One Piece Shura

Chapter 67

Chapter 67: Invincible Is Loneliness

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Great swordsman?

Could it be…


Tiger’s Haki mastery is very good, not to mention that it can be comparable to the top haki masters like Rayleigh and Garp, but Raavan can be sure that with Tiger’s haki attainments, he is at least on the first step of the Pirate World. Therefore, when Tiger observed the mysterious black-robed man with Observation Haki, and concluded that he was the top swordsman in the world, Raavan subconsciously thought that what they met could not be a young “Hawkeye” right?

“If we can really meet “Hawkeye” in this barren mountain, how lucky would we be?”

In his mind, the mysterious sword tyrant in front of him might be an “Hawkeye” possibility. Raavan looked at the black robe man in front of him, and did not see the other’s iconic saber “Black Sword”, his face was Raising a self-deprecating smile, he immediately said to the mysterious swordsman in the black robe in front of him: “Friend, it is very dangerous to approach us for no reason. Of course, if you are not hostile, then we can sit down and have a chat. And if you are hostile…”

After speaking, Raavan sneered, and said calmly: “Then blame us for being impolite!”

As soon as they finished speaking, both Raavan and Tiger were ready to defeat each other for the first time. After all, the mysterious man in the black robe was a great swordsman in the sea, and they couldn’t tolerate them being sloppy.

Just then…

It may be smelling the breath of food, or it may be overworked in the arduous practice.

With Lucci’s very reluctant support, Smoker’s tired figure slowly walked into the sight of the mysterious man in the black robe, and then Raavan clearly discovered that the mysterious man in the black robe shrouded the muscles under the black robe. Tightened slightly.

That is undoubtedly a precursor to a shot!

“Tiger, you protect Smoker, Lucci, they don’t have the ability to fight for the time being, and I…”

“Just get to know how strong the so-called great swordsman is!”

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Feeling that the mysterious man in the black robe meant to take action, Raavan reminded Tiger without hesitation, and then when he opened the pupil of Shura, he had already condensed the blade of Shura in his palm.

Never thought…

The speed of the black robe mysterious swordsman turned out to be faster than Raavan’s reaction!

Before Raavan had finished speaking to Tiger, the blade of Shura failed to condense, and there was a sudden “swish”, and a sharp sword aura just followed the black robe. The direction of the mysterious swordsman fell on Smoker’s chest in a blink of an eye!


At that moment, even though Smoker was the fruit of smoke, he was naturally capable of devil fruit. But even people like Tiger and Raavan who have Observation Haki could not react to the attack of the mysterious man in the black robe. Of course, Smoker can use “elementalization” to avoid it, but the mysterious man in the black robe is fierce and fast. Under Rayleigh’s sword, Smoker had no time to use the fruit ability!

And Smoker couldn’t use “elementalization” to avoid the attack of the mysterious man in the black robe, that was undoubtedly unfortunate.

The luck of misfortune is…

There is one person on the court who can help Smoker alleviate the crisis!

That person is Tiger!

Just when the mysterious man in the black robe slashed with his sword, he was about to fall on Smoker’s chest, cutting him in half abruptly…


Fishman Punch!

Relying on the fist wind when punching, even Tiger’s fist wind could not completely withstand the sharp sword aura, but under the influence of the fist wind, the sword aura that the mysterious man in the black robe cut down undoubtedly became slow.

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Smoker took advantage of the sluggish sword aura to use “elementalization” in time, and the attack of the mysterious man in the black robe was resolved.

Then needless to say, it must be time for Raavan to express!

The mysterious man in the black robe suddenly appeared,

It was already very impolite to get close to the place where Raavan, Tiger and others took a temporary rest.

Now he took the initiative to shoot at Smoker, even if Smoker was just a captive of Raavan, but if Raavan couldn’t get back some justice for Smoker, wouldn’t he be sorry for the 800 million bounty given to him by the Navy?

So, it happened that with Tiger’s help, the crisis faced by Smoker was resolved…


Pointing to the ground, Raavan could not describe how fast Raavan suddenly used “shave” based on his physical fitness at his peak. Even if it’s Tiger, who has a very high level of haki attainments, he felt Raavan’s breath disappeared out of thin air at the moment Raavan used “Shave,” like Smoker and Lucci. Observing it with the naked eye would not catch Raavan’s fast-moving figure.

And when he suddenly used “shaving” and came behind the mysterious man in the black robe in an instant, he grasped the blade of Shura with one hand, and Raavan put his breath as flat as possible, and immediately grasped the rhythm perfectly. The sword fell!

“Fast wind current!”

“Broken Wave!”


The sword move “breaking waves”, as the name suggests, is that Raavan takes a step toward being a master of swordsman, and can make a sword of breaking waves!

This is the strongest sword move that Raavan has temporarily mastered!

Especially when Raavan used his shadow clone to practice before, and Raavan had perfectly absorbed the “experience value” he had previously obtained, Raavan used his peak physical fitness to cut out the “breaking waves”, and the sword energy surging out. Is almost twice as much as when Raavan first mastered!

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“Use “Shave” to cooperate with “Duanlang” unexpectedly launching offensive. Don’t say you are a great swordsman, just say that you are really an “Hawkeye”…”

“Presumably you will be overwhelmed!”

Raavan was very confident when he cut out “Duanlang”, after all, his “shave” was so fast, after all, his “breaking wave” power increased so much.

Who would think that just when Raavan was full of confidence and thought that the “breaking waves” he had cut through with “shave” would lose even the few great swordsmen in the sea, the mysterious man in black robes in front of Raavan actually was “Huh”.



Backhand cut down the sword in his hand, an even stronger sword aura flew over!

The mysterious man in the black robe turned out to be in a very relaxed situation, he didn’t even mean to evade at all, so he resolved Raavan’s confident offensive.

What made Raavan even more shocked was the appearance of the sword blade he saw when the mysterious black robe man took out the sword!

The sword in the hand of a mysterious man in a black robe…

Where is the sword?

It’s just a toy!

It’s just a wooden sword used by children when they play. Raavan never expected that ordinary wooden swords could become so powerful in the hands of mysterious men in black robes!

Moreover, regardless of the backhand sword of the mysterious black-robed man, it only offset Raavan’s “Broken Wave”, and did not cause any harm to himself while offsetting it. But when it was clear that the opponent was using a wooden sword, even Raavan himself had to admit that the black-robed mysterious man’s kendo attainments must be able to crush himself.

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It can even be said that even his confident “breaking waves” is not worth mentioning in front of the black-robed mysterious man’s kendo!

and so…

“Since I’m in the Kendo competition, I am definitely not his opponent, then…”

“Use fruit power to win!”

And the shortness and the strength of the other are not the way to win.

Knowing exactly what his strengths are and what the opponent’s strengths are, Raavan suddenly thought of using the fruit ability.

However, just as Raavan clenched his left fist and the “Gravity Field” obtained from the three awakenings was about to be applied to the mysterious man in the black robe, suddenly Raavan looked at the pupils of the mysterious man in the black robe hidden under the robe!

What kind of double pupil is that?

The pupils are as sharp as an eagle!

Needless to say, a person who can possess such double pupils, Raavan must have learned the identity of the other party in an instant. He is the world’s number one swordsman “Hawkeye” in the original Pirate book!


What is the long-suppressed emotion in those twin pupils?

Is it lonely?


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