Chapter 32 - The Time for Vengeance (2)

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“Hey, did you get heatstroke?”

Wang Feng, who was walking towards the arcade, heard the sound of someone falling to the ground behind him. He turned around in confusion and looked at the collapsed penguin doll. Wang Feng recalled how the penguin doll stuttered when they spoke just now. He had thought that the penguin doll was a stutterer before, but now it seemed that there was something wrong with their body that made them stutter. Hey, it looked like they had a heat stroke. After all, the summer weather was hot now, and they were wearing a heavy penguin doll. It must be very hot inside it, and it was normal to get heatstroke.

“I have to send them to a cold place to rest.”

He stepped forward to help the penguin doll up. At the same time, he looked up at the rabbit doll. These two people should be colleagues. Why did the rabbit doll ignore the blacked-out penguin doll? They didn’t come over to help the fainted penguin doll, and even deliberately took a few steps away as if afraid to get into trouble. Alas, why are people so indifferent nowadays?

He discontentedly called the rabbit doll. “Hey, you boy, don’t think about leaving. Come here quickly.”

The rabbit doll paused. Inside, Blood Spike’s face was full of despair. He gritted his teeth and quickly said to the communicator, “I have been exposed. There is no chance to retreat. I will hold King back. You should leave quickly.”

Kill Leader was silent for a while and said in a hoarse voice, “Hold the line!” Then he ordered Cold Wave and the others to continue retreating.

“Hehe, from the moment I became a killer, I was already prepared to die.”

Inside the rabbit doll, Blood Spike laughed bitterly. He took out a military knife from his trousers and quickly turned around. He gritted his teeth and rushed towards Wang Feng.

“King, even if I die, I will pull a hair off your body!”


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing into his flesh reverberated in his ear. Blood Spike’s body stopped. He felt that his body had been crushed by the inexplicable strength. Life flowed out from his body. His face was filled with fear as he muttered to himself, “King… is really terrifying…”


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Blood Spike collapsed powerlessly, his eyes wide open with fear and anger.

“Hey, why is there another heatstroke? Oh, so you were not avoiding the penguin doll just now, but you just can’t hold on and prepare to go back to rest? Sigh, it’s my fault for misunderstanding you. ”

Wang Feng stared blankly at the rabbit doll that had fallen to the ground without any movement. He was distraught. “Sigh, I can’t carry two people alone. Let’s find a passerby to help.”

He stood up and glanced around.

“Oh no, he found out. Let’s speed up our retreat.”

When Kill Leader saw Wang Feng stand up and look around, he was so scared that he immediately ordered the other killers to quickly retreat.

At the same time, Wife 7UP cursed King for being shameless. He was actually followed by bodyguards who risked their lives to save him at any time. When she saw that Wang Feng looked around, she froze in fear. She was afraid that Wang Feng would discover her. If that happened, the entire Soda family would really be wiped out, and no one would be able to avenge them anymore.

She gritted her teeth and looked at Mirinda, who was lying on the ground under Wang Feng with grief. She wiped her tears and ruthlessly abandoned Mirinda’s body to escape.

“Hey, why are all of them running away?”

Wang Feng was just about to call for help, but he did not expect that a few scattered people around him left in a hurry, as if they were afraid of being called by him. Alas, empathy becomes rarer by the day in this world.

He had no choice but to go into the arcade to inform the other employees and ask them to help carry the two fainted people in.

“Hurry up and take off their doll coats so that they can cool down.”

A few assistants immediately pulled out the doll jacket after carrying the rabbit doll and the penguin doll in.

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“Ah —It’s a dead person.”

When the rabbit doll was pulled out, the dead body of Blood Spike revealed itself. It was grotesque and soaked with blood. His face showed unfathomable fear.

“Dead person?”

Wang Feng was also shocked. Oh my god, this was no longer a problem of cooling down; they are already completely cold!

Uh, wait a minute. Why are you looking at me with those suspicious eyes? Do you suspect that I killed the person? Please, I am a good person. I don’t usually kill people.

He found that the eyes of several employees in the arcade were full of suspicion and vigilance. He shouted in his heart that he was wronged. From the beginning to the end, he did not touch the rabbit doll. How could he have killed him?

“Ah —Monster!?”

At the same time, after they took off the penguin doll, the dead Mirinda was also exposed, and the penguin doll was filled with soda water.


Wang Feng was stunned. He stared at Mirinda’s body and felt a strange sense of familiarity. This… Wasn’t this female version of Monster who was the last time?

“Who… who are you? Are you a Hero? Or are you a murderer?”

The arcade employees heaved a sigh of relief when they found out that Monster was dead. Their gazes were all directed at Wang Feng. Among the people present, only Wang Feng was likely to be related to the deaths of Blood Spike and the Monster.


Wang Feng thought for a moment. Unlike Saitama, he did not seem to have any background. When Saitama appeared and got asked about his identity, he would always answer very seriously, “I am a hobbyist Hero.”

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According to this pattern, his background should be…

“Ah, I am a lucky Hero.”

Yes, I am the King who is always lying on the bed!


The employees were stunned.

“I didn’t kill him, and I didn’t kill Monster either. Why don’t you call the police and investigate? I’m leaving.”

After saying this, Wang Feng took advantage of the fact that he had not been exposed and slipped away.

Oh my, they are all dead. Of course, I have to run away quickly. Look at the eyes of those employees; they almost said, “you are the murderer.”


The employees looked at each other and exchanged glances for a brief moment.

The murder suspect has left? Should we stop him?

Don’t, what if he comes back and stabs us?

What he said was that it was not worth it to sacrifice his own life for the dead.

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“Call the police. Anyway, there are surveillance cameras in front of our shop. If he is really a suspect, he definitely can’t run away. If he is Hero… Shouldn’t Hero normally work hard to prove that the Monster was killed by himself? How can he leave immediately? I’m more inclined to think that he was a murderer.”

The employees discussed for a while and immediately called the police.

More than ten minutes later.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The police siren rang outside the arcade.

M -City Police Station’s 3rd Division Captain Hill came down from the police car and immediately ordered the others to seal off the scene. Then he took two subordinates into the arcade.

After casually glancing at Mirinda, he went directly to Blood Spike. He carefully looked at Blood Spike, who was holding a sharp knife. He frowned slightly and flipped Blood Spike’s palm a few times. He found that there was a thick callus on his palm. He ordered one of his subordinates, “Go investigate this person’s identity. I suspect that he might be a wanted criminal.”

The subordinate accepted the order and left.

Then, he said to the shop assistant, “Please take out the videos captured by the cameras in your shop. We want to check and enter the files. Thank you.”

“Okay, please come with me.”

The clerk took Hill to the security room and asked the security guard to bring out the video recording and play it on the computer. Hill sat on the chair and stared at the video on the computer screen. His eyes did not blink.


He saw a familiar face from the video. A golden-haired square face with three scars. That was… his eyes widened.

Heroes Association’s S -class Hero – Rank 14 – King!

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