B City.

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“Emergency evacuation notice, emergency evacuation notice. An unknown giant creature has appeared in D City and is now approaching B City. All citizen is urged to take shelter as soon as possible.”

“We repeat. Emergency evacuation notice, emergency evacuation notice. An unknown giant creature has appeared in D City and is now approaching B City. All citizen is urged to take shelter as soon as possible.”

The disaster alarm in B City Central Park continued to broadcast the warning.


Unfortunately for them, Marugori was very fast. He crossed hundreds of meters with each step and quickly reached B City from D City. He crushed humans and buildings alike under his feet without a second thought. A path of flattened ruins followed him.

Fukegao looked at the ruined city with excitement. “That’s right. Destroy everything and let them witness our terrifying strength!”

“I am the strongest man, I am the strongest man, I have surpassed King and become the strongest man…” Marugori murmured.

Fukegao looked at his masterpiece – Marugori, the giant brother. He wanted to ask how Marugori felt after becoming the strongest. “That’s right, brother, you have become the strongest man in the world; how about it? You become the strongest…”

However, before he could finish his sentence, someone suddenly interrupted…

“What do you think happens after becoming the strongest?”


Fukegao was stunned at the interruption. He quickly looked for the source of the voice and found a person standing on the right shoulder of the giant. Dead fish eyes, soy egg head, egg yolk clothes, tablecloth cloak, child rain boots, washing gloves…

“There’s actually someone here!?”
Fukegao looked at Saitama in shock. When did this soy egg come up?

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Saitama looked at Marugori, with the naked giant tree in his crotch, and said seriously, “Please put on your underwear!”

“Fuck you!”
Fukegao became furious when he saw that Saitama was ignoring him. He pointed at Saitama and shouted, “Brother, kill the person on your shoulder!”

There was a pause. Marugori seemed to not hear Fukegao’s instructions clearly. After a while, he finally reacted to Fukegao’s orders. His palm, the size of a basketball court, suddenly slapped his shoulder and killed the person standing on his shoulder – Fukegao.


He suddenly felt that something was wrong. He opened his palm and saw a pile of human flesh in his palm—with some white clothes stuck in it.



The air was quiet for a few seconds…

Marugori finally reacted. His entire body trembled as he cried out in grief, “Why is it like this? I just wanted strength, and now I have finally become the strongest man in the world. Why…? Why did you leave me? Why….”

Saitama covered his ears with both hands and smirked at Marugori, who was in so much pain that he wanted to die.

This was the pain that anyone pursuing the strongest power must experience!


Marugori glanced at the giggling Saitama from the corner of his eye and flew into a rage. He grabbed Saitama tightly in his hand.

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“Although I don’t know you, you caused my brother to die. You… must also die!”

He held Saitama’s hand up high and then fiercely slammed the ground.


Saitama crashed to the ground with a thunderous sound, scattering debris and rubbles.

“Go to hell… Go to hell…”

Marugori jumped up high and dropped his battleship-sized feet at Saitama. He then pounded the ground where Saitama was with his large fist the size of a hill, his punches coming one after another akin to a meteor shower.

“The strongest… This is the strength the two of us gained!!”

He yelled ferociously, focusing all the power in his body to punch Saitama.



Dust covered the city, and the rumbling sound echoed thousands of miles away.

“Hey, hey, run!”

“Lady Blizzard, we must hurry up and leave the train. The train is going to be buried.”

“He’s dead!”

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The train King was on rolled out of the track due to the shock wave from the giant’s punch. The surrounding mountains collapsed, and the earth cracked. The train was about to be buried…


Blizzard’s entire body flashed with green light, and a wave of powerful psychokinesis surged. The train suddenly exploded like a balloon, and the wreckage scattered in all directions. The people within are saved from the landslide.

“Ah, I’m going to be blown away!”

“Lady Blizzard, save me!”

“Ah, save me, I fear heights!”

Blizzard’s Mist of Hell didn’t only blow apart the train; it also scattered people from the train to the ground. Some people were even blown into the sky. A lot of them fainted from the impact.

King did not notice what happened on the train. He immediately activated Flight ability after Blizzard split the train open, rushing into the sky to observe the towering giant that pierced the clouds.

“Is this little brother giant? If I remember correctly, the person he is punching now should be… Saitama!”

His eyes lit up. He rode this train in order to meet Saitama; he didn’t expect to meet him midway through.

“…Let’s wait until Saitama takes care of the little brother giant before going over.”

He stood in the air, watching the giant constantly bombard the ground.


After a while, Marugori finally stopped punching. He panted slightly, observing his handiwork. A massive crater had been gouged where a city once stood. He clenched his fists. “I’m the strongest!”

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But then he was reminded of his brother Fukegao. He opened his palm and looked at the human-shaped blood splatter. Tears streamed down his face. “So what? So what if I become the strongest?”

Having realized his dream, with nothing more to pursue, and lost his brother, standing as the strongest… It was so lonely.

He stared at his brother’s pooling blood with a lonely expression. “So empty!”

“That’s right!”

Saitama’s faint voice suddenly came from the huge pit. Then, the bottom of the pit suddenly blew apart. Saitama shot out from the ground, rushing toward the giant’s head like a rocket. He clenched his fists and punched the giant’s head before the giant could react.


Marugori stood no chance against the punch and was instantly killed. His titanic body fell backward.

“You are right. The absolute strength is really empty!”

Saitama looked at Marugori’s dead body. His face was dull. There was not even a trace of passion in his heart. Killing the giant was as simple as drinking water and eating. There was no need to treat it seriously.


Marugori’s mountainous body collapsed, smashing whatever remained from the B City into ruins.


Saitama stared blankly at his ‘masterpiece’.

B City!


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