloody black hole on Hanmok’s chest. Raavan’s mental fatigue was relieved. At the same time, he secretly rejoiced that he was in the battle with Hanmok. In addition to obtaining fruit awakening material, another harvest.

  The breakthrough of Murloc Karate!

  In Tiger’s teachings, he only taught the basics of murloc karate, which is the practice of punching. Because, as long as the murloc karate is based, the training of punching can break through the entry level. After reaching the level of entering the room, you don’t need to do too much training. You only need to understand some powerful skills, such as Tiger, Shichibukai in the future, Fishman punches, Water waves, and shoulder throws that Jimbe, can be naturally mastered.

  And the breakthrough that Raavan made in the battle against Hanmok was exactly the breakthrough in the skill of force.

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  What are the weaknesses of Hammok?

  It is equivalent to having no weakness and having a basalt “tortoise shell” body. Hanmok is equivalent to wearing the strongest armor in the world and wants to be strong on the front, unless it is several times stronger than Hanmok.

  Like Tiger.

  He only needs to use murloc karate with Armament Haki, and he can easily smash the defense of the basaltic “tortoise shell” and make Hanmok’s advantage disappear.

  But Raavan didn’t have the strength of Tiger’s, he didn’t understand how to use Armament Haki.

  Compared with the current Vice Admiral Sakazuki and the future Admiral Akainu, Raavan is even more incomparable. Therefore, simply wanting to defeat Hanmok by smashing absolute defenses is equivalent to having no hope at all.

  But things always have two sides!

  Hanmok’s strongest advantage happened to be his weakness, which was gradually discovered by Raavan when he was fighting Hanmok.

  With the absolute defensive protection of the “tortoise shell” armor, Hanmok almost madly believes in his external defense, just ignoring his own protection.

  At that time Raavan thought, if only he could fight cattle across the mountain!

  An outburst of ten thousand watts fore punches, on the surface, fell on Hanmok’s “tortoise shell” defense, but actually through the “tortoise shell” defense, it landed on the body that Hanmok, but had ignored. Isn’t it just the way to defeat Hanmok?

  With an inspiration, in the subsequent five consecutive explosions, Raavan boldly tried. It happened to be at the end of the ten consecutive explosions. With Shura’s super talent, Raavan perfectly used A ten thousand watt punch like a cow. Although the “tortoise shell” in front of him was only cracked, he clearly saw the “fist mark” on Hanmok’s chest, and then Raavan knew that Hanmok was going to die.

But with the super talent of Shura, Raavan’s body and muscles are impressively remembering the Fishman Karate like “beating a cow across the mountain”.

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  Well, after having been in contact with Tiger for a long time, Raavan felt that the way he named himself was a bit weird.

  It seems that in the future, we still have to get close to Hancock, and use the “aromatic feet” as the name, and the “sweet fist” routine is better.

  Then, after summarizing the previous hard fight with Hanmok, he further improved his own combat experience, and the Raavan communicate with system: “System, is the awakening material I just obtained stored in the warehouse?”

  ”Host, the Platinum Awakening material you obtained: The visual fruit material has been successfully deposited in the warehouse. Please check it carefully.”


  Was it platinum awakening material? That’s awesome!


  What the hell is the visual fruit? Isn’t it a good mythical beast Xuanwu fruit?

  System, you are cheating!

  The corner of his eye was pulled out, Raavan looked at the second platinum material stored in the warehouse and was speechless, because he had no idea what the hell was the visualization fruit!

  And when Raavan was secretly confused, what was going on with the first high-level awakening material he harvested right now, only hearing a “swish” sound, Raavan looked at him and saw Tiger panting. Who suddenly appeared in front of him.

  ”Boy, you… are you okay?”


  Back in time.

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  That was the beginning of the battle between Raavan and Hanmok, when Raavan broke out to the limit in the Shura form for the first time, hitting the first ten thousand watt punch.

  With a slightly surprised look, he looked in the direction of Raavan’s battle. Although Tiger had known Raavan for a long time, Hancock was a figure of enchanting level, one with superb learning ability, and the other as a Haki holder, but Tiger never expected that Raavan could now use his 10,000-watt punch with his abnormal cultivation speed!

  But think about Raavan’s fruit ability…

  Well, Tiger is relieved!

  Silently comforting himself, Raavan used the fruit ability to use the 10,000-watt to the limit. Tiger took a deep breath, suppressed the astonishment in his heart, and continued to carefully teach Hancock to practice.

  Who thought it didn’t take long…


  Raavan suddenly started a second burst, making Tiger finally unable to contain the shock in his heart!

  ”Is the damn kid taking drugs? Two bursts, is it really the limit he can bear?”

  ”Damn! Three bursts, four bursts, five bursts! What’s the matter with that kid? A murloc karate practiced for half a month can be worth three years of practice!”

  ”Fuck? Six bursts in a row! Hancock, stop practicing, follow me to God!”

  ”Seven bursts, eight bursts, nine bursts… Hey! I’m a little numb!”

  ”Wait! Ten bursts! That kid…Isn’t he in trouble?”

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  It only took a few minutes for Raavan to let Tiger go from shock to numbness. It is estimated that even if Raavan says he is the One Piece in the future, Tiger who is now numb will accept it.

  But when Raavan was in a tenth burst, Tiger suddenly recovered and realized that Raavan was in trouble. Therefore, to temporarily hide Hancock in a safe place, Tiger did not hesitate to run with all his strength, but he did not expect that when he arrived, Raavan’s battle was over.

  He glanced at the dead body of Hanmok in a pool of blood, and then at Raavan in front of him, except for the crusted wound on his chest, he was just a little tired.

  Tiger put his heart back in his stomach and took a deep breath. He said that it is good for the smelly kid to encounter some hard fights, which will help his growth. Soon Tiger stared at the corpse of Hanmok in the navy uniform. Pretending to be serious, said: “Little devil, it’s pretty good. After half a month of cultivation, you can solve a navy commander with fruit ability. Great progress!”

  What? Commander?

  Meow, I thought he was a rear admiral! So difficult to deal with!

  Knowing the identity of Commander Hanmok, Raavan said that a Commander would have to spend so much energy on his own to be able to overcome with an immediate breakthrough. He couldn’t help but feel a little lost and said, “Oh, it turned out to be just a major, I thought… I think this person with the ability to visualize fruits is a general. It seems that it took a lot of effort to defeat a small major, Tiger, I seem to be a failure, right?”

  ”Just know.”

  Nodded very proudly, Tiger smiled in his heart, your kid is finally deflated!

  But recalling what Raavan said earlier, when Tiger caught the dead Navy Commander Hammok, who was capable of visualizing fruits, suddenly Tiger looked at Raavan’s eyes straight!

  What? Those with the ability to visualize fruits?

  The guy whose navy headquarters has determined to have the strength of a general?

  Hancock, please get me a pair of pants…

  I was scared to pee by Raavan’s kid!

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