One Piece Shura

Chapter 55

Chapter 55 Sword Sublimation

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Fall to the ground, supporting the ground with one hand.

A burst of pain in the head made Raavan want to cut off his head with Shura’s blade, which would make himself a little more relaxed. From this, he can imagine Raavan’s head pain at this time. How terrible.

And when the pain struck, Raavan faintly guessed that this must be the price of using multiple shadow clones for overdraft.

In the Naruto manga, ninjutsu such as the shadow clone must be coordinated with Chakra. On the contrary, it was Raavan. He awakened six times using multiple shadow avatar materials, which was equivalent to turning the ninjutsu in the Naruto world into a part of his own fruit ability.

Therefore, without the Chakra in Naruto World, Raavan can create shadow clones by virtue of the fruit ability, and according to the perception during the six awakenings, there is no upper limit for the shadow clones he can create.

If this is the case, why not play a big one?


It costs nothing to create a shadow clone, right?

With such a simple idea, Raavan heard Lucci say that the Navy has a number advantage, and in his heart he was very disdainful, and suddenly activated his ability to awaken six times!

“The technique of multiple shadow clones!”

“Boom!” “Boom!” “Boom!”

The shadow clone is successfully made!

Using the fruit’s ability to awaken six times for the first time, Raavan played a big one, creating a clone of less than 2,000 shadows at a time!

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And so many shadow avatars gathered around Raavan, each of them incarnate Shura, with the appearance of the Shura golem behind them, which must make Lucci and the admiral-level navy in front of Raavan feel shocked.

It’s a pity that only Raavan knew the pain. While pretending to be fine, he deeply understood the cost of pretending to be fine.

Especially as the pain in the head disappeared a little bit, and Raavan was soaked in cold sweat, she finally got up slowly. When she barely stood there, she suddenly felt the original tyrannical body of Shura, which became extremely weak. Raavan finally understood what the cost of casting six awakening abilities was!

“Hey, I thought it was a diamond-level material. There weren’t many flaws. I didn’t expect this diamond-level awakening material to come with pros and cons!”

Secretly sighing, only using the ability of six awakenings once, Raavan basically understood the difference between the multiple shadow clones of his own fruit ability and the multiple shadow clones of ninjutsu in Naruto World.

Let me talk about the role of the shadow clone first.

There is no difference between the usage of Raavan’s shadow clone and the shadow clone in Hokage, and even the plug-in effects and backlash characteristics of the multiple shadow clones in Hokage are exactly the same.

There is only one point that can highlight the difference between Raavan’s fruit ability, multiple shadow clones, and the multiple shadow clones of ninjutsu in Naruto, and that is the condition for use!

As I said just now, the ninjutsu in Naruto that wants to cast multiple shadow clones is nothing more than Chakra. For example, some ninjas who have just mastered multiple shadow avatars want to cast multiple shadow avatars. Every time a shadow avatar is created, half of the chakra in the body needs to be consumed, which is equivalent to evenly distributing their chakras to the shadow avatars. The avatar’s strength is somewhat of that of the body, and it also depends on how many Chakras are allocated.

As for those ninjas who are proficient in the ninjutsu of multiple shadow clones, not only can they freely control the amount of chakra consumed when casting shadow clones, but even the strength of the created shadow clones can be adjusted at will.

Look at Raavan’s shadow clone cast.

He did not need Chakra to create a shadow clone, but what he needed was…

Raavan’s physical fitness!

To put it simply, Raavan created the shadow clone to distribute his physical fitness evenly!

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If it is to create nine shadow clones,

Raavan’s physical fitness was only one-tenth of the original, and the nine shadow clones he created naturally possessed one-tenth of Raavan’s physical fitness.

The more shadow clones produced, the weaker Raavan himself will be. Similarly, the physical quality of the shadow clones will decrease as the number of shadow clones increases.

Now that Raavan has created more than two thousand shadow clones, his own physical fitness is naturally reduced to one-two thousandths of the original!

Even though Raavan’s physical fitness is absolutely powerful, his physical fitness has dropped so much while creating the shadow clone. To be honest, Raavan’s own physical fitness is almost the same as that of ordinary people in Pirate World.

