One Piece Shura

Chapter 47

Chapter 47: Enchanting!

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The stain of the Holy Land Mary Joa!

The name is…

Sixth district!

With the whispering voice of Hancock, the sixth district, known as “Purgatory on Earth,” was surprisingly revealed in the eyes of Raavan and Lucci, and its mysterious veil was gradually unveiled!

The Holy Land Mary Joa is certainly the most sacred place in the eyes of the world, but under the sacred surface, it is nourished by bones…

Most Dragon people have a hobby, that is, they like to enslave others, so that it can appear that their position is extremely high.

While taking in a large number of slaves, there are naturally countless slaves to be abandoned by the Dragon people. This is the reason why the “Sixth District” was born.

In Hancock’s story, the “Sixth District” was born because of several Dragon people with extremely distorted psychology.

They have countless slaves who are tired of playing, but they don’t want to waste so much Bele, and eventually reward their slaves to their servants.

Therefore, they asked the Navy to plan out a place to put those tired slaves.

There, the abandoned slaves had no food, no water, and no living supplies. Fortunately at the beginning, these abandoned slaves can still support each other, after all, they are the slaves of the dragon people, and can sympathize with each other and confide their misfortunes to each other.

But gradually…

The instinct of hunger made them lose their human sanity!

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Among the first batch of slaves, one of them died of starvation because he was too old and kept hungry for many days.

But his corpse after death did not slowly decay, but was divided up by the rest of the slaves!

Those who carve up the old man’s corpse and eat it are the first evil spirits in the “Sixth District”!


It’s a hungry ghost!

The emergence of “hungry ghosts” in the “Sixth District” naturally alarmed the navy guards who were guarding the “Sixth District”. They notified their officers of the incident, and their officers notified the Dragons. Asked whether to abolish the “Sixth District” system, after all, the navy guarding here is still human.

The results of it?

The “Sixth District” known as “Purgatory on Earth” has naturally not been abolished!

After hearing about the “hungry ghosts” incident, the three-view distorted Dragon felt that the “hungry ghosts” were very interesting!

The scene of humans killing each other makes them feel excited!

Then, more abandoned slaves were put in the “Sixth District”. They were tortured with scars before they were put here, some of them were disabled, some were dying, and could not be cured, but they all had a human desire to survive. As a result, the “Sixth District” is staged a tragic prologue every day, and those who live in the “Sixth District” over time have finally become such evil spirits who eat each other in order to survive!

Tiger knew that the “Sixth District” existed because the dragon people who enslaved him wanted to see how humans look like murlocs, and what murlocs look like to eat humans.

But with Tiger’s powerful combat power, even when he was hungry for many days, Tiger maintained a super-high combat power, killing every evil spirit who wanted to treat him as food, holding on. With his exhausted body, he kept his bottom line as a murloc.

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In the end, the dragon enslaving him saw that Tiger disappointed him, and asked the navy guarding here to take Tiger back, ready to watch Tiger fighting with other slaves first, don’t waste his combat power, wait until Tiger is disabled, put it in the “sixth district”.

And Hancock knew the reason for the “Sixth District” because the Dragon personally took her to watch the cruel drama in the “Sixth District”.

She will never forget the joking expression of the Dragon people when they watched the human beings eating each other there.

She couldn’t forget the slave who was once locked up with her.

In the applause of the Dragon people, it became food for other people to feed their stomachs!

Knowing more about the filthiness of the Holy Land Mary Joa, Raavan took a deep breath, and the agitated mood could not be calmed for a long time.

Even Lucky is the same!

At this moment, Lucci actually showed a bit of suspicion in his eyes. Obviously, he thought that Tiger and Hancock deliberately “dark” the Sky Dragon, so he made up the story of the “Sixth District”.

When Raavan and Lucci kept silent for their own reasons…


I don’t know where a man with bruises appeared from there. It was because Raavan, Tiger, and Hancock were talking about the “Sixth District”, and the energy was temporarily unable to concentrate, and he rushed to Raavan’s side to bite on Raavan’s arm!

“Hungry… I’m hungry!”

“Food! I want food!”

Chewing hard on Raavan’s arm, the sound of the crazy man’s teeth rubbing against Raavan’s arm, echoing on the noisy street, made Raavan feel so harsh!

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However, ignoring the crazy man who bit his arm hard, Raavan looked at him quietly at this time, and suddenly his eyes fell on Lucci.

“Did you see it?”

“See what?” Lucci asked inexplicably.

“I asked if you saw him?”

Lifting his arm, the mad man bit Raavan’s arm with his teeth. He was actually pulled up by Raavan abruptly, and he was pulled in front of Lucci!

That looks like…

It’s exactly like a wild dog that bites on a bone and refuses to let out a mouthful!

Looking at the man raised on Raavan’s arm, Lucci gradually lowered his head, obviously knowing what Raavan wanted to ask.

This is the Dragon protected by your navy!

The people in the “Sixth District”, are all persecuted by the Dragons!

No matter what they are now, they were once humans, but under the enslavement of the Dragon people, they have become evil spirits!

For a moment, Raavan’s silent questioning seemed to be beating Lucci’s original firm will, making him question for the first time whether the Navy’s “justice” was really “justice!”

But at this moment, Raavan didn’t have the thought to figure out what Lucci was thinking.

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There is only one thing he wants to do now…

That is to clean up this dirty street!

Let this street disappear forever!


With a strong shake, he slammed his arm abruptly, and he couldn’t gnaw his skin no matter how he gnawed.

And when the man was thrown out, Raavan indifferently stretched out his right hand!

Almighty Push!

Accompanied by a “bang” sound, the man’s body, under the pressure of strong repulsion, turned into a flower woven from blood, and gradually scattered on Raavan’s body.

Sniffing the smell of blood, Raavan discovered for the first time that the rancid blood in the body of the evil ghost can emit a holy “smell” when it comes in contact with the air!

That being the case…

With his eyes condensed, Raavan forcibly broke away from the palm of Tiger’s hand on his shoulder, turned and disappeared on the dirty street in the “Sixth District”!

And when Raavan’s figure disappeared in front of Tiger, Hancock and others, and flashed into the dirty streets of the “Sixth District”, he suddenly understood a truth!

The person who can “purify” the Holy Land Mary Joa is not a god, but a demon!

The Demon of Shura!

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