One Piece Shura

Chapter 44

Chapter 44 Only Needs 3 Seconds

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“Then go away!”


As soon as Raavan’s voice fell, Lieutenant Mole, who was also proficient in Observation Haki, had a shock in his heart. He already made the most appropriate dodge while his arm was frozen.

However, Raavan shot faster, and the tricks he used were also not something that Lieutenant Mole could avoid.

Open your palms, Almighty Push!

With a “bang” sound, Lieutenant Mole, who originally wanted to evade, under the repulsive force of “Almighty Push”, only felt a sudden surge of power, and immediately the scenery on both sides kept changing. The only Lieutenant Mole on the ship who was able to cause Raavan a bit of trouble was shot into the distant sea by Raavan using the “Almighty Push”.

And when the body of Lieutenant Mole plunged into the vast ocean, waves of waves…

“Gravity field!”

Instead, put your hands together and cast “Gravity Field” directly.

The terrifying invasion of a hundredfold gravity, the navy elite without the strength of Lucci, is the ability to resist even if it wants to resist.

In almost minutes, the battle was over, and there is no doubt that Raavan won the final victory!

Lieutenant Admiral Mole, fell to the bottom of the sea, life and death unknown.

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The navy on this ship, the servants of the Dragon people, was struggling to support under Raavan’s “gravity domain”, and could only watch Raavan slowly walk towards the Dragon people they protected, Saint Polyglia!

“You… what are you going to do!”

“I am a Dragon, you… you can’t kill me! You humble human!”

On this ship, the only person who has not been suppressed by the “Gravity Domain” is the Celestial Saint Polyglia that Raavan wants to kill.

Seeing Raavan walking step by step, the scrawny Saint Polyglia staggered back, not knowing what he tripped over, and collapsed to the ground with a “puff”.

On the other hand, Raavan, he was getting closer and closer to Polyglia Saint.

Especially looking at the panic of Saint Polyglia, it is like a cat has to play with the mouse before it eats the mouse. Raavan who walked in front of Saint Polyglia was shocked. Stopped in the footsteps, smiled and faced the Saint Polyglia, and said: “You are a Dragon, I know, but I am not afraid of the name of the Dragon, so you feel…”

“Do you have something that can buy you a life?”

“Yes! Yes! I can give you everything I have!”

Seeing a glimmer of hope in despair, Saint Polyglia desperately wanted to grasp it, so he swallowed his mouth, and hurriedly said when Raavan’s voice just fell: “The bottom of this ship hides treasure. I can give you all the treasures you need! If you don’t have enough, you can follow me back to the Holy Land Mari Joa, I can give you the wealth, slaves, and even those precious devil fruits that I have collected over the years!”

“Just beg you… just beg you…”


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Saint Polyglia hadn’t finished speaking. Under his horrified eyes, Raavan’s figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, and immediately his palm was pinched on his neck.

“I’m sorry, these things you said are not enough to impress me, because after you die…”

“Your wealth is my wealth, isn’t it?”

After finishing speaking, in the desperate eyes of Saint Polyglia, under the fearful eyes of the surrounding navy and servants, Raavan directly squeezed his neck.

Killing Dragon is as easy as killing pigs and dogs. These navy and servants have never seen a terrifying existence like Raavan.

However, to Raavan, killing the Dragon was completely untouched.

Therefore, the “frozen hour” was used to instantly envelop this dragon boat. When everyone on the ship except Raavan turned into ice sculptures in the “frozen hour”,

An excitement suddenly lit up in Raavan’s eyes, and then rubbing his hands, Raavan got into the dragon boat without any cause, and began to count his trophies!

“Hey, the wealth of the Dragon people, you can definitely change some useful materials in the system store!”

Looking around in this ship, it didn’t take long for the wealth stored by Saint Polyglia in this ship to be exposed to Raavan.

What an amazing wealth is that?

Gold, jewelry, and all kinds of luxury goods are piled up in the cabin like a hill. These are wealth that Raavan can see and understand intuitively!

Such as some famous paintings, famous watches, precious antiques, these things are placed in each corner of the cabin, according to the system store evaluation, the lowest value of which has tens of millions of Baileys!

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Although knowing that the wealth of the Dragon people must be expensive, Raavan also never expected that the total value of the wealth that the Dragon people piled up in ships at will is as much as 5 billion Baileys!

If you can copy the nest of Saint Polyglia…

Raavan really couldn’t imagine how much wealth he could get!

Immediately afterwards, he threw all the useful things in the cabin into the system store. It was obvious that Raavan, who was too lazy to carry these treasures, became rich overnight. After the exchange, he was ready to return to Tiger, Hancock and others side.

But just when Raavan just remembered…

“Bolu… Bolu… Bolu…”

Suddenly the voice of the telephone worm echoed from the ship, which made Raavan suddenly remember something.

Then, walking to the corpse of Saint Polyglia and hurriedly wrote a paragraph on the deck with his blood, Raavan, whose face raised his smile again, spread the wings of Shura, and returned to Tiger.

“Raavan, you finally came back, haven’t you been injured?”

Just after Raavan came back, Hancock asked with concern.

“Injured? How could it be possible!”

Clapped with a smile, Raavan touched Hancock’s head, and smiled: “It’s just a solution to some bugs, how could it be possible to get hurt? It’s Lucci…”

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“What is the look in your eyes?”

Hearing Raavan’s words, Hancock, who was nervous before Raavan, had time to look at Lucci. Suddenly he found Lucci had his eyes widened, staring at Raavan with unbelievable eyes, stammering Said: “How… how is it possible? You actually came back! Could it be that the one on the boat is not Lieutenant Mole? But… someone else?”

“Mole? It is indeed him!”

One sentence dispelled Lieutenant Mole’s suspicion, and he saw through Lucci’s thoughts of Raavan at a glance, staring at him with a smile, and said calmly: “Actually, when I just left, I heard the navy’s call for contact. The worm rang, so I knew at that time, Lucci, your navy is probably to prevent me from continuing to slaughter the Celestial Dragon. Are you prepared?”

“If the Mole vice admiral can delay me for a while, your navy’s support is coming?”

When Raavan said this, Tiger silently nodded and agreed.

Because what he was worried about was that Raavan and Vice Admiral Mole had not won the battle for a long time, and finally let Vice Admiral Mole wait for the naval support.

And Lucci?

After listening to what Raavan said indifferently, he no longer knew what to say.

Especially after Raavan paused, the next sentence came slowly, letting Lucci give birth to the absurd idea that even if the Navy Marshal Sengoku came personally, he would not be able to maintain “justice” in front of Raavan!

“It’s a pity, Lucci, it’s impossible to delay me with Just Mole.”

“Because I want to resolve his words…”

“Three seconds is enough!”

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