Chapter 103 The Giant Brothers

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King felt a little guilty toward Child Emperor due to his previous escape. It seems that Child Emperor had settled the score with G1 and now wanted to thank King for leaving the “big gift.” He guessed that Child Emperor had set up all kinds of traps in the research institute for him!

Of course, he had to refuse.

“Oh, it’s Child Emperor. Sorry, I already left Y City and arrived in B City. I appreciate your kindness, but I cannot come to visit you for the time being.”

“Is that so? Uncle King, I simply wanted to thank you as soon as possible; I did not consider that you would have another affair. That’s right, as the strongest man, Uncle King is naturally very busy. Then, I will thank you next time we meet.”

“Let’s talk about it later.”

King hung up the phone in a cold sweat.

“Hu —”

He heaved a sigh of relief and looked up, only to find everyone staring at him. He apologized, “I’m sorry for delaying you. You can continue to negotiate. Don’t pay attention to me.”


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As soon as he finished speaking, the nail cutter on his neck fell to the ground with a crisp sound.


He turned his head around in confusion. He saw that Shortblade Marauder’s fierce face had turned green as if his soul was scared out of his body. His teeth chattered with a banging sound akin to a machine gun. His hands trembled, and his body swayed on his weak legs as if he was drunk and could not stand steadily.

“Hey, it can’t be, right?”

King looked at the frightened Shortblade Marauder, unable to understand why he was so scared.

It’s over. There’s no hope of escaping. I took a hostage, thinking of buying a chance to escape from the Blizzard group. But I never expected to hold King, the strongest man in the world, hostage. Now my hope of escaping is completely shattered. No matter how strong I am, I can’t escape from King. I’m dead.

Shortblade Marauder sat on the ground with an ashen face and dull eyes. It seemed like he had lost all will to live.

“Hello, King?” Blizzard of Hell recovered from her surprise and glanced at the B-level bounty prisoner who had been captured – Shortblade Marauder. She turned to King and said solemnly, “This prey belongs to our Blizzard group. His bounty is also from our Blizzard group. We won’t allow you to take credit for the fruits of our hard work.”

King looked at Blizzard’s determined face, stunned.

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“Lady Blizzard, please reconsider rationally. If you anger King, we will all be killed.” Eyelashes panicked; his long hair swayed as he tried to persuade Blizzard.

Mountain Ape stood in front of Blizzard of Hell and stared at King with cold sweat. “This is terrible. Will King be angry? Will he attack Lady Blizzard? No, I have to protect Lady Blizzard. If you wish to harm Lady Blizzard, you have to step over my Mountain Ape’s corpse.”

Lily felt her scalp go numb. The flower on top of her suddenly exploded in size, and her face turned pale in fear. “Lord King, ha, our Lady Blizzard is joking. The reward and whatnot, of course, belong to you. We have no objections at all. After all, you were the one who caught the Shortblade Marauder.”

The other members of Blizzard’s group also repeatedly defended Blizzard of Hell, afraid that King would misunderstand.

“Hey, what are you afraid of? Do you think just because he’s King, he could steal our work willy-nilly? This blatant bullying completely violates a Hero’s code. We cannot tolerate this behavior.”

Blizzard of Hell’s dark green clothes suddenly fluttered. She pointed to King and solemnly said, “Especially King, you are the strongest man in the world, the dazzling Emperor of Hero world. How could you steal from our Blizzard group? If the world knows that you have done such a bad thing, it will have a terrible impact on your reputation! Now… Are you sure you want to infringe on Blizzard group’s bounty?”

She laughed in her heart. King was too strong. The entire Blizzard group combined would stand no chance against him. So she must find another way to shake King’s emotion and make him give up the bounty.

The members of the Blizzard group looked at their boss in shock and suddenly realized that Lady Blizzard’s seemingly reckless actions had a deep meaning. As expected of Lady Blizzard.

They cooperated and said, “That’s right, King. If what happens here gets out, your reputation would be irreparably damaged. It’s not worth such a small amount of money!”

King looked at the noisy scene and laughed. This group of people actually misunderstood that he was here to steal the reward. Oh well, let’s tease them.

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“You want the reward? Sure—just defeat me. If you defeat me, I will give you all the glory and money I have. That is, if you can defeat me, the one known as the strongest man in the world. Who would be willing to challenge the strongest man?”


King’s domineering words made the members of Blizzard Group feel as if their necks were being strangled. They stared at the mighty King with wide eyes, unable to speak a word.

For a moment, the train carriage became so silent that one could hear a pin drop.

“King, I will challenge you.”

After a while, Blizzard of Hell pointed to King and said solemnly, “I heard that the S-class Hero Tornado of Terror has always wanted to defeat you? Ha, the man she wants to defeat, I also want to try to defeat you.”

King’s mouth twitched slightly. This is bullshit! Someone actually challenged him! Furthermore, it was the pain in the ass Blizzard. As expected of sisters. Tornado of Terror was already annoying enough, and his sister Blizzard of Hell was just as much.

He could guess why Blizzard of Hell wanted to challenge him. Blizzard of Hell and Tornado of Terror were sisters, both of which had superpowers. However, although Blizzard’s superpower was very outstanding, it was just mediocre compared to Tornado’s talent.

Therefore, she had lived under Tornado’s shadow since she was a child. She tried hard to surpass the Tornado to become the first. This was also the reason why she was still ranked first among the B-class Hero. Because this was the first place in her life that he could be at the top. She was afraid that she would lose her place as the first if she became an A-class Hero.

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That was why she had been staying as B-class Hero. She firmly controlled the first rank of the B-class Heroes and established the Blizzard group, hoping that one day she could defeat Tornado of Terror with the help of the Blizzard group and walk out of the psychological shadow.

Annoying sisters!

King thought with a headache.

Suddenly, the train TV broadcasted a piece of news about Monster: “Respected audience, according to the latest news, a giant entity reminiscent of an ancient Titan has appeared in D City. D City had been destroyed with a wave of his hand. The Heroes Association currently categorized the giant as a Demon-level disaster. Currently, the giant is heading to B City. We hope that the citizens of B City will evacuate the city or enter the shelters as soon as possible after hearing the broadcast. Avoid the giant as much as possible.”


King looked at the giant’s photo on the TV, and his pupils shrank. The towering, muscular body and the bare skull… Memories surged into his mind. He remembered that this guy was the only Demon-level disaster in the animation that destroyed two cities: The Giant Brothers.

Wait a minute, if he remembered correctly, the two cities destroyed by the Giant Brothers were D City and B City, respectively.

Hmm? Which city has the train arrived at now?

Goddammit, B City… I’m actually in B City! This is going to be the end!

Saitama, evil people are going to kill us; come and save the driver!

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