“Oh, King killed the giant! King killed the giant!”

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“The giant is dead; we are saved!”

The surviving people cried with joy. King had arrived unexpectedly in their darkest hour, when they had lost all hope of surviving. King was their savior, the light of hope.

However, King ignored the cheering people. He was still immersed in the sadness and confusion of System’s suspension.

“Hey, King, you don’t have to blame yourself. The disaster you see has nothing to do with you. Our duty is to destroy Monsters and protect the people. You have done very well.” Silver Fang walked to King with his hands behind his back and looked at the ruins side by side with King. It was mere minutes ago that B City was a bustling city, but now all that was left were ruins. Such a pity.

“Huh? Self-blame? What the hell?” King looked at Silver Fang, who was comforting him, in surprise. He was confused. Who was blaming himself? He was just sad that System went to sleep and returned him to the sorry loser of an otaku.

Silver Fang said slowly with deep eyes, “There are many things in the world that cannot be avoided. Earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters have swallowed many lives. None of us can stop them. All we can do is save as many people as possible.”

King’s confusion only increased. He looked at Silver Fang, who had taken the appearance of a caring old grandpa. What was this old man talking about? Why can’t I understand a word?

“No one expected the giant to appear, and no one expected the destructive power of the giant to be so great. The destruction of B City and D City is not anyone’s fault. It can only be the will of the heavens. We Heroes will do our best in the face of disaster. No one can guarantee that we will save everyone every time. That’s right, no Hero can save everyone.”

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Silver Fang had clearly entered preacher mode as he continued, “Our Heroes Association was established to destroy Monsters. However, we Heroes can only carry that duty after Monsters appear. Therefore, it is inevitable that the city will be destroyed, and the people will die before we can eliminate the Monsters. This is an unavoidable fact. The only thing we can do is to refine our methodology to discover and eliminate Monsters as soon as possible, to minimize the casualties.”

Hey, who are you preaching on? Are you preaching to me? My god, I am just the lucky Hero. I am not interested in the duties of Hero as you said!

King looked at Silver Fang, his forehead wrinkled. This old man sure had a lot to say!

Silver Fang looked deeply at King. “King, you can think like this. If you didn’t destroy the giant in time, it would not stop at destroying B and D City. It would probably continue to destroy J and E City. By destroying the giant, you saved more people from its attack.”


King stared at Silver Fang with wide eyes. Old grandpa, you misunderstood. I have never been sad about the destruction of B City and D City. I am just sad for my own System’s hibernation.

However, he could not tell anyone about System. It was tiring to be considerate.

Silver Fang watched King, who had “reawakened,” with satisfaction. After everything was said and done, King was still a young man. Although he was strong to a ridiculous degree, he still lacked much experience. The old man had eaten more salt than King had eaten rice. Perhaps he could not teach him martial arts, but he can teach him the wisdom that comes with age.

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“Sigh, our thoughts aren’t on the same channel.” King turned around to leave.

“Wait a minute.” Silver Fang stopped King with a smile, “King, are you interested in visiting this old man’s dojo?”

His desire to take in disciples had not been extinguished!

“Visit the dojo?” King looked at Silver Fang blankly.

He then recalled that Bang had opened a dojo in City Z. His heart moved. With his Monster-attracting physique, it is almost certain that he would encounter Monsters if he wanders around on his own. Now that he had lost System’s protection, he would be helpless in such an encounter. It would be better to stay at Silver Fang’s dojo for the time being. Perhaps in a few days, System would recover from the fatal errors.

“Alright, I happen to have some free time right now. I will trouble you for a while.” He agreed immediately, treating Bang’s dojo as a temporary shelter.

“Yes, no problem. My dojo doesn’t have much else, but there are a lot of empty rooms. Right now, there are only Charanko and me, and it’s very cold and lonely. You can come over and increase our popularity. Of course, it’s okay if you want to stay longer.” Silver Fang smiled and looked at King. His greedy eyes were like a pervert staring at a beautiful girl.

King shivered and quietly distanced himself.

“Hey, King!” Blizzard shouted.

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“Oh? What’s the matter?” King turned around and looked at Blizzard.

Tornado’s sister looked like a mature lady, but she was just another troublemaker. I hate troublesome people.

Blizzard pointed at King. “King, have you forgotten the challenge I issued to you just now?”

“Challenge?” King’s heart jumped. Just moments ago, when System was still around, it would’ve been easy to deal with Blizzard of Hell. But now that System had entered the self-repair mode, he was just a weak otaku. How could he have the ability to deal with Blizzard of Hell?

“You don’t seem to care. Heh, I know I can’t defeat you now, but…” Blizzard of Hell glared at him, “sooner or later, I will defeat you and reach the top of the Hero’s ranking.”

Hehe, as long as you don’t kill me now, you can do whatever you want!

King’s heart calmed down again, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

The search-and-rescue planes sent by the Heroes Association and the government arrived not long after. The remaining survivors boarded the transport planes under the guidance of government personnel.

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“The people are safe. Let’s go!”

The Heroes Association provided a separate plane for King and the other Heroes. King followed Blizzard and the others into the plane. However, whether it was because of his nervousness or because of the shock from System’s sudden dormancy, he accidentally slipped and fell.

King, the strongest man in the world, fell when getting into a plane.

Can you believe it?

King was embarrassed. He thought Silver Fang and the others would look at him with surprise. However, when he looked up at Silver Fang and the others, their eyes were instead full of respect.

What kind of situation was this?

Silver Fang looked at King’s sorry state with a solemn face. Did he blame himself too much for not being able to save B City, to the point that his mental state became unbalanced? King, your love for the people perfectly fits your title as the strongest.

Blizzard of Hell looked at King with great surprise in her heart. King’s appearance completely subverted her impression of the strong. Aren’t the strong supposed to be unreachable gods that looked down on the world from the heavens above? Why did King care so much about the people’s lives and even lose his composure? Or must one be like King to be worthy of the strongest title?

King boarded the plane properly with a confused face under the inexplicable respect of Silver Fang and others, and the plane departed for Z City.

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