One Piece Shura

Chapter 30

Chapter 30 Crazy Tiger?

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My cheek hurts!

I just wondered whether the platinum awakening material I got was not useful at all, and the improvement after awakening was not even as good as the bronze material in the form of cat, fruit, and leopard. I did not expect that the ability to visualize the fruit material helped me at my most critical moment. Raavan couldn’t help blushing at this moment, and thought to himself:

“Platinum Awakening material is Platinum Awakening material, I was naive before…”

At this time, Raavan was able to determine that the Shura Golem that appeared behind him was the ability to visualize the fruits, and the reason was that he had previously fought against Hanmok.

I once remembered that when Hanmok used the ability to visualize fruit, behind it was a virtual shadow like his current self. And the difference between Raavan and Hanmok’s fruit abilities may be that what Hanmok visualized was the divine beast Xuanwu in Raavan’s eyes, and the thing he visualized was the Shura golem behind him!

At the same time, when the Shura golem suddenly appeared behind Raavan, abruptly resisting Kuzan’s frozen fruit ability, the slightly lost Kuzan could not help but sigh in his heart, the little demon in front of him really gave him too much surprise.

With the courage to slay the world’s noble Dragon people, and the potential to dominate the world, Kuzan’s only thought after losing his mind is that he must not let the little ghost in front of him grow up.

Otherwise one day…

The pattern of the world will eventually change for the kid in front of you!

Therefore, Kuzan, who was extremely serious, knew that he couldn’t have the slightest reservation, and had to use 100%, or even 200%, to solve the little devil in front of him.

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In order to avoid accidents, the killing intent gradually appeared in Kuzan’s eyes at this time!

He must be killed here!

If you let him go, accidents will inevitably happen!


Just when a few wisps of killing intent appeared in the twin pupils of Kuzan, there was not the slightest reserved ability to use frozen fruits. One of Kuzan’s nirvana skills, “Ice Age”, was used directly!

“Crack… crack…”

Frost is permeated!

In an instant, Raavan, under the protection of the Shura Golem, had just shattered the “frozen moment” that restricted physical activity. He never thought that when he had just got out, Kuzan’s nirvana “Ice Age” suddenly struck.

At that moment, endless cold air emerged from Kuzan’s body. The surrounding soil, trees, and even flowers and plants were directly frozen into ice sculptures under that cold air. What’s more frightening was that as Kuzan’s body became more cold, Not only Raavan, but even the Shura Golem behind Raavan was faintly frosting.

But when Raavan wondered if the Shura Golem behind him could resist the nirvana of the future Navy Admiral Kuzan…

The ability to visualize the fruit, or the Shura Golem behind Raavan, showed the terrifying defensive abilities that even Raavan felt terrifying!

Kuzan’s “Ice Age” is not a joke. At this time, although Kuzan narrowed the scope when using “Ice Age”, under the atmosphere of “Ice Age”, Raavan only felt that Kuzan might only need one thought, the entire Sabaody Archipelago Islands will turn into a crystal ice sculpture under the innocent thoughts.

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But it was the “Ice Age” that contained endless power, and even the air could freeze. It was actually resisted by the Shura golem behind Raavan!

Except for a bit of frost attached to his body, Raavan’s body was still able to move freely, and even his own strength was not affected at all. Looking at the Shura Golem behind Raavan, it was as if he was disdainful of confronting Kuzan. No matter how little frost was covered on his body, it was silently guarding Raavan’s back and protecting the owner to not harmed in any way.

“How… how is it possible!”

It’s also seeing the Shura Golem’s outstanding defensive abilities.

Kuzan gritted his teeth, armed with Armament Haki fist, even if it was a punch!

He doesn’t believe that there is absolute defense in the world.

What about Hanmok’s sacred beast, Xuanwu?

As long as Sakazuku uses Armament Haki, can’t he still break open at will?

It was the first time to use Haki in front of Raavan, with a huge Armament Haki attached to his fist, causing Kuzan’s fist to be covered with black. But the “bang” punch blasted in front of Raavan. Not only did Kuzan not hurt Raavan half-heartedly, but the Shura Golem suddenly stretched out his palm to block Raavan’s front, making Kuzan abrupt shock went out.

Then, Kuzan, who did not believe in evil, blasted with a punch again, each time he condensed a little more Haki, but the result was exactly the same as when the first punch came.

3 minutes…

5 minutes…

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8 minutes!

Seeing that the task of awakening the material is about to be completed, and looking at the breathless young boy in front of him, Raavan is really thankful that the Asura Golem can appear at the most critical moment, and visualize the fruit to come out when he is facing a life and death crisis.

A faint smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, even Raavan did not understand whether the Shura Golem had other functions besides its solid defense, or how the future self could control the Shura Golem and unfold this solid defense for himself. But as long as it can be delayed for two more minutes, the frozen fruit material can be started, and Raavan feels like he is in front of the tired young boy, using the speed of a “leopard” after awakening four times to escape.

However, Raavan never expected that when the naive material awakening task was completed in only ten seconds, an accident happened!

When fighting with Raavan, Kuzan really delayed too much time. Now Tiger has joined Hancock, the captured Lucci, and it can be seen that Kuzan came in person this time. The result is mission failure.

Therefore, thinking that he might take the place of Raavan and become the target of Dragon people’s anger and vent, he suddenly unreservedly used Armament Haki!



That punch fell on the Shura Golem that was protecting Raavan. Even Raavan, who was protected inside the Shura Golem, felt that his body was affected by the force of that punch. Slowly dripped a little red blood from the corner of his mouth.

At that time, what made Raavan thankful, and what made Kuzan desperate, was that the defense of the Shura Golem remained intact!

In other words, the defense of the Shura Golem, even if it is a Admiral-level enemy erupting with full force, is an absolute defense that cannot be crushed!

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But just after Raavan was secretly excited, and thought that as long as he could control the Asura Golem, he could gallop in the sea at will, the violent aura emanating from the Asura Golem became more and more serious!

No need to look at it with the naked eye, Raavan knew that the Shura golem behind him was angered!

And the angered Shura Golem is undoubtedly very terrifying!

Because when he was locked in by the killing intent of the Asura golem, Kuzan had consumed too much and was a little tired, but at this time, the killing intent from the Asura golem exuded, and it actually made Kuzan unable to move his body at will. A feeling of fear emerged, which was enough to witness the terrible Shura Golem.

What made Kuzan even more frightened was the action the Shura Golem made in the next second!

For a moment, Kuzan only heard a roar from the enraged Shura Golem!


Accompanied by the roar of the Shura golem, Kuzan saw the Shura golem suddenly punching, and immediately a golden leopard shadow followed the Shura golem with a punch, and a punch fell on Kuzan’s body!

On the contrary, it was Raavan. Seeing the Shura Golem making a move for the first time, and seeing Kuzan fell to the ground under the blow of the Shura Golem, his life and death were unclear, and even his thinking was frozen for a while!

Because of the trick the Shura Golem just used…

It’s too much like the fierce tiger of the mad tiger emperor in DNF!

“Could it be my Shura Golem, is it… changed job?”

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