One Piece Shura

Chapter 80

Patch the sky?

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It is indeed an exact adjective.

There is no sky in Fishman Island, which is located tens of thousands of meters deep in the sea. The bubble that protects Fishman Island outside is the sky of Fishman Island. Now, Mihawk’s shocking sword shattered the bubble that protected it outside of Fishman Island, which was equivalent to a sword that broke the sky of Fishman Island. So at this moment, all Raavan had to do was patch up the sky!

Fill up the cracks in the bubbles wrapped around the outside of Fishman Island!

But repairing the sky is easier said than done, but how difficult is it?

In Pirate World, with the exception of a few abilities, those with the ability to “fill the sky”, others with non-fruit abilities like Garp, or those with Logia devil fruit abilities such as Kizaru and Sakazuki with unmatched abilities. Are afraid to talk about patching the sky in front of Jimbe.

Because of this, when Raavan said that he wanted to repair the sky, Jimbe stared at Raavan’s slowly floating figure with questioning eyes.

That’s right.

Your little ghost’s ability to Tremor fruit like a fruit temporarily protects the fishman island and repels the seawater that flows into the fishman island along the cracks.

But do you think you are a white beard?

Want to continue to use the ability that resembles a fruit shake to support the broken bubbles on Fishman Island to completely heal themselves?

Even White beard of the famous town, if you want to stick to the Tremor fruit for so long, I am afraid you will feel fatigued?

At this point, Jimbe wanted to give Raavan a disdainful smile, but whether Raavan could patch the sky for the fishman island was about the entire fishman island, and even the tens of thousands of residents living on the fishman island. Therefore, even though there was some disbelief in his heart that Raavan really had the ability to repair the sky, Jimbe was still silently praying that Raavan could really repair the sky successfully.

Let’s talk about Raavan’s friends.

Except for Smoker, Lucci stared at Raavan with a little interest, the irresponsible fellow Mihawk, still indulged in the comprehension of kendo, had no intention of paying attention to Raavan at all.

Moreover, even if Smoker, Lucci has been staring at Raavan’s figure and slowly floating into the air, but Smoker, Lucci’s eyes when looking at Raavan are different from the eyes that Jimbe looks at Raavan.


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He stared at Raavan’s figure indifferently, with no waves in his eyes.

Because the miracles that Raavan created in front of them are simply countless.

Who can destroy the navy’s unfavorable “Buster Call Order” outside the Sabaody Archipelago Islands for the first time?

It’s Shura!

Who can stand alone against tens of thousands of navy elites, razing an area of ​​the holy place of Mary Joa to the ground?

Still Shura!

You don’t have to think about the courage and strength that Raavan dared to kill the Celestial Dragon. With two events that could cause a sensation in the world, Smoker and Lucci could admit their enemies and would definitely help the Fishman Island.

And Raavan’s enemies and friends all believe in him so much. Can he disappoint his friends and his enemies?

Certainly not!

So, just when Raavan’s figure slowly floated into the air, it was a bubble that shattered from the outside of Fishman Island, a kilometer away…


Raavan, who became Shura, suddenly appeared a blood-red phantom behind him!

It is the Shura Golem!

When the Shura Golem appeared behind Raavan, using the ability to visualize the fruit, Raavan not only improved his own defensive ability, but also had a nearly 20% increase in the use of the fruit ability he had mastered.

Don’t underestimate the 20% increase.

Possibly, the fruit ability with a value of 10 points, the 20% increase effect is only 2 points.

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But what about the fruit ability with a value of 100 points?

What about the fruit ability with a value of 10000 points?

The 20% increase effect can increase the fruit ability effect of 20 points and 2000 points!

Raavan just had the effect of increasing these two achievements,

When the Shura Golem appeared behind him, the fruit ability of the three awakenings suddenly became stronger!

In an instant, Raavan slowly stretched out his hands, aimed at the broken bubbles above the Fishman Island, and suddenly it was used by the “Almighty Push”!

Moreover, at this time, Raavan’s “Almighty Push” did not explode all the power of the “Almighty Push” at once, but completely maintained the repelling effect of the “Almighty Push”!

