One Piece Shura

Chapter 36

“Then… what the hell is that!”

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Staring at the Planetary Devastation in the sky, flesh and steel are intertwined, like a “meteorite”-like object, Kuzan pupils are slightly tightened, thinking can not help but a little sluggish, it is completely impossible to imagine several naval warships, nearly ten thousand navy elite configuration, known as the Navy absolute “killing weapon” Buster Call was completely destroyed in the hands of Raavan within minutes and seconds.

As unexpected as Kuzan, there is also the future general Kizaru.

As early as when Kuzan returned from a serious injury, Kizaru had no intention of underestimating Raavan.

After all, there are not many people in the sea that can make Kuzan so embarrassed now.

I never thought that even if Raavan was regarded as a worthy opponent, Kizaru at this time was still unavoidably shocked by Raavan’s handwriting.

That kid…

Could it be a monster?

the other side.

The two future Admirals of the navy were shocked by Raavan’s handwriting at this time, not to mention the ordinary crew members of the Red-haired Pirates.

At this time, they looked at Raavan’s eyes, as if they were looking at a ghost.

Even if he knew that Raavan was on his side, the ordinary crew member of the Red-haired Pirate Group looked into his eyes, and now he couldn’t help but have a look called “fear”.

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It can be said that apart from Hancock looking at Raavan’s figure with admiration, no one can not be shocked by Raavan’s handwriting. Especially Tiger, he believed that he had been in contact with Raavan for the longest time, but with Raavan’s sudden rise, a strange feeling of not knowing Raavan emerged in Tiger’s heart.

The future “Four Emperors” red-haired Shanks stared at Raavan’s figure in a daze, wondering what he was looking at.

Among these people, only the “Pluto” Rayleigh who had seen countless big scenes was a little calmer, his expression was just a little surprised, and suddenly he saw Raavan in mid-air with his palms folded again, and the corners of Rayleigh’s mouth slowly raised An arc, he smiled and said, “Little brother Raavan is really interesting. It seems that the shock he brought us is more than that.”

“What? You mean Raavan still has the following hole cards?”

“Impossible, that kid is at the limit, what else can he do?”

“Let us wait and see!”

As Rayleigh’s voice came slowly, everyone including Shanks and Tiger opened their mouths, silently watching Raavan’s figure, waiting for him to continue to create miracles.

At this time…


Along with Raavan’s another low drink, the “meteorite” condensed from navy flesh and blood and debris from naval battleships suddenly moved!

With Raavan maintaining the “Planetary Devastation”, with his palms folded together, he used the “Gravity Field” to impose a hundred times more gravity on the “meteorite” he condensed!

And at the moment when a hundredfold gravity was applied to the “meteorite”, accompanied by the loud noise of “boom” and “boom”, there was another “whoop” immediately!

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The “meteorite” that could have fallen in free fall, under the pressure of the “gravity field”, actually began to fall rapidly. Because the “meteorite” fell too fast, it caused high temperature by friction with the surrounding air. At this time, it suddenly turned into a raging flame and attached to the “meteorite”.

From a distance, people who don’t know think that the end of the world is coming, because the “sun” in the sky is beginning to fall.

Only Raavan stared at the “meteorite” falling from the horizon and starting to make flames, his eyes were very solemn.

When the huge “meteorite” was accompanied by high temperature, and finally fell into the sea with a “boom”, there was a surge of waves…

Seeing that “Meteorite Fall” already envelops the navy, Kizaru and other remnants of the navy, Raavan started to overdraw his body as early as when he used “Planetary Devastation”, and the corner of his mouth finally raised a satisfied smile.

And finally he fell into the endless dark space.


“Where is this?”

I still remember that a second, I was still fighting in the overdraft of the Sabaody Archipelago Islands, using the only power left in my body to complete the “Meteorite Fall”, covering the heads of Kuzan, Kizaru and other navies.

However, in the next second, he finally couldn’t resist the exhaustion. Even if Raavan wanted to unfold the wings of Shura, he steadily returned to the ship of the Red-haired Pirate Group, but as his eyes went dark, Raavan knew it, Things were not good, and immediately when he had no time to react, he felt that his eyes went dark, and the subconscious thought in his mind was…

I won’t just fall to death because of fainting?

But to die is to feel, what is it like to suddenly come into this endless dark space?

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I was very confused as to why I didn’t even faint and had my own consciousness. It didn’t take long for Raavan to see a dark red color light up in the darkness, and then slowly emerging in front of him was the Shura Golem!

Moreover, when the Asura golem just emerged, Raavan discovered that the dark red light radiating from the Asura golem slowly poured into his body along with a light.

With the passage of time, Raavan only felt that his physical and mental exhaustion became weaker and weaker. Especially when his body recovered and some inexplicable memories appeared in his mind, Raavan finally figured out why he fainted, and Can come into this endless dark space again, and see the Shura Golem that he desperately wants perfect control.

“It turns out that, although I don’t know how the guy Hanmok cultivates to master the ability to visualize fruits. But the ability to visualize fruits seems to require me to completely overdraw my body and make my body self-conscious. Only when the protective function is turned on can the Shura Golem be activated smoothly and further begin to practice the ability to visualize fruits.”

“This time I really want to thank Kuzan, Kizaru, for using the Buster Call to force me to squeeze the potential in my body.”


“How can my ability to visualize fruits be further improved?”

With a secret voice, Raavan couldn’t help but think of Kuzan and Kizaru in the “meteorite falling”.

Although Raavan’s “meteorite descends from the sky” is really terrifying, even if Shanks wants to escape unharmed today, I am afraid it will be somewhat difficult. But Raavan knew that people with logia devil fruit abilities such as Kuzan and Kizaru, as long as they use the elementalization of logia devil fruit, such as “meteorite falling from the sky”, It is somewhat difficult to say that they were hit hard.

Now I only hope that Kuzan and Kizaru will be injured in order to rescue the remaining few lingering navies, so that Raavan will have more or less sense of accomplishment after smoothly using “Meteorite Fall”.

And when thinking of this, Raavan remembered the frozen fruit materials in his warehouse. His thoughts can’t help but become a little hot!

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“Even if I haven’t mastered the tactics of restraining “elementalization” for the time being, I have already mastered the cultivation method of “Tiger Shaking the Earth”. For those with logia demon fruit abilities like Kuzan and Kizaru in the future, I can be considered targeted a trick.”

“And as long as I successfully use the frozen fruit material obtained from Kuzan to complete five awakenings…”

“In the future, I can also use the characteristics of the logia devil fruit to bully those in the sea who are not awakened Armament Haki!”

At this point, he completely digested the memory he had obtained from the Shura Golem. Raavan only felt a sense of weightlessness, and when he opened his eyes again, he had already clearly seen the shadow that had been guarding himself in front of him.

Look at the sky outside, it should be very late.

Looking at Hancock’s slightly haggard face, supporting his body guarding the sleeping face beside him, Raavan doesn’t need to think about knowing that he has been in a coma for a long time, and Hancock probably stayed by his side. Waiting for myself to wake up.

But you can see Hancock’s exhaustion at a glance, how could Raavan have the heart to wake her up?

Therefore, after gently changing the sleeping position for Hancock, Raavan just nestled quietly beside her, waiting for her to wake up with her tomorrow when she was well rested.

But just as Raavan adjusted his posture for Hancock, and then he was about to snuggle next to Hancock…


Suddenly a reward order came into view. On that reward order, Raavan undoubtedly saw his familiar face when he became Shura.

“Is my reward finally released?”

“I don’t know… the bounty is hundreds of millions!”

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