Wang Feng looked at the public service advertisement on the square screen with a sad face. The corner of his mouth twitched. Didn’t Sitch say that he would turn me into a paragon of morality? How did he turn me into a scum?

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“Sigh, how annoying.”

He shook his head and sighed. He silently wandered around the neighborhood of M City, hoping that his strange tendency to attract Monsters and his extreme luck would lead him to meet Demon-level Monster.

Half a day passed. Even though the sky had already begun to darken, he still had not received any information about Monsters in the vicinity. There were messages from many other cities on his phone, but M City alone was surprisingly calm today.

Perhaps peace was the greatest happiness for ordinary people, but for the current Wang Feng, it was simply… terrible.


The restaurant window in front of him suddenly opened, and a figure was thrown out of it. He subconsciously reached out to catch it. Oh, it was soft!

“Huh, have I met you before?”

Wang Feng stared blankly at the person in his arms. Her short, dark green hair framed a beautiful face with a smooth and fair complexion. Her slender waist and full breasts are wrapped by a dress the same color as her hair.

“Is this… Is this Blizzard of Hell? Tornado’s sister?”

He was stunned. He looked up at the sky in a daze. What was going on? Why was his luck so bad today? The Blizzard of Hell fell into his arms? It was over. Would the Tornado kill me if he knew?

“Cough cough, be careful… be careful of the bounty criminal!” Blizzard of Hell spoke weakly. Her face was slightly pale, as if her ability had been overused.

“Bounty?” Wang Feng blinked her eyes.

“B*tch, how dare you find trouble with your elder. You won’t be returning home today. I’ll ‘eat’ you.”

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With a bang, the restaurant door was smashed outwards. A tall and muscular man walked out from the ruined door, power radiating from his well-toned body. The man was bald with two tufts of hair on the back of his head that looked like a sunflower leaf. Each of his fierce and cruel eyes were adorned with a terrible scar. He held a massive axe in his hand.

“Who are you?” The bounty criminal asked Wang Feng in surprise after seeing that Wang Feng held the girl that tried to kill him in his arms.

Damn it, I didn’t meet a Demon-level Monster, and even met a bounty criminal. Just my luck!

Wang Feng glanced at the unconscious Blizzard of Hell and reluctantly said his signature line, “I am a lucky Hero!”

“The lucky Hero?” The bounty criminal asked mockingly. “What kind of random setting is this? Did you not bribe the author enough?”

(Oh, where I have heard that before?)

“Ugh, it’s too troublesome.” Wang Feng carried the Blizzard of Hell and walked away. “If there’s nothing else, I’ll leave first. I’ll treat you to a meal someday.”

“Oh, okay. Hey, wait a minute! Are you trying to deceive me? Hand over that woman, or I’ll chop you along with her.”

The bounty criminal raised his big axe with both hands and stared angrily at Wang Feng. He had the urge to kill people at the slightest disagreement. As expected of a bounty criminal, killing people was as simple as drinking water to him. There was no psychological burden at all.

“Eh…” Wang Feng looked at the bounty criminal with a troubled expression. It was too wasteful to use the Vaccine Man Card on him. Moreover, he would not be able to get any Card in return.

Nobody wants to deal with lose-lose situations!

He decided that he could not waste Card on the bounty.

“Go back inside now, while I’m still willing to spare your life!” Wang Feng turned around and left with Blizzard in his arms. Big brother, you should stop! Don’t force me to make a move! It would only end with sadness for both of us!

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“Damn it, brat, how dare you look down on me? I am a B-rank bounty! Soon to be A-rank! I will chop you to death to celebrate my promotion to A-rank in advance!” The bounty criminal was furious. He raised his axe and charged towards Wang Feng.

“It’s unavoidable after all, huh.” Wang Feng sighed in disappointment. He squinted his eyes and aimed his palm at the bounty criminal. The Vaccine Man Card’s energy bomb was ready to blow the criminal into pieces.

The bounty criminal shouted angrily, his massive axe raised high, “Die!”


Suddenly, the sky darkened, and a car fell from the sky, heading straight for the bounty criminal.


A deafening explosion reverberated as the car hit the bounty. The bounty criminal’s blood splattered, crimson rays radiating from the impact. He instantly died with eyes wide open.

Wang Feng stared blankly at the surprising turn of events, not knowing how to react.

“Humph!” A proud snort came from the air and pulled Wang Feng back from his daze.


Tornado of Terror crossed her arms over her chest while floating in midair. She glanced at Blizzard and said, “What’s the idea? You came out to explore alone even though you’re still inexperienced. And now you ended up needing my help to clean your mess.”

Wang Feng breathed a sigh of relief. “Hey, just in time. I’ll leave your sister to you so that I won’t be in trouble.”

“Ah —It’s you? King” Only then did the Tornado see Wang Feng. She was furious. “Let go of my sister!”

“Okay.” Wang Feng loosened his grip.

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Blizzard naturally fell to the ground.

“Ouch—” The unconscious Blizzard groaned in pain as she fell. A pained frown appeared on her face.

“King, you…” Tornado pointed at Wang Feng and shouted angrily, “I want to fight you!”

“No time, next time!” Wang Feng refused right away. His mission was to find Demon-level Monsters to use the Vaccine Man Card against and replenish his reserve. He had no time to play house with the Tornado.

Why would this girl want to fight me? People say that Metal Bat is a siscon, but Tornado is even more of a siscon than him!

What he didn’t know was that the Tornado had wanted to challenge him for a long time, but her plans were always foiled by the circumstances.

The Tornado crossed his arms over his chest and looked down at Wang Feng. “Hmph, King, you really are a coward. Even though you still shamelessly say that you are the strongest man. Such a spineless guy, why don’t you just give up being Hero”

“Sure.” Wang Feng casually replied and turned to leave.

“Ding! There is a converted Card around. Host, please go and convert.” System’s cold voice echoed.

“Huh? Card?” Wang Feng looked at the bounty criminal in surprise. It turned out that not only Monster could be converted to Card, but also human criminals.

The Tornado pointed at Wang Feng and threatened, “Hey, you are so rude. How dare you ignore me every time?! Damn it, do you want me to smash you with a meteor?”

“Yeah, yeah.” Wang Feng replied indifferently. He came to the front of the bounty criminal and touched him.

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“Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a Villain Card – Superheavy Axe!”

His eyes lit up, and he couldn’t wait to ask System, “System, can I use the Villain Card to recharge Monster Card?”

“Ding, the two are mutually compatible.”


Although he did not find a Demon-level Monster, at least he had temporarily solved the problem of Vaccine Man’s expiration date.

“Hey, King, I want to challenge you and beat you down! Let’s fight!” Tornado bent down