As for those shadow clones…

They have the combat consciousness of Raavan Shura, and even the fruit ability can inherit the ontology.

But just like Raavan, the physical quality of these shadow clones can only be comparable to ordinary people in Pirate World.

Therefore, after thoroughly understanding the pros and cons of the shadow avatar, Raavan regretted it a bit, he felt that he was a little pretentious!

“I originally wanted to create so many shadow clones. Even if each shadow clone comes with a “Shinra Heavenly Strike”, this group of navies will not be able to bear it. But in the current situation, let alone these shadow clones use a small “Shinra Heavenly Strike”. Yes, at best, I can use the ability of the frozen fruit, my physical strength is almost exhausted.”

“And the exhaustion of physical strength means that… the shadow clone that has lost physical strength is about to disappear?”

“In this way, if you want to make perfect use of the combat power of these shadow clones and the number advantage, I’m afraid…”

“I’m going to use the kendo I just started!”

At this point, Raavan’s eyes flashed with brilliance, and his body still used the “gravity domain” to reluctantly suppress the eager Lucci, and immediately controlled the many shadow clones with one heart and two uses, and the feet were “shaved”, and they rushed towards The navy of the generals!

“Oops, those guys rushed up!”

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“Don’t panic, try the strength of these guys first, is it as scary as you think!”

“Yes, these new guys are likely to be the fruit of that person’s ability, and more likely to be phantoms! Don’t panic, prepare to fight!”

As for the navy at the general level, the psychological quality is still very good.

Otherwise, it was an ordinary pirate, and seeing so many shadow clones of Raavan surging in, he would have been scared to find North.

However, with excellent psychological quality, initially confronting Raavan’s shadow clone, the color of awe in the eyes of this group of generals of the rank of navy disappeared.


Raavan’s shadow clone is really scumbag!

In addition to the entry-level, swordsman-like swordsmanship that can hurt this group of generals, Raavan can only control the shadow clone when its physical strength is about to run out, and use the sudden burst of frozen fruit ability to barely stop it. The navy of these generals advances.

Slowly figured out the routine of Raavanying’s clone, this group of generals of the navy felt that the shadow clone was nothing terrible.

In addition to avoiding the much slower blade, it is nothing more than to beware of the “freeze bomb” before each shadow clone is dying.

Because of this, just a few minutes after the confrontation, Raavan’s shadow clone lost more than half. But just when Raavanying’s clone lost half of it, Raavan, who was in control of the shadow clone, had a confident smile on his face!

The reason…

Just as the number of Raavan clones decreased, he discovered a new feature of the clones!

The characteristic is that after the created shadow clone disappears, the physical fitness originally used to create the shadow clone can quickly return to oneself, without slow recovery!

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Knowing this, Raavan naturally relaxed. After all, the shadow clone was gone, he could recreate it.

Moreover, when each shadow clone disappears, the shadow clone’s experience of using kendo and the experience of using frozen fruit can be passed on to the main body. Although the massive amount of experience passed back and caused Raavan’s head to suffer severe pain, when he felt the experience, Raavan only felt that his attainments in kendo and frozen fruit were rapidly improving.

This is the reason why the multiple shadow avatar material can be classified as a diamond-level awakening material by the system!

Immediately after.

Just as the number of Raavan’s shadow avatars has changed from as many as two thousand to less than one hundred now…



The kendo experience accumulated with thousands of shadow clones suddenly made Raavan faintly touch a certain barrier, and then shattered that barrier.

It was also the moment when Raavan successfully smashed that barrier…


The fierce sword intent, surprisingly, followed Raavan’s body, followed the remaining nearly 100 shadow clones of Raavan, and went straight into the sky!

Then, when the first revealed sword intent slowly dissipated, and when he slowly followed the bodies of countless shadow clones and returned to his own body, Raavan, holding the blade of Shura, wanted to test the power of the sword intent he understood. Who wanted the prompt sound that suddenly echoed from the system, but it made Raavan suddenly stop trying to move forward.

“Huh? Smokeman awakening material mission? That is to say…”

“He’s by my side!”

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