Wang Feng pushed away a piece of cement and sat on the rubble, panting heavily. He was lucky to run into an area where the two buildings had collapsed on each other, forming a triangular hole.

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After the explosion subsided, he immediately crawled out of the hole.

“I was very lucky. I’m lucky to have become King, the king of luck. If I crossed over as anyone else, I would probably be dead. Whoever assigned me King must have been a  professional.”

He wiped off his cold sweat, and looked around for a way out, and was surprised to find a Piccolo-like Monster standing more than ten meters tall. He couldn’t even stand due to fright, but his heart suddenly started to rumble like a machine.

“Huh? Is that… Saitama?”

After freezing for a moment, his eyes were drawn to a bald head that shone like a lighthouse, “Fuck, Saitama is here too, then is that monster… Vaccine Man?”

His eyes lit up as he recalled that part of the manga. He recalled the brutal-looking monster Piccolo, who was beaten to death by Saitama moments later. Terrifying.

‘Haha, I’ll definitely be able to get a Demon-level card this time.’

He was very happy. If he just relied on his own strength, not to mention a Demon Level monster, he couldn’t even beat a Wolf Level monster. The difficulty of collecting cards was just too high, but the moment he walked into A-City, he was gifted a Demon Level card.

He couldn’t wait to collect the cards, but the mysterious being kept talking about lots of random stuff, so he had to wait.

In anger, he took a deep breath and shouted, “Hey, bald…” He couldn’t even finish his words before Saitama made a move.

Vaccine Man grew bigger and bigger before finally turning into a beast with sharp teeth and claws. He really did look like a demon.

“Huh? Did you say I was bald?”

Saitama, who was originally listening to the Vaccine Man with a dull face, heard the word “bald” causing veins to pop out on his forehead. Swapping from his normal state to the serious mode, his red-gloved fist tightened, and a punch suddenly appeared.

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“No mercy for you!”



There was a sound of an explosion, and the invincible Vaccine Man instantly turned into minced meat, and pieces of meat were scattered everywhere in the ruins.

“Ding! A card has appeared nearby that can be converted. Please go and convert them!” 


Wang Feng watched Saitama throw an angry punch because he mistakenly believed that Vaccine Man had called him “bald”, immediately swallowing the next part of his sentence for fear that Saitama would find out that it was actually who called him “bald”.

“He’s bald, yet he won’t let other people say it.” Wang Geng muttered, holding his head as he felt a headache come, “It’s over, I originally planned to go to Z-City to visit Saitama, but I can’t do that anymore, in case he recognizes the voice. Not even my ghost would remain if he punched me. Forget it. I will stay in M ​-City, for now. At least it’s safe there.”

“Huh? Where did Saitama go?”

Saitama had disappeared without a trace, leaving only a pile of rotting flesh on the ground and a… a little girl?

Huh? A little girl?

Wang Feng was silent. Saitama was too careless. He actually threw the unconscious little girl into the ruins.

Luckily this uncle is still there!

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He jumped out of the rubble, quickly rushed to the little girl, picked up the little girl and gently wiped the little girl’s cute face, wiped the dust off her face.

At this moment, a wave of green light flashed across the sky and stopped above Wang Feng’s head.


A loli’s voice rang out.


Wang Feng frowned and raised his head in wonder, only to see a petite little loli with a delicate face and green curly hair standing above his head. He sighed when he noticed that the little loli wore a cheongsam. Since there was no hiding, he looked up at the loli.

“Little girl, is your family poor? Why are you dressed in rags? Even… ahem, no, you… are you the Tornado of Terror?”


He reacted for a while and finally recognized the Tornado of Terror. She had very obvious characteristics – super strength, green curly, loli, not wearing… ahem, so it’d be a surprise if he didn’t immediately recognize the Tornado of Terror.

“You killed that monster? Huh, who made you waste your energy in vain?” The Tornado of Terror glanced at Vaccine Man, who had become minced meat, put a hand on her waist, and asked angrily.


Wang Feng’s attitude towards the Tornado of Terror was confusion. When did he provoke her?



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At this point, the sound of an eggshell breaking came from the corpse of Vaccine Man.

“Huh? What’s that sound?”

He ignored Tatsumaki and looked curiously at the pile of bloody minced meat.

An egg covered in dark blue blood slightly larger than a basketball rolled down. There were cracks on it like spider webs that expanded and lengthened as if something were about to burst from the shell.

“Hey, are you listening to me? You damn dog! You are ignoring me too much. This woman will fight with you. How can you waste your energy here? Even if I can beat, no one would be sure…”

Tatsumaki was yelling angrily, but Wang Feng ignored her, looking at the egg seriously.

“Ding! A card has appeared nearby that can be converted. Please go and convert them!” 

The system’s notification sound was very annoying. If he didn’t convert the card, the sound would not stop.



A sound of a cracking eggshell rippled through the silence, and a thin mushroom and snail-like tentacle appeared from the cracked eggshell. At the same time, the dark blue shell could be seen through the gap.

“Huh? Is that a little Vaccine Man?”

Wang Feng’s eyes lit up. If it really was a Little Vaccine Man, should he adopt it? Was that weird? While it was rare for humans to adopt monsters, there are many cases of it happening. For example, many high-level members of the Hero Association had strange pets. The Keno takoyaki shop owned by the House of Evolution had the mosquito girl entertain customers as a shop assistant like the armored gorilla… the rich second generation treated them like crocodiles and tigers. They had no moral and legal barriers.

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Second, the Vaccine Man had wisdom that was not inferior to humans, so the little Vaccine Man also had wisdom equivalent to humans.

Third, the Vaccine Man is too similar to the Great Demon Demon King in “Dragon Ball”. He has a great trick called Explosive Magic Wave, which was similar to the energy bomb used by Vaccine Man. In addition, Piccolo had also spat out an egg before he died to produce the next generation, just like Vaccine Man. The two are too similar. He even expected Vaccine Man to be the forgiving type.

Therefore, he had the desire to adopt the little Vaccine Man. He wanted to turn the Vaccine Man into a Great Demon King. In the future, with the Great Demon as a bodyguard, whenever he met anyone, he could go “What are you looking at” and “What are you looking at?” In that situation, the Piccolo-like Monster could throw energy and blast the person talking back into the dregs with a bang.

Thinking of this, he couldn’t help but smile happily. His eyes softened as he looked at the little Vaccine Man.



However, a green light suddenly flashed by, and a three-meter-wide stone slab hit the Vaccine Man’s egg. The journey from the birth of life to the death of the little Vaccine Man was far too swift. The eggshell cracked, and dark blue blood flowed out. There was only a small pile of meat left on the ground.

When Wang Feng felt empty, he couldn’t help but spit out two words, “My baby!?”

The slate shattered not only the little Vaccine Man but also his fantasy of getting a great demon king! Damn it!

“Hmph, I told you not to forget this great lady.”

Tatsumaki raised his head proudly, “I will let you go this time. After you rest and regain your strength, we will fight, hum.” After that, an inexplicable green light appeared around his body! Whoosh! Then she flew into the distance, turning into a tiny dot, disappearing.

“Tatsumaki, I hate you! Give Demon King Piccolo back to me.”

Wang Feng roared miserably.

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