“Hmph, if you want to make up the sky for the fishman island before heading to the fishman island, maybe it will be a little difficult.

“But now…”

“It’s a piece of cake!”

Obviously, Raavan’s practice on the way to Fishman Island was very useful.

That not only improved Raavan’s proficiency in using the three-time awakening ability, but also allowed Raavan to understand how to maintain the “Almighty Push” and how to reduce his own consumption while maintaining the “Almighty Push”.

After all, when Raavan went to Fishman Island, if Raavan didn’t maintain the “Almighty Push”, then he, Tiger, Mihawk and others would be buried in the deep sea!

Then, within the effect maintained by the “Almighty Push”, affected by the “repulsive force”, the sea water that wanted to flow into the fishman island along the cracks could not flow in.

However, who had been suspicious before, saw that Raavan really resisted the sea water flowing in from outside, and his nervous and worried eyes became a lot easier.

But as thought before, Jimbe still didn’t believe that Raavan could maintain the “Almighty Push” until the bubbles outside the fishman island healed completely!

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“According to the current situation, it will take at least three days for Bubbles to repair itself before it can recover and resist the sea pressure outside.”

“Boy, don’t look at what you support now is very simple, but over time, your pressure will become…”

“It’s getting bigger and bigger!”


Just like Jimbe said, Raavan wanted to maintain the “Almighty Push” until the bubbles on the fishman island were completely repaired. At first, it may be very simple, but it will only become more difficult in the future!

Under pressure, “squeeze” into the seawater of the fishman island will not be tired.

On the contrary, Raavan has been maintaining the “Almighty Push”, which is bound to be tired!

Although he had the physical fitness of six full awakenings after he became Shura, Raavan’s physical strength was almost unlimited. However, at 10,000 meters deep in the sea, Raavan still underestimated the sea pressure outside, or he still underestimated the power of the sea water pouring into the fishman island, how terrible it was.

If it is said that Raavan maintains the “Almighty Push” outside, and when he takes Tiger, Mihawk and others on the road, maintaining the “Almighty Push” consumes only 1 point of physical strength per second, then now…

Hardly resisting the influx of water from the outside world, the physical strength that Raavan consumes every second is a full 1,000 physical strength!

It was a thousand times the consumption of Raavan to maintain the “Almighty Push” in the past!

Under such pressure, in just a few minutes, Raavan’s forehead oozes fine sweat. He wants to maintain the “Almighty Push” to protect the events of the fishman island for several days, until the bubble outside the fishman island. Soaking self-healing, is an impossible thing for a guy like Raavan who is almost abnormal in physical strength.

Fortunately, Raavan, who was already a little bit tired, still had his own second set of plans to patch the sky.

So just when Raavan felt that his first set of sky patching plan was probably unable to protect the fishman island…


The crystal cold air followed the Shura golem behind Raavan and suddenly rushed to the crack in the bubble of the fishman island!

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That is the ability to freeze fruit!

That was Raavan’s “Ice Age!”

“Ice Age” suddenly used, Raavan’s ability to use frozen fruits only consumed a little physical strength, and suddenly it was the place where the bubbles outside the fishman island were broken, and it was frozen!

Although, the outside sea still wanted to follow the frozen cracks and pour into the fishman island.

But as long as the area of ​​the bubble outside of Fishman Island is squeezed and slightly damaged, Raavan can use the maintained “Ice Age” to repair it.

And the consumption of Raavan is equivalent to nothing!

In this way, Raavan’s job of patching the sky for the fishman island was a complete success.

It was just when Raavan made up for the sky, and a smile was just raised at the corner of his mouth…

In a dense forest on Fishman Island.

A burly figure looked at the frost above the fishman island, and the affection on his face turned gloomy.

“Is that guy Kuzan here too?”

“It seems that my steps… will be faster!”

With a secret heart, the person’s gaze fell on a bloody figure in front of him.

And that bloody figure…

It is Raavan’s friend!

Fisher Tiger!

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