One Piece Shura

Chapter 23

Chapter 23 Sabaody Archipelago Islands

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Whitebeard, Edward Newgate, a person with fruit-Tremor ability.

Since the public execution of the Pirate King Gol D. Roger, White Beard has been hailed as a living legend. The strongest man in the world is now a king in the new world and the emperor in the sea.

And Whitebeard can have today’s reputation and power, on the one hand, his own ability is very strong, even without that terrible fruit ability, there are very few people who can fight him in the sea. Coupled with the identity of a fruit-tremor ability who claims to have the power to destroy the world, although Whitebeard’s bounty has not increased for many years, even the world government, the navy is unwilling to provoke such a terrifying existence.

At this moment, seeing Raavan’s “Almight Push”, the tsunami instantly wiped out the pirates around him, Rob Lucci could faintly see the shadow of the white beard from Raavan’s body, and silently sighed Raavan’s “Almight Push” has a fruitful charm, and its evaluation is quite high.

But no matter how shocked Hancock, Tiger, and Rob Lucci stared at Raavan’s back, he was conquered by his “Almighty Push” terrifying power, but Raavan himself knew his limits very well.

A large-scale “Almighty Push” is his limit.

If it weren’t for the face-saving, the current Raavan wanted to sit directly on the ground and rest.

Fortunately, after the pupil of Shura opened, relying on the recovery ability of his own fruit, Raavan soon stood firm. It was just sweating all over and standing proudly on the bow of the ship, Raavan glanced at Tiger, Hancock and others, with cold sweat in his palms.

“If you use the fruit power and incarnate as Shura, the powerful “Almighty Push” can be used twice. It can’t be as embarrassed as it is now. Generally speaking, the recent cultivation results are still good. Otherwise, it is the previous one. “Almight Push”, even if I want to use it, I can’t use it.”

“But for the ensuing fierce battle, the rest of the battle will be settled by Tiger.”

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“Really, I just wanted to show off the results of my practice. I didn’t expect it to be self-defeating.”

“You are so cool, but in order to show off in the future, can’t…”

“Can’t do it so recklessly!”

With a secret heart, Raavan, who was relieved of his anger, turned around and smiled at Tiger, Hancock and others.

And Hancock, who came back to his senses first, returned sweet smile. On the contrary, it was Tiger. Rob Lucci couldn’t regain his senses for a long time in the shock, but after he recovered, they looked at Raavan’s gaze. It has also become completely different.

That is to say, Rob Lucci looked into Raavan’s complicated gaze, and there was a sense of awe and jealousy.

At the same time.

Raavan made such a great momentum in the vicinity of the Sabaody Archipelago Islands. A “Almighty Push” wiped out the terrifying record of several pirate groups, which naturally attracted great attention.

After Raavan and the others’ ships gradually approached the Sabaody Archipelago Islands, no pirate group dared to provoke them, which is a good illustration.

It can be seen that Raavan’s “Almighty Push” not only conquered a few people on his boat, but also conquered the pirates near the Sabaody Archipelago Islands.

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of course.

At this time, it was definitely not just pirates who was paying attention to the movements of Raavan and others. Some of the “big men” on the Sabaody Archipelago Islands also learned that a noteworthy guy was about to arrive in the Sabaody Archipelago Islands.


Sabaody Archipelago Islands, area 13.

In a hotel named “Shakky’s Rip-off Bar”, the charming young woman Shakky slowly lit a cigarette, recalled the previous movement outside the island, and suddenly smiled and said: “Rayliegh, it seems Another cute little guy is about to arrive in the Sabaody Archipelago Islands. Who do you think they are looking for?”

“It’s fine to trouble anyone, as long as it doesn’t trouble us.”

Pour a glass of rum for himself, the former deputy captain “Pluto” Rayleigh leaned on the sofa casually, and said faintly: “But the little guy just had a very interesting moment. It reminded me suddenly. The first time I saw the guy at Newgate. It’s just that the Sabaody Archipelago Islands have been very uneven recently. For the other familiar little guys, I am going to go out for a while!”

Having said that, Rayleigh drank the rum in the glass in front of him and waved his hand at Shakky casually. It didn’t take long for Rayleigh to cross the Sabaody Archipelago Islands and came to Area 41, wearing in front The fat guy with green short sleeves, green scarf and a piece of meat in his hand smiled and said:

“Laki, eat less and see how fat you are.”

“By the way, I haven’t attended the banquet for a long time, tell the little guy Shanks, take out all the good wine and meat on your boat! Hahahahaha!”


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Sabaody Archipelago Islands, area 62.

This is where the navy is stationed, so from a distance, the No. 62 area is filled with uniformed navy stationed there.

I got some recent information about the Sabaody Archipelago Islands. Wearing a red suit and a white navy cloak with the word “Justice”, Hina, the navy flower, suddenly gave a light “Huh” and directed at the cigar smoking next to me. The guy said, “Smoker, Hina has found a very interesting guy. It should be about to land on the island now. Hina wants to ask if we need to meet him?”

“No need.”

Called “Navy Twin Stars” with Rob Lucci, Smoker, who is now a lieutenant colonel, took a sigh of cigar and solemnly said: “The important auction will begin in the afternoon, in order to protect those guys. We must stick to our posts and not be sloppy.”

With that, he suddenly recalled that the most unreliable guy among them was their immediate boss.

So for an instant, with black lines on his forehead, Smoker slowly got up and sighed deeply:

“Forget it, I’ll go find Vice Admiral Kuzan myself, I guess he is now… I’m afraid he is hiding somewhere to sleep!”

“Hina will go with you, in case we can meet that little guy worth seeing!”


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After half an hour.

Successfully made a name in the Sabaody Archipelago Islands, Raavan and others, who were not harassed by pirates, soon arrived in the Sabaody Archipelago Islands and temporarily docked the ship in the No. 51 area of ​​the Sabaody Archipelago Islands.

Raavan was always a little worried because he put Rob Lucci on the boat alone, so Raavan, who was going to have fun in the Sabaody Archipelago Islands first, asked Tiger to be responsible for carrying Rob Lucci, and he was holding Hancock’s little hands, take a good taste of the scenery of Sabaody Archipelago Islands.

In the Sabaody Archipelago Islands, there are still many fun things.

Like “Bubble Cars” and “Bubble Balloons”, they are all novel things that Raavan and Hancock have never seen before. Then when I went to the park in the Sabaody Archipelago Islands, I still had some Bailey’s Raavan and Hancock hand. It was really a joy to play.

Watching Raavan and Hancock walk down the Ferris wheel hand in hand, with contented smiles on their faces, Tiger, who has been guarding Rob Lucci, feels much better.

However, the good mood only lasted a few minutes.

When Raavan and others walked out of the park in the Sabaody Archipelago Islands, ready to eat something to fill their stomachs, the sharp-eyed Tiger suddenly saw the crowd in front of him quickly get away from the central road, and the moment he crawled on the ground without a word. Tiger, whose face turned iron, slapped Raavan’s shoulder vigorously, his pupils tightened slightly and said:

“The troublesome guy is here, kid, let’s hide temporarily!”

I never thought that when Raavan followed Tiger’s gaze and locked on those arrogant figures at a glance, he smiled and shook his head. Raavan directly rejected Tiger’s proposal and said:

“Hide? Is it necessary?”

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