One Piece Shura

Chapter 70

Chapter 70: A New Journey

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The next day, early morning.

There is a future world’s number one swordsman “Hawkeye” Mihawk among fellow colleagues. Raavan, who is in a good mood, first asked Mihawk about some kendo issues in the middle of the night, and Raavan was very tired for a long time. It was sleepiness coming, chatting about the dreamland that I didn’t know when.

Obviously, there are both Tiger watching Smoker, Lucci, and Mihawk sitting next to him. On the one hand, Raavan does not have to worry about his two captives escaping, and on the other hand, he also feels Tiger, Mihawk and the two teamed up, enough to cope with the trouble caused by the Navy, so that he can sleep easily.

At this moment, if it wasn’t for the system’s voice, what suddenly echoed in Raavan’s mind, awakening him…

It is estimated that Raavan has to sleep until noon for this sleep!

And when he heard the reminder sound that echoed in his mind, he rubbed the sleepy Raavan, and the corner of his mouth raised a faint smile.

“The task is completed, the collection of the awakening material is successful, and the host has obtained the silver awakening material: Smoke fruit material, which has been successfully stored in the warehouse. Please check it carefully.”


“Smoker’s awakening material task is finally completed!”

When Smoker determined to quit smoking, unless he could defeat Raavan, he would regain his pistol. Raavan guessed that Smoker’s awakening material task will take some time to complete. It cannot be said that Smoker does not take an hour. Smoke, his awakening material task was judged by the system to be completed, right?

After just one night’s time, Smoker’s awakening material task was judged by the system to be successful, which undoubtedly made Raavan feel relieved.

But what the hell is the silver-level awakening material?

Anyway, it is the awakening material of the logia devil fruit, is the smoke fruit so scum?

A gratified smile suddenly stiffened. Although it was long suspected that the awakening material of the smoke fruit can be used for awakening, the abilities that accompany the awakening are useless, but I know that the smoke fruit material is only silver-level. At that time, Raavan still felt strange in his heart.


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It is good to have one more awakening material, anyway, at the beginning, there was no hope for Smoker’s awakening material.

Now that the awakening material is available, everything is easy to say.

Thinking of this, Raavan swept away his gloomy mood. He checked that it was still early and it was still dark, so he wanted to lie down and sleep for a while. But just when Raavan lay down again, a wave of sharp aura suddenly came from a distance, which made Raavan completely lose sleep!

“Is Mihawk? He…”

“He started practicing swords so early?”

After a night of exchanges, Raavan’s relationship with Mihawk has obviously gotten closer, and even the title has changed.

However, thinking that Mihawk is already very strong now, and he still has to get up early to practice every day, except for the faint surprise of Mihawk’s diligence, Raavan admired the rest of the emotions that emerged.

“Mihawk actually doesn’t need to cultivate so hard. After all, he is now one of the strongest in the world, but in Mihawk’s heart, he must be his enemy…”

“It’s not someone else, but himself!”

Secretly, Raavan’s eyes flashed with strange light, and continued to say:

“In order to defeat himself, Mihawk persists in cultivating, day after day, hoping that he today can be stronger than he was yesterday.”

“and I?”

“I have just started, and I actually have a slack mentality. Compared with Mihawk, this instrument is really far behind!”

“So… why are you still sleeping? Cultivate now!”

With a mocking smile, Raavan was inspired by Mihawk, and without saying a word, he began to create a shadow clone and continued his daily practice.

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And when he was indulging in cultivation, Raavan forgot the time, and even Hawkeye who was practicing in the distance, all his thoughts were put on the improvement of strength.

But he didn’t expect…

Mihawk’s diligence inspired him to Raavan.

When Tiger, Smoker, Lucci, and Mihawk woke up from the sound of their practice, they saw Raavan who had made rapid progress, Mihawk who had reached the pinnacle of kendo was all practicing, Raavan and Mihawk two happened to have inspired Tiger, Smoker and Lucci again.

In this way, almost overnight, Raavan and his party became a group of lunatics.

A lunatic who is working hard all the time!


There is no concept of time in hard practice

It was as short as a blink of an eye, and I felt that it hadn’t been long since the sun was in the sky, and it was already noon.

