One Piece Shura

Chapter 64

A sword divides the sea!

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Is this the sword of the great swordsman?

Although in the original work of The Pirate, Raavan saw Shanks breaking the sky with a sword.

But that was seen in the Pirate manga. At this time, when Raavan really saw Rayleigh’s sword, it could divide a sea area in half, except for the shock, Raavan really didn’t know what to describe his mood now.

However, at the same time of shock, Raavan also had another idea in his mind.

That’s about his kendo practice!

At this moment, relying on the kendo experience after the shadow clone accelerated his practice, and using his physical fitness during his peak period, Raavan was very reluctant to break the waves with one sword and complete the first step in the transformation from a swordsman to a great swordsman.

Without knowing how to improve Swordsmanship in the future, it is undoubtedly very difficult for Raavan to take the second step of becoming a great swordsman.

What he needs is not only penance, but also an opportunity to understand!

Now, after Rayleigh clearly pointed out what the three steps to transform from Swordsman to Great Swordsman were, Raavan suddenly understood how he would go in the future.

At least in his kendo practice, he has a clear goal!

I wanted to say “Thank you” after Rayleigh taught himself the sword, but when the words came to his lips, Raavan swallowed abruptly.

“Presumably… what Rayleigh wants is not the “thank you”!”

“He values ​​me so much, there should be… there should be other reasons!”

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At this point, Raavan met Rayleigh’s smiling eyes and nodded vigorously.

In this way, a couple of year-end friends understand each other’s deep meaning and what the other party wants to say in the eye contact.

However, when Raavan was making eye contact with Rayleigh, the harsh sirens suddenly echoed across the entire Sabaody Archipelago Islands.

Listening to the harsh sirens, the corners of Rayleigh’s eyes twitched fiercely, and then he smiled apologetically: “Hahaha, I was a little overwhelmed just now! Brother Raavan, it seems that we are leaving here as soon as possible!”


Nodded, Raavan called the three sisters Tiger and Hancock, and restrained Smoker and Lucci, and asked Rayleigh, “Rayleigh, you know that there is an island nearby that suits us. Hide for a while?”

“Knowing is knowing, but…”

While talking, Rayleigh glanced at Hancock behind Raavan and smiled: “But brother Raavan, you always have to ask them what they mean, don’t you?”


I originally wanted to find an island to hide for a while, until I was successful in kendo, haki, and had the ability to protect Hancock, Tiger and the others, and then show up in the sea, so that I can avoid myself and Hancock. Tiger parted temporarily. He didn’t think about Rayleigh’s words, but he woke up Raavan a little bit, letting him understand that his mistake was…

He never asked Hancock, Tiger and others for their opinions!

After realizing his mistake, Raavan knew that the time was urgent, and quickly turned his attention to Tiger and Hancock.

At that time, Tiger shrugged his shoulders indifferently, meaning that it was obvious that he had been with Raavan for a while.

Instead, it is Hancock who Raavan feels the most okay…

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She suddenly stopped talking!

And after being silent for a long time, Hancock stopped talking several times, and finally said what she wanted to say.

“Raavan, we… we are probably going to be apart for a while…”


Before Raavan could ask, Sanda and Mary asked in unison: “Sister, don’t you like Raavan brother?”

“Like… I like it!”

The first time she confessed in front of Raavan, Hancock only felt his cheeks red and hot, plus what to say later,

It even made Hancock lack the courage to face Raavan.

Just then…

A warm embrace, embrace yourself in it.

When Raavan was holding Hancock quietly, he smiled and said beside her: “No matter what decision you make, I will support you, and no matter where you are at the end of the world, Hancock…”

“I will always find you!”


Raavan’s gentle words came in his ears, Hancock only felt that his heart was about to be melted by Raavan.

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I really want to change my previous thoughts at this time, but recalling the previous determination, Hancock could not help but weakly said as his heartbeat accelerated: “Raavan, I feel that I am your burden, so I am ready Listen to Uncle Rayleigh’s words, go back to Amazon Lily and practice for a while. Can you wait for me?”

“When I come back and look for you when I succeed in cultivation?”

“No problem! Because you… have my breath!”

After speaking, Raavan faced Rayleigh, still keeping a smile on his face, and said: “Rayleigh, Hancock and the others are bothering you. Although I don’t know the location of Amazon Lily, the legendary daughter island must Tiger knows it. At most three months, I will trouble you for three months!”

“Hancock, in fact, we can’t be separated for that long. Three months later, I will go to Amazon Lily to see you, okay?”


After Raavan finished speaking, Hancock nodded vigorously.

As for Sanda next to him, Mary agreed at this moment: “Brother Raavan, you only see sister, don’t you come to see us?”

“Look…Look…Look all!”

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Raavan suddenly realized that the two sisters in the future seemed to be making things difficult for themselves now.

However, Sanda and Mary’s joke, alleviated the sadness that the three sisters Raavan and Hancock would be parting. Immediately, when the navy had locked the area where Raavan and others were located, the three Hancock sisters waved their hands vigorously at Rayleigh. Raavan first sent Rayleigh and Hancock with the harmless “Almighty Push”.


The wings of Shura unfold!

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At the same time, Raavan and “gravity” tightly attracted Tiger, Smoker and Lucci, spread their wings, and flew into the clouds.

Flying into the sky is obviously equivalent to breaking away from the navy’s search.

But at this moment, suddenly recalled that the parting from Hancock had come so suddenly, Raavan always felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and then quickly transferred his energy and asked Toger: “Tiger, you have a lot of knowledge, so let’s talk about where we go to practice, so I can feel more at ease!”

“Go to my house to practice!” Tiger replied directly without thinking.

“your home?”

Raavan was startled, and then asked, “You mean… Fishman Island?”


“Are you homesick? Tiger?” After Tiger answered, Raavan asked curiously.


Like a magic trick, a reward order suddenly appeared from behind.

Raavan followed Tiger’s movements and fixed his gaze on the reward order. Then the familiar face of Tiger caught Raavan’s eyes first, and then the high bounty caused Tiger smiled proudly!

“A full 300 million Beri bounty, my adventurer Fishman Tiger can be considered a fame!”

“So I’m going to go back and have a look, and tell my good brothers by the way, I Tiger…”

“Ready to follow you! Kid!”

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