One Piece Shura

Chapter 5

Chapter 5: The Empress’s Material Mission

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Empress Boa Hancock, the goddess of the Pirate World.

At first, Raavan could not recognize the future female emperor. One is that the real image is somewhat different from the comic image, and the other is that the image of Hancock is very embarrassed at this time.

But don’t look at Hancock being imprisoned for a long time, even his beautiful face is full of stains, and his figure is incomparable to the original Pirate. But under the dim light, Hancock’s charm could not be concealed in any way, so almost the moment Hancock confessed his identity, Raavan began to consider the “female emperor strategy plan” in his heart.

After all, the peach blossom luck from the sky must be grasped, right?

Unexpectedly, just as Raavan was thinking about how to capture the future empress, the system prompt sounded suddenly!


“Host, find the awakening material, will you collect it?”

Awakening material?


The sudden sound of the system instantly disturbed Raavan’s thoughts.

He looked around and found that in the dilapidated cabin, apart from the imprisoned Hancock, the rest was nothing but chains or something. Raavan frowned in confusion and asked:

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“System, where is the awakening material?”

“Host, find the awakening material, will you collect it?”

Well, I forget that many things in this unscrupulous system are lazy to explain.

With a helpless sigh, Raavan gave up looking for the awakening material and silently chose “Yes”, and immediately wondered what the awakening material he had collected for the first time in his heart.

And the moment Raavan chose “Yes”, he never thought that collecting materials was actually to complete the task!

“Host, start collecting awakening materials. Please complete the task of collecting awakening materials within three days, otherwise the collection of awakening materials will fail.”

“The task of triggering the awakening material: the first kiss of the Empress, please complete the host within the time limit.”


Empress…. Hancock’s first kiss is the task of collecting awakening materials?

Your task of collecting awakening materials is awkward (sexual) trivial (fu)!

However, a strong kiss will definitely not work, and it will affect the follow-up “Strategy Plan”, so you have to find a way to get Hancock to actively kiss.

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Touching his chin, Raavan silently thought about how to make Hancock take the initiative to give a kiss, while Tiger next to him took advantage of Raavan’s thinking time, and used brute force to directly break the restriction Sea Prizm handcuff. After allowing Hancock’s freedom, he completely ignored Hancock’s previous request, and walked straight to pat Raavan’s shoulder and said, “Hey, kid, don’t be in a daze, let’s go!”


After glancing at Hancock behind him in surprise, Raavan said in amazement: “Tiger, don’t you plan to…”

“Don’t forget who we are!”

Without giving Raavan a chance to finish speaking, Tiger glanced at Hancock coldly, and said, “We can’t protect ourselves now. How can we take care of others? Little devil, if you are going to bring this oil bottle Now, I have no problem. But to save her sisters…huh! The premise is that you have that strength!”

After all, Tiger walked out of this cabin in silence, apparently going to other cabins to search the Bailey stored on the ship, and the treasure went.

When Hancock saw Tiger indifferently rejecting his request, she could not hold back the tears in his eyes, and began to cry.

Do Hancock and Tiger know each other?

I don’t know it.

The main reason why Hancock knew about Murloc Tiger came from a wanted warrant.

Wanted for Celestial Dragon!

As a slave who successfully escaped from the dragons, even if Tiger did not have a heroic move to free slaves in the future, he is now an idol worshipped by the slaves under the claws of the dragons.

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The escape plan of the three Hancock sisters was implemented after they knew that Tiger and Raavan had successfully escaped the claws of the dragons.

However, Raavan was able to follow Tiger to escape smoothly because Tiger was tough enough. On the other hand, the three sisters of Hancock were arrested when they first started to flee. Even Hancock, who escaped smoothly, was caught by the minions of the dragons a few days later. If it weren’t for the dragons to value Hancock. Given the potential of that beautiful woman, it is estimated that the future empress will be played to death on this ship.

In those days of imprisonment, knowing that he was about to return to the cage of the Dragonite, Hancock only felt that the road ahead was full of despair. At this moment, I finally met Tiger and Raavan, and saw the hope of escape. Originally, Hancock wanted to use Tiger’s power to rescue her two younger sisters from the Celestial Dragon, but who would have thought of her in the end? Facing a ruthless rejection?

Thinking that the two younger sisters would live in the enslavement of Celestial Dragon and continue to live a life that is worse than death, Hancock really wished to exchange her freedom for the freedom of the two younger sisters.

But at the moment when Hancock was most helpless and in need of care, the crying Hancock only felt that his shoulders were heavy, and immediately when the corners of her eyes raised her head with tears, she saw Raavan’s face was faint. Raavan smiled and said a word that he will never forget!

“Your name is Hancock? My name is Raavan, Chris D. Raavan! Just now you said that your sister is still in the hands of those who claim to be the ruler of the world, right? I promise you, as long as I, Raavan, is still alive, and I will definitely help you rescue your sister from those gangsters! Don’t worry!”

“You… can you really help me rescue my sisters?”

“Well, trust me!”

Leaning over to support Hancock, Raavan said with a smile: “That fellow Tiger is hard-mouthed and soft-hearted, so don’t take it to heart. For the time being, we need to take a good rest. By the way, think about it. Saving your sisters also need a suitable plan. As for this time… just let me take care of it, okay?”


Is this a marriage proposal?

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Listening to Raavan’s words, Hancock’s cheeks became hot, and it took a long time to make a soft “um”.

Seeing Hancock’s blushing beauty, Raavan really wanted to respond directly to a hot kiss.

But men, don’t be impatient, don’t lose big because of small things!

So after helping Hancock up, Raavan cautiously took the weak Hancock out of the cabin and walked into the place where she had been imprisoned for a long time, allowing her to see the sunshine symbolizing freedom again. At exactly this time, Raavan and Hancock met Tiger, who also came out of another cabin.

Seeing Tiger carrying two boxes, Raavan knew that the trip was full of rewards. Instead, Tiger saw the affectionate gestures of Raavan and Hancock. He snorted again and said: “Little ghost, Are you really going to bring an extra burden? Are you not afraid that we will be chased back by those damned guys because of her?”

“Tiger, don’t you know how to write the word “fear”?”

After asking Tiger, Raavan clearly saw that Tiger’s expression was a little embarrassed, and then he hurriedly said: “We are all people who have fallen from the end of the world. Since we are all poor people persecuted by those gangsters, we must help each other, right? Besides Tiger, I have confidence in you and renew my confidence in myself!”

“It’s just a little Celestial Dragon, wait for us to take a good rest for a few days and get him done!”


After the awakening of our fruit ability several times, are you still afraid of Celestial Dragon?


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