One Piece Shura

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Is this Haki awakening?

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Early the next morning.

The first awakening of fruit ability brings many benefits. Not to mention that Raavan now uses fruit ability, his physical fitness has been further increased when he was incarnate in Shura, less to say it has doubled, just talk about the newly added ability after awakening Shura wing made Raavan’s combat methods more diverse.

Because from the original work of Pirates, apart from the navy that can master the navy’s six-style moon walk technique, there are only a few people who can carry out air combat.

With the Wings of Shura, Raavan was tantamount to occupying air supremacy.

If by any chance you encounter an opponent you can’t handle, you can always run if you can’t win it.

And even though the wings of Shura are in the form of scarlet flames, in terms of defensive power, it is much stronger than Raavan’s body after being incarnate in Shura, and it is simply a perfect shield.

But in the dark, Raavan had a feeling that the application of Wings of Shura was more than just the above two points.


It’s really too tired, Raavan really doesn’t have the energy to study in depth.

Therefore, even Bailey treasure obtained by Tiger did not exchange it for currency in the system store. Raavan just cuddled with Hancock on the deck and fell asleep in a short time.

Only after waking up, Raavan originally wanted to open his eyes to see Hancock’s exquisite face. Whoever wanted to just open his eyes, Raavan saw Tiger brother panting and kneeling in front of myself.

“Ti…Tiger, good morning!”

Very disappointed and smiled. Raavan looked around for Hancock’s figure, and found that Hancock was actually at the helm and driving the ship forward. He couldn’t help but exclaimed: “Hancock can sail!”

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Wiping the sweat stains on his forehead, Tiger said with black lines all over his head: “I just learned that too.”

“Puff…you didn’t push the boat all night, right?”

“Idiot, if you have the strength to laugh at me, it’s better to save a little effort, lest you don’t even have the strength to climb!”

Angrily clenched his fist, Tiger landed a punch on Raavan’s head, and he staggered. Immediately adjusted his breathing, and as the turbid air between his chest and abdomen slowly exhaled, Tiger said solemnly at Raavan: “Boy, I said that everyone has a secret before, so I don’t want to know your secret. But If you want to help that little girl rescue her sisters, you have to do what I say, no matter how hard you are, you can’t say anything, you know?”


As early as when Tiger faintly revealed his intention to train himself yesterday, Raavan was ready for hell-style death training. Now that Tiger was able to take the initiative to say what to train himself strictly, Raavan didn’t even think about how tired Tiger’s training was except feeling happy.

of course.

Had it not been for the imminent threat of Celestial Dragon, Raavan, who couldn’t even persist in a 3,000-meter jogging in his previous life, would definitely not want to become stronger by self-abuse.

With the system in hand, slowly relying on the fruit to awaken and become stronger, so worry-free!

Why is it necessary to practice cultivation?

However, as said earlier, there is not much time left for Raavan and the others, so now Raavan must seize every minute and every second to become stronger.

But when Raavan made up his mind to conduct special training, and Tiger was also interested in training a helper for himself, Hancock, who was driving the ship there, suddenly exclaimed:

“Yes… there are pirates!”

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Pirate? Really…


Without the slightest sense of consternation, Tiger looked at the pirate ship slowly approaching in the distance, really wishing to go and thank these pirates.


The reason is that Raavan’s fruit ability is a bit abnormal!

Tiger knew exactly what Raavan was like in the past, he was a little devil who had no power to bind a chicken!

But using its own fruit power,

When he became Shura, even Tiger couldn’t help trembling at the killing intent that Raavan couldn’t control perfectly, so Tiger was afraid that Raavan in the future would rely solely on fruit ability to fight, forgetting the truth that his own strength is truly powerful.

Right now, Tiger couldn’t tell Raavan directly, so that he would not use the fruit ability to practice with him. The arrival of these pirates happened to allow Tiger to see an opportunity to explain to Raavan the fact that he is a scumbag without relying on the fruit ability!

A faint smile was raised at the corner of his mouth, Tiger watched the pirate ship in the distance getting closer and closer, until the pirate ship was already connected to the ship where he and others were on board, and the pirates who were ready to move have already invaded himself from the pirate ship. When he waited for the ship, he turned his head and said to Raavan: “Little devil, have you seen those pirates?”

“Well, I saw it.”

Slowly clenched his fists, and when he saw the pirates invading, he was ready to attack Hancock. Raavan’s eyes were full of coldness, and he said faintly: “Tiger, do you need me to solve them?”

“Well, yes, but I don’t allow you to use fruit power!”


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How to fight without fruit ability?

The corners of his eyes twitched fiercely. At this moment, Raavan really wanted to lift Tiger’s head and ask him what he thought.

But the leading pirates were about to come in front of Hancock, and Raavan in anxiousness had no time to think about it. With a faint “um”, he rushed towards the group of pirates who were gradually surrounding Hancock.

At the moment when he took his steps, Raavan was stunned, and the Tiger behind him was stupidly stunned in place!

The reason is that Raavan underestimated the strength growth of the fruit’s first awakening!

After the fruit ability awakens for the first time, is it only the fruit ability that Raavan becomes stronger?

Naturally not!

Don’t forget that during the fruit’s first awakening process, Raavan has washed the essence and reborn!

This is because even if he didn’t use the fruit ability, Raavan ran away at a fast speed, and Shura’s fighting consciousness spread out in his body and blood like instinct. It was just an acceleration. Raavan came to the group of pirates with an impressive “swish”. After a punch, he first knocked down a pirate, and immediately jumped up sensitively. A round kick would knock Hancock’s side. All the pirates pushed back.

“Damn kid, dare to fight back?”

“Brothers, kill those two little ghosts first, and then solve the dirty murloc behind!”

The captain of the pirate ship gave an order, and the pirate who did not come forward took out his guns, making Raavan a little bit unavoidable to use the fruit power.


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How can you withstand the artillery shells with your own body without using fruit power?

But Raavan had forgotten one thing, that is, it would take a few seconds for him to become Shura!

On the other hand, the group of pirates in front were really well-trained. The time from taking out the gun to launching it turned out to be a bit faster than Raavan’s ability to use the fruit.




The smoke filled.

The moment the bullet was fired from the gun, the cold hairs on Raavan’s body were all erected. Obviously, he felt that his life was threatened.

At this time, even if Raavan knew that Tiger would definitely be able to protect himself and Hancock, the strong sense of crisis struck, and Raavan still felt the horror between life and death. Especially when the hot bullet got closer and closer to Raavan’s keen senses, but when Tiger at the back was still unmoved, he inadvertently urged Shura’s consciousness, and suddenly Raavan’s eyes directly turned into Shura’s. Ruthless pupils like a black hole.

Immediately afterwards, with a “poof”, the blood-colored light condensed on his back.

Without the incarnation of Shura, Raavan turned out to have broken through the bottleneck of fruit ability, and under normal conditions, the wings of Shura bloomed!


The wings of Shura unfolded, and the solid wings wrapped the bodies of Raavan and Hancock, and the danger to their lives was lifted.

But just when Raavan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and said that he finally failed to let Tiger down, Hancock, who was facing the same life and death crisis as Raavan before, suddenly burst out when his body was trembling violently. Come out with a strong breath!

“That… is that Conqueror Haki?!”

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