“King, it’s time to eat. The hot pot with high-grade beef is ready.” Charanko’s loud voice interrupted King’s bathtub daydreams.

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“Got it.”

King leisurely dried himself, put on his clothes, and returned to the dojo. Sure enough, there was a hotpot table in the dojo with various dishes arranged on it. Charanko and Bang were already seated, waiting for King.

“Sorry, I’m late.”

“It’s fine, King, just make yourself at home. No need to hold back.” Bang smiled, “King, what do you think of the dojo?”

“Oh?” King thought for a moment, “The environment is quiet and very suitable for training.”

Ah, on these cliffs, how could it not be quiet? Even ghosts would not bother wandering here!

Bang smiled again. “Oh, it is indeed very suitable for training. Then, are you interested in training here, King?”

“Ah?” King looked at the old man, who grinned like a hungry wolf and promptly refused, “Sorry, I’m not interested.”

My passion in life is video games. There is no internet, no TV, and no game console on this cliff. Staying to relax for a few days is fine, but his otaku soul definitely couldn’t stand longer stays.

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“Haha, don’t be so quick to refuse. You might change your mind after enjoying it here for a few days.” Bang laughed, “Enough about it for now. The hot pot is ready. Let’s eat!”


Charanko immediately attacked the hotpot with his chopsticks. “Master, I have been training in the dojo for more than a year. When can I officially practice the Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist?”

Bang had only given him some basic skill and superficial knowledge of the Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist. It depressed him that Bang refused to hand him the core of Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist.

“Wait.” King caught a glimpse of Charanko’s dirty hand from the corner of his eye and immediately blocked Charanko’s chopsticks with his own. He frowned, “Charanko, wash your hands before dinner.”

For some reason, Bang’s eye widened in shock at King’s word.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot after cleaning the floor just now. I’ll go wash my hands immediately.” Charanko bowed apologetically and immediately got up to wash his hands. A moment later, he returned and picked up his chopsticks again. He asked Bang again, “Master, when can I start practicing Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist?”

Bang put down his chopsticks and wiped the corners of his mouth. He looked at Charanko seriously and said, “Didn’t you understand what King just told you?”

Charanko was confused. Didn’t King just tell me to wash my hands before dinner?

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King was confused. Didn’t I just tell Charanko to wash his hands before dinner?

Silver Fang said with a stern face, “Charanko, what King just said has a deep meaning. I know that you really want to learn the Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist and inherit the dojo’s legacy. However, there’s a proper order to everything. You have not trained enough to learn the Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist properly. If you rashly skip the proper steps and directly study the Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist, your strength will increase greatly in the short term, but it will cause serious permanent damage to your body. This is not worth the loss.”

He paused and said, “The most important thing for martial arts is the proper order of the steps. Just as King said, you have to wash your hands before eating. If you skip the step of washing your hands, bacteria might enter your mouth and make you sick. Do you understand?”

Charanko came to a sudden realization and immediately bowed to Bang. “I thank my master for your wisdom. This disciple understands.”

Bang pointed at King, who was still confused, and said, “You should thank King for his guidance.”

Charanko turned around and bowed to King, “Thank you for your guidance.”

“Alright, go wash your hands. It’s easy to get sick if you don’t wash your hands before dinner.”

“Yes, master.” Charanko left to wash his hands again.


King’s mouth twitched. He quietly ate the luxury beef in the hotpot. Have I really said something so profound? I really just told you to wash your hands before eating. There was no deep meaning at all!

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“Hey, King, leave me some beef.” When Charanko came back, King had already wiped out more than half of the beef. Charanko quickly moved his chopsticks to grab the beef in the pot.

“Hehe.” Bang sat at the side, smiling as he watched Charanko, who greedily snatched the beef, and King, who ate casually. It was like he had returned to the time when the dojo was full of disciples. Back then, the dojo thrived with the vigor of youth. Indeed, the dojo could truly shine when there are young people to liven its atmosphere.

“Master, I will definitely follow your teachings. I am determined to train harder in the future. I will wake up at four in the morning to run around the mountains and practice my basic skills until midnight. I will no longer be lazy. I will strive to build up my foundation as soon as possible, study the Flowing Water Rock Shattering Fist, and develop the dojo.” Charanko promised Bang while picking up meat.

“Ah!?” Charanko cried in pain. The beef he impatiently picked from the pot and stuffed into his mouth was unexpectedly burning hot.

King calmly dipped the beef in soy sauce and blew at it several times. After it cooled, he slowly put it into his mouth and chewed it. He glanced at the red face of Charanko, “More haste, less speed.”

Bang exclaimed, “Charanko, did you hear what King said?”

“Eh?” Charanko was stunned and repeated King’s words in confusion. “More haste less speed?”

Bang said with a serious expression, “That’s right, more haste, less speed. Have you realized it?”

Charanko was confused. Didn’t King just tell me to eat slower?

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King was confused. Didn’t I just tell Charanko to eat slower?

Bang said slowly, “In the path of martial arts, the most forbidden thing is to expect and seek instant success. Everything depends on the combination of training and rest. We martial artists must patiently build a good foundation. We must have perseverance, without hurry nor delay. We must reach the next stage step by step perfectly.”

Charanko put down his chopsticks with a solemn face and bowed to Bang. “I thank my master for your wisdom. I will definitely remember it in my heart.”

Bang nodded in satisfaction. He pointed at King and said, “You should also thank King for his guidance.”

“Thank you, King, for your guidance.” Charanko turned and bowed to King.


King’s mouth twitched slightly. It turns out that “more haste less speed” contains such an amazing martial arts principle. Today I learned.

He stopped talking and silently ate the hot pot.

Bang’s sharp eyes flashed with a trace of passion. King was definitely a martial arts genius. He could actually glean martial arts insights one after another from an ordinary meal. It was too amazing. This martial arts talent was too amazing. How could such a genius not practice martial arts? I absolutely can’t watch this kind of martial arts genius wander outside and waste his super martial arts talent for no reason. King, quickly get on my bed!

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