Unconsciously practicing so close, the stomach is naturally hungry.

And Tiger’s hidden attributes happened to be unearthed at this time. I didn’t expect that in addition to his profound sailing knowledge, the evil fellow in Tiger’s palm was also a very responsible cook, and he was ready cook lunch for Raavan and others after his training.

By the end of lunch, Raavan, who was indulged in cultivation and unable to extricate himself, Mihawk originally wanted to continue.

It was Tiger who reminded Raavan that there was still a hidden crisis behind them, so after a short period of thought, Raavan who had made a decision was ready to set off now to go to Tiger’s hometown…

Murloc Island!

However, it is very difficult for ordinary pirates to go to Fishman Island at this stage.

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Not to mention that the fishman island is located in the deep sea. It is necessary to coat the boat to successfully dive into the deep sea and embark on the road to the fishman island. For the murlocs in Murloc Island today, mermaids are very repulsive of humans, which makes it extremely difficult for ordinary pirates to enter the Murloc Island.

According to Tiger’s description, because of the relationship between races, humans and murlocs, murlocs originally had deep contradictions. Coupled with the opening of the era of pirates, countless pirates go out to sea for wealth and go to the new world. When they pass through the fishman island, they often like to catch the beautiful mermaids on the fishman island and sell them. It also changes the relationship between humans and murlocs got more nervous.

The relationship between the two has become more and more tense, and the direct result is war!

On Murloc Island, relatively grumpy Murlocs and humans can be seen everywhere. Even on the way to Murloc Island, there are often some powerful Murlocs in ambush. This is what ordinary people want to go to Murloc Island. One of the difficulties!

Therefore, after listening to Tiger’s description, except for Raavan and Mihawk who looked indifferent, the faces of Smoker and Lucci couldn’t help becoming ugly at the same time.

Being so close as a captive, even though Lucci had suicidal thoughts several times, it was all for honor and pride.

Thinking that he might die tragically in the deep sea for no reason, it is normal for Lucci to be afraid.

Not to mention Smoker, as a fruit power person, he originally had a certain fear of the deep sea.

It is also because of this that when Tiger’s voice just fell, if they could have the right to speak in this group of people, Smoker and Lucci would definitely deny the plan to go to Fishman Island.

Instead, it was Raavan.

After listening to Tiger’s description, he just smiled lightly.

“Tiger, from your point of view, you are going to get a coated boat, and then we drove that coated boat to Fishman Island?”


Nodded, Tiger said: “Only this method is relatively safe. It’s just that it is difficult to get a coated boat. After all, the current situation in the Sabaody Archipelago Islands, kid, you know.”

“Well, it is a bit difficult, but…”

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As soon as the conversation turned, Raavan suddenly laughed: “Tiger, actually going to Fishman Island is far less troublesome than you imagined, and it’s even easier than you think!”

“Because I… just have a safe way to get to Fishman Island!”

After all, Raavan didn’t wait for Tiger to react, and jumped into the sea.

Watching Raavan jump into the sea regardless of safety, Tiger, Smoker, and Lucci were all stunned!


Have you forgotten that you are the fruit-powerful, and the sea is your nemesis?

However, almost when such thoughts appeared in the minds of Tiger, Smoker and Lucci at the same time, they looked at Raavan who had jumped into the sea with weird eyes. The next second they saw an incredible sight!

Raavan, who jumped into the sea, was really submerged by the sea?


Maintaining a certain scale of “Almighty Push”, Raavan used “repulsive force” to repel the surrounding sea water and stayed in the sea steadily, as if he were on land.

The only difference is that the range that Raavan can move is the range where he uses “repulsion” to repel the sea. Moreover, if he wanted to use this method to move in the seawater, Raavan had to use the “Almighty Push” to repel his physical strength and slowly move in the seawater.

But it’s enough to go smoothly in the sea, isn’t it?

Therefore, when Raavan gradually grasped the strength of the “Almighty Push” and was able to “walk” in the sea water almost perfectly, he smiled at the stunned Tiger, Smoker, and Lucci, and Raavan was able to use it. He waved at them and smiled:

“Go, start our new journey!”

“Go to Fishman Island!”

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