One Piece Shura

Chapter 41

Chapter 41 Red Earth Continent

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“Tiger, are you sure this is the direction?”

“Boy, don’t you trust the great adventurer Fisher Tiger?”

“But… I’ve been flying with you all day!”

“That’s what kind of practice you are doing on the way! If you focused on flying, we would have been there long ago!”

“Well, then I’ll be as fast as possible…”

Biting his lip fiercely, forcing himself to wake up a bit, listening to Tiger’s complaint, Raavan speeded up his journey without hesitation.

I don’t know, even though Tiger was complaining, he still admired Raavan’s perseverance in his heart, and it was actually clenching his teeth to persist in such a harsh practice.

That’s right.

After Raavan bid farewell to Shanks and the others, and left in a hurry, it didn’t take long for Raavan to temporarily descend on an uninhabited desert island and changed their way to the next goal.

At this moment, like Hancock and Tiger, captured Lucci was shrouded in Raavan’s “anti-gravity domain”, floating in the air. Only Raavan, he no longer uses Shura’s wings to fly in the air easily, but steps on the sea regularly with his feet, using his feet to change the surrounding airflow, forming a reaction force, and stepping on half a meter above the sea. The position moved slowly forward.

As early as Lucci discovered that Raavan was driving in such a peculiar way, his heart was full of shock.

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Isn’t the way that Raavan used to hurry up is the prototype of the “moon step” in the six navy formulas?

Obviously, Raavan can understand the principle of “moon step”, the reason is the six navy “shave” he has mastered from Lucci.

In fact, when the Navy developed the “Moon Step”, it was like Raavan, using the “shave” as the prototype to develop it. But don’t forget that the Navy invented the “Moon Step” with the “Shave” as the prototype, and Raavan slowly realized the principle of the “Moon Step” with the help of “Shave”. It was a completely different level of difficulty!

This is precisely why Lucci is shocked.

If the navy wants to conduct a certain kind of research, let alone how many scientists have to repeatedly speculate on theoretical knowledge, let’s say that the navy participating in research and development and conducting experiments is calculated in units of thousands and tens of thousands, and it takes a long time to let “Shave” has an upgraded version of “Yuebu”.

Look at Raavan again?

Even if you count the time to master the “shave” before, it is more than a month at most?

In just over a month, he first mastered the “shave”, and later understood the principle of using the “moon step”, and even now he can practice on the way to the “moon step” to the level of entering the room.

Although Lucci knew that his cultivation talent was of the enchanting level when Raavan destroyed the “Devil Slaying Order”, but once again witnessed the occurrence of miracles, especially with Raavan’s practice, his “Yuebu” also has a tendency to become more proficient and more perfect.

Lucci only felt that the shock in his heart could not be added, so he remained silent along the way, without saying a word.

But Tiger didn’t know how difficult it was for Raavan to go from comprehending the “Moon Step” to completing the “Moon Step” in his cultivation. He just knew that when Raavan started practicing, it would be fatal!

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Raavan is a capable person. He practices the “Moon Step” on the surface of the sea. As long as his energy is not concentrated and the “Yue Step” fails to perform successfully, he will inevitably fall into the sea and drown!

What is cultivation?

It’s just killing!

What is even more frightening is that Raavan, who practiced desperately, turned out to be successful. How could this make Tiger not admire him?

But Tiger was a bad-spoken guy, so he silently hid his admiration in his heart, not wanting Raavan to know. Just looking at Raavan’s sweaty and hard-working appearance, Tiger, who was still complaining about Raavan’s advancement too slowly, had a faint smile on his face.

“Boy, You who work hard to cultivate, give people a more reliable feeling!”

With a silent sigh in his heart, Tiger smiled and looked forward. With a keen sight, he finally saw that the destination was in front of Tiger, putting a smile on his face, and said faintly: “Little devil, see the mountain in front. There… the place we are going to!”

“Finally… is it finally here?”

He smiled reluctantly, and used the “moon step” to drive Raavan all day long. His physical exhaustion had already reached the limit when he spoke to Tiger earlier.

But after listening to Tiger said that the destination was just ahead, Raavan, who was full of joy, forgot the exhaustion of training, and even the fatigue of training, and faintly broke through a certain barrier.

The old power dissipated, and the new power extended from the body. This is undoubtedly the result of the cultivation that Raavan needs!

There is no doubt that with the Wings of Shura, the practice of “Moon Step” is at best the icing on the scene, and it is not something that Raavan needs to master in his life.

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What he really needs is to push the limit!

Only by breaking through the limit can he gain a deeper grasp of the ability to visualize fruits, and better fit his own fruits, and lay a solid foundation for the next awakening!

Now that the cultivation has achieved satisfactory results, Raavan is not lazy, but is moving faster towards the destination he is about to arrive.

The name of the destination…

It is the red earth continent!

In the geography of One Piece, the red earth continent crosses the Great Sea Route, forming a ring-shaped continent.

When a normal pirate started sailing from the four seas, the first time he saw the red earth continent, it was when he entered the great route from the four seas. The entrance of the great route in the original work of the pirate “upside down the mountain” is exactly a part of the red earth continent. And the last time I saw the red soil continent, it was at the end of the Grand Line!

As long as you can see the red earth continent three times, you can stand at the apex of the pirate, and get the title of pirate king like Roger, the captain of Rayleigh!

However, the destination of Raavan and others is obviously not the red earth continent of “Upside Down Mountain”, and it is not even the red earth continent that could see when they claimed the title of “One Piece”.

The red-earth continent in front of Raavan and the others is located in the very center of the grand line. It is the entrance to the new world ahead. It is also…

The location of the Holy Land Mary Joa!

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“Climb up to the top along this continent, and you will be the Holy Land Mary Joa, the seat of the world government!”

“In the Holy Land Mary Joa… it is the place where the world’s highest authority “Five Old Stars” is located, and is also the seat of the world political government. More importantly, the residents there are the so-called world aristocrats Dragon, according to the clues obtained from K, her sisters are being held here, waiting for us to be rescued!”

Quickly approached the scarlet land ahead, thinking that he was going to take Tiger, Hancock made a riot in the Holy Land Mary joa, Raavan, who was not afraid of the slightest bit of fear, only felt his heart surging, and immediately when he accelerated, he would take Tiger, Hancock and the others landed on the Red Earth Continent, there was actually a gorgeous ship below, reflected in Raavan’s afterglow.

“That mark is…”

“The hoof marks of the Sky Dragon!”

The flag of the gorgeous ship is printed with the hoof marks of the Nine Sky Dragon, indicating that the ship belongs to the Dragon.

And as early as when Raavan announced the name of his pirate group to Shanks, he indicated what the small goal he had set for himself.

At this moment, since I saw Dragon to haunt, do I still need to hesitate?

Killing the Dragon is not just talking, it must be shown by action!

Therefore, when I looked over and found that there was a wretched face with a mask on the ship, Raavan with a sneer raised at the corner of his mouth suddenly stopped in the air, his figure flashed, and the next second he appeared in the bug. In front of you!

“God said…you are guilty!”

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