“Don’t be kidding me … You jerk!”

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Luffy’s body was sealed inside the dirt mountain, but half of his head was exposed outside and he kept shouting without showing any weakness. Instead, he continued to struggle, yelling at Enel.

He opened his mouth and inhaled wildly, and the gas kept pouring into his body.

Kāchā! Kāchā!

The earth and the parts of the mountain around him gradually showed signs of fragmentation. After all, this is just a soil mountain formed by the solidification of soil, not a mountain composed of solid rocks.

Enel’s gaze flashed as he saw Luffy still struggling like this. When he was about to block his escape route with another wave of his hand, Luffy’s position suddenly burst into pieces.


Because Luffy emerged from the trap, Zoro’s arm beside him was also released. He shook the hilt of his sword and broke out of the ground and fell to the ground.

“Thanks, Luffy.”

As Luffy and Zoro got out of the mud mountain, Sanji also broke free and kicked a part of the dirt mountain and rescued Nami Chopper and others.

Enel looked at Luffy and others and his expressions still didn’t change, he raised his hands at Luffy and others and waved them towards them from a distance.


Millions of tons of dirt piled up in a mad rush to form a giant fist a few meters in diameter that slammed at Luffy and others.

“Let me do it.”

Luffy, his body now inflatable, let out a shout at Zoro Sanji and others as if he had developed some new trick, and pumped his body’s air into his arm, which swelled suddenly.

The inflated fist is the equivalent of Enel’s earth fist.

Luffy hits the earth made fist with his own fist.

Two huge fists hit each other.


A low Bang sounded.

After a few seconds of stalemate between the two sides, Enel’s Earth made fist showed signs of fragmentation which began to spread all the way back, eventually breaking apart completely.

And Luffy’s fist was unstoppable and continued to push forward and reached Enel’s body, Luffy’s giant fist shattered Enel’s body and smashed toward the rear.

“Good job! Luffy!”

When Usopp and Chopper saw this, they showed a touch of excitement on their faces.

Nami also showed a hint of joy. Unexpectedly, Luffy had such a powerful punch, he broke Enel’s attack in front of them with only one punch and beat Enel.

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Before they had much time to be happy, a mass of dirt gathered and formed Enel’s body in the distance.

This time Enel’s face was not expressionless, his attack was broken by Luffy, which made his face a little bit hung up, and he was thoroughly angered.

“You have succeeded in angering me, Blue Sea Person.”

Enel coldly looked at Luffy and others and as his voice came out, the ground began to shake violently, and countless amounts of soil madly rushed towards him.

Enel’s voice continued to come from the soil.

“The power of the Earth is not something that you Blue Sea People can even begin to imagine much less defeat it, not only you but that Ghost Hand … all of you are just ants waiting to be stepped on in front of God who could control all of this!”

Under the shock and horror-filled gazes of Nami and others.

The mad surge of mud grew bigger and bigger and finally turned into a giant soaring between the heavens and the earth, with a body like a giant of the earth that spans thousands of meters!

“God’s Form!”

Enel’s voice came from the high sky.

The terrifying giant is so huge that it makes a bowing motion at Luffy and others. The shape of this giant, let alone the normal giants, even Oars can’t compare to it!

“You should be proud that you forced me to reveal this form …”

Enel’s voice came from the Earth Giant and the depressed tone echoed on the island. At this moment, not only the people on Holy Land Skypiea but even the people on the remote Sky Island saw the terrifying giant standing between heaven and earth.

Countless people looked at that giant with a shocked look on their faces.

“This … what the hell is this!”

A Priest’s voice shivered.

Sugar also moved silently and she walked out of the palace, she looked at the Earth Giant which was standing in the distance and her face changed for a while, and her pupils contracted. “What’s that?!”

“It should be the power of the man who occupied Skypiea.”

The Iron Wall Giant appeared next to her and replied with a somber expression on his face, “This is getting troublesome now, I didn’t expect his power to reach this level.”

Having said that, his face contracted a little as he said: “Although this power can’t break through my barrier but I also can’t stop him, he can easily destroy this island if he wants to!”

When Sugar heard it, she panicked.

If Angel Island is destroyed, she would have to carry a portion of the blame and in such a terrible incident, even if she only carries a portion of the blame, I am afraid her punishment would be more then just a ban on her candies.

“Hurry up, notify the Totto Land!”

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“I have already notified them.”

The Iron Wall Giant wore a depressed expression as he looked at the ugly Earth Giant towering over anything he has ever seen, and said, “I’m afraid that by the time Headquarters send someone over here, it would be too late.”

The atmosphere of Angel Island fell into mass panic.

At the same time, on Holy Land Skypiea, Luffy and others looked up at the towering Earth Giant. In addition to the shock in their eyes, they could not help but feel like an insignificant being faced such a thing.

This is crazy!

The Earth Giant in front of them is almost comparable to this island, and they are not on the same level at all. Even if they try their best, they would only be smashed like a bug under that Earth Giant!

“This is the end.”

Enel’s depressed voice came from the Earth Giant.

The Earth Giant raised its leg which was big enough to destroy a Battleship and the leg slowly came directly above Luffy and others and then stepped down.


Luffy and others were shocked and their pupil contracted as they saw this scene and cold sweat ran down on their foreheads. At this time, Sanji took the lead in responding and shouted:

“Escape! Run!”

Sanji’s voice awakened the shocked Nami and others, and everyone fought desperately to flee to the distance. Fortunately, the Earth Giant was not fast and they desperately tried to escape, and eventually escaped before the foot fell and trampled the area.

The problem is that although they escaped the area which was trampled by the Earth Giant, the severe impact and shock caused by this foot fall still swept directly at Luffy Zoro and others!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Everyone was blown out by that fierce impact.

After being pushed back to tens of meters away, the crowd stabilized their bodies, and when they struggled to get up, they looked at the huge giant, but their backs were filled with cold sweat.

Even if it is Luffy, it is difficult for him to raise any battle intent at this moment. It is not fear, but they do not know how to fight faced with such a huge monster!

They thought that after defeating a Shichibukai, they would never have to run away as they did in Louge Town, but they didn’t expect that after coming to the Sky Island, they would once again encounter a monster that made them feel desperate!

Such a huge thing, even those monsters in Lougetown wouldn’t be able to deal with it.


While Luffy and his men were stiff, the giant’s legs were lifted up again. Enel had missed them this time and he had increased his speed a little.

But the foot stopped in mid-air before it could go down, for Enel’s attention had shifted from Luffy and others to a figure directly in front of him, arriving at some point in the face of the Earth Giant.

Luffy and others who were desperately escaping the trampled area of ​​the giant looked up and faintly saw the figure floating in the sky.

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“That is……”

Everyone has a vague sense of familiarity as they saw this scene.

After Nami’s eyes flickered a little, her pupil couldn’t help but shrink as she recognized the figure’s identity. Even if she was far away, she still recognized this figure, because this figure has left an everlasting expression on her!

Ghost Hand Ross!

The person with a Bounty 3 Billion Berries … the Strongest Man in the World!

The moment she recognized Ross, Nami finally thought the ‘Ghost Hand’ spoken by Enel. There was no doubt that he was referring to Ross. In other words, the ruler of this Sky Island was Ross, the big pirate standing on the top of the world!

After thoroughly trying to understand the current situation, Nami looked at Ross in the sky, but her eyes couldn’t help but change because the Earth Giant was so huge that Ross looked like an ant in front of it!

Even if Ross is the Strongest Man in the world, faced with such a big Giant, I am afraid …

Nami’s eyes were filled with endless tension.

“Blue Sea People…”

Enel depressed’s voice came from the Earth Giant.

The Earth Giant is controlled by him which is equivalent to him having the whole body of the Earth Giant and the sound of his voice is also loud that even the people on the remote island can clearly hear it.

“It really is you.”

Ross flew in the air while staring at the Earth Giant from a distance. His Observation Haki swept over and caught Enel’s body directly.

He did not expect that it was really Enel and looking at him like this, he had really eaten the Logia Fruit, the upper-level fruit that could control earth

Enel’s luck was really good.

“I didn’t know I had this kind of power.”

Enel’s Earth Giant raised his giant hands and said: “I am the real … God!”

Ross looked at him indifferently, and said, “Talking so much crap, can’t you just fight?”

Enel was silent for a second and his depressed voice was heard all over the world.

“As you wish!”

“Let me grant you this honor, Blue Sea Man … God’s punishment!”

With Enel’s voice falling, the Earth Giant raised his arm and smashed into Ross in the air.

Compared with the giant of the earth, Ross’s body size is just like the gap between a mosquito and a human.

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The huge fist that hit towards Ross in the air was like the collapse of a mountain with an irresistible force.

The sky seems to be falling down!

Seeing this scene, Luffy, Zoro, and others faces changed but at this moment, they couldn’t do anything at all and they could only look at the scene from the bottom.

On the distant Angel Island, countless Sky Islanders are also feeling horror and fear. Although they can’t see Ross from a long distance, they can hear Enel’s voice and they know that Ross has appeared and they also know that Enel is communicating with Ross and confronting him.

Ross has ruled the Sky island for so long with absolute power and with the help of Laffitte’s hypnosis powers and his Distortion power, he had a thriving governance.

It can be said.

Ross’s status in Sky Island is not only that of a god who had overwhelmed everything with absolute power but he is also an existence of awe and admiration to countless people.

Despite Enel’s sheer strong force now, no one is going to give in to the idea of ​​surrender, they are just looking in that direction with a worried face.

“His Highness Ross …”

Gan Fall stood on the edge of the Angel Island, his face filled with worries.

If Ross lost to this guy, they wouldn’t be able to resist this terrifying power. By that time, it would be difficult for anyone to predict what the Angel Island would look like.

Under the intense and worried attention of countless people, the Giant Earth’s arm finally swayed and smashed towards Ross.

Just at this moment.

Ross stood flat in the sky and also stretched out his right hand. He also pinched his fingers together and raised his fist, thus meeting the huge fist that Enel swung over.

Even Ross’s whole figure is not comparable to that of Giant’s fist and he looks like a mosquito, let alone Ross’ fist, which is almost as small as the tip of a needle.

Just the next moment.

The two fists collided against each other.

The World seemed to have become silent and almost no sound was made, or even if there was a sound, it was just an extremely depressed muffled sound.

It was as if the sound itself had been completely broken.

At this moment.

Countless faces glazed over, from Luffy and others to Gan Fall, On the Angel Island, the Iron Wall Giant responsible for protecting Sugar also looked at this scene with stunned silence.

Everyone saw a Giant that was so large that it was comparable to that of an island, it towered between the heavens and the earth but the Giant’s entire right arm had disappeared without a trace, along with its right arm, half of its head and half of its chest had disappeared!

Looking over at the huge hole.

They saw that the higher clouds were divided in two from the center, exposing a clear blue sky, and spread all the way to the distance until the end of sight!

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