“You didn’t hit him?”

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Sneck and the others were too focused on the fact that King’s fist just missed, and they didn’t realize that King had escaped on his own. King was known as the strongest man, yet G1 actually evaded his fist. It was too mind-blowing.

They had imagined that King would completely obliterate G1’s head with his punch, ending the battle right there. Nobody expected that King’s punch would find only thin air, leaving G1 unscathed.

“Uncle King, where are you going?”

“I’m going to be late. I’ll leave this place to you!”

Sneck and the others were stunned when they heard the conversation between Child Emperor and King. King… had left? The G1 hadn’t been defeated yet. How could King leave?

Child Emperor watched King disappear like a wisp of smoke and sighed helplessly. There was no other way. Uncle King was too fickle. Seems like I’m the only one who could deal with G1.

He stared at the tall G1, stuffed the lollipop in his hand into his mouth, and then touched his small backpack. Mechanical clunks and whirrs accompanied the robotic arms that gradually stretched out from the backpack. Child Emperor’s appearance became spiderlike, with four mechanical arms suspending his body in the air.

“King is too much. He actually abandoned us and ran away. His lack of responsibility put shame on the title of the strongest man!” Tanktop Boxer complained.

“Unfortunately, I have not seen the official fight between King and G1.” Fat Fist Man’s face was full of regret. He still wanted to learn some of King’s fighting style, but he did not expect King to leave everyone behind.

The association staff heaved a sigh of relief when he saw Child Emperor had “transformed.” “Fortunately, Child Emperor is still here. Otherwise, we might have suffered a disaster.”

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Sneck was puzzled. “Since King chose to make a move, why did he stop at the critical moment? Wasting his energy for nothing. Was he just toying around?”

King could have punched the other party to death, but he suddenly went easy at the last moment. He punched the air and barely avoided the G1 robot. This change was surprising. Sneck suspected there might be a hidden reason.

“How dare you barge into my research facility and cause trouble. You have seriously damaged my research lab. Now, I will show you my strength as an S-class Hero.”

Child Emperor looked down at G1 in annoyance. Although he guessed that G1 was an experimental product of the Doctor, G1 had turned his laboratory into a mess. Even if G1 was really the doctor’s subordinate, he could not ignore this slap to his face.

Because… S-class Heroes have honor to uphold!

“Child Emperor, let me go first!” Sneck stopped pretending to be dead. He stood up and confronted G1. “Although I don’t know why King stopped and left in the end, one thing is undeniable. We must destroy you… G1!”

“Take me with you.” Fast Fist Man clenched his fists and cracked his fingers. “Although I know that it’s stronger than me, I can’t bear the shame of being beaten with one punch.”

“And me.”

Tanktop Boxer stood beside Sneck and Fast Fist Man.

“You’re coming too?” Fast Fist Man asked with a surprised tone.

Tanktop Boxer snorted, “Humph, even a weak person like you is going to fight. How can I watch the show from the side? And…” He glanced at Child Emperor and said arrogantly, “I don’t want to be protected by a child.”

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Child Emperor looked at the G1 unhappily. “Hey, you guys, stop arguing. From the strength of the G1 just now, you guys are definitely no match for it. Don’t play brave. Let me take care of it. After all, it broke into my lab. As the owner, of course, I have to properly ‘entertain’ it and remind it to knock on the door next time.”

The association staff member had not spoken from the beginning. His gaze had been fixed on the G1. “Hey, everyone, don’t you think something is wrong with the G1 robot? It hasn’t moved for a while, and the light in its eye has disappeared. Has it stopped working?”

“Stopped working?”

Child Emperor and the others turned their eyes at the G1 in shock. They realized something strange. They had argued for so long, but the G1 did not attack them. It stood quietly as if waiting for them to choose a representative. This was too inconsistent with its arrogant personality.

Child Emperor carefully inspected the G1 and said uncertainly, “G1 seems to have really stopped running.”

Tanktop Boxer laughed, “Let me test it out.” He grabbed a wrench on the floor and flung it with all his strength towards G1.


Sneck and the other watched as the wrench impacted G1’s metal body with a loud sound. G1 did not react.

“Don’t think too much; let’s just hit it!”

Fast Fist Man rushed forward and launched a machine gun-like barrage of fists at G1.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

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Bang! Bang!

G1 was knocked back by his punches. Finally, he punched with all his strength. G1 fell down with a loud bang.

Child Emperor controlled his four mechanical arms to walk to G1. He meticulously inspected its body and component with his knowledge of robotics technology. After a while, he announced, “I’m sure of it. G1’s central processor has been broken.”

“Broken?” Sneck’s pupils shrank. “Do you know what caused the G1 central processor to break?” He had a vague guess in his heart, but he was not sure.

“It is a powerful…” Child Emperor said with a serious face.

“Force. A powerful force destroyed the central processor.”

Bofoi carefully stared at the analysis report of G1’s system failure on his computer screen. The central processor chip of the G1 had been damaged by immense force and exploded.

“Is it King?”

He narrowed his eyes. The moment when G1 and King were about to touch, the screen of his computer suddenly darkened. Unfortunately, he could not collect the data on King’s attack. However, this did not stop him from evaluating King’s strengths. He firmly believed that G1 had been defeated. It was easy to guess from the broken central processor that King had punched its head!

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“The G1 robot is still too weak. It must be improved and perfected. Otherwise, it cannot be independent.”

“Force? A powerful force?” Sneck was shocked. “Child Emperor, are you saying that although King’s punch did not hit the G1, the pressure wave alone destroyed the G1 central processor?”


Child Emperor was not too sure. In his career as a robot researcher, sometimes the central processor could explode because of excessive operation. Under normal circumstances, he would definitely conclude that the robot’s excessive operation caused the chip to explode.

However, King’s involvement puzzled him. He was not sure whether the central processor of the G1 robot exploded on its own or because of King. After all, King was the strongest man, and it was possible for him to have such strength. Moreover, King’s behavior just now was too strange. He punched the air and left.

Now it seemed that King was confident that the G1 robot was no longer a threat, so he left without worry!

“Hiss —”

Sneck and the others sucked in a breath of cold air. The G1 had utterly defeated them, but it stood no chance against King. King had beaten it with only the pressure of his fist.

Was this strength of the strongest man?

King was truly terrifying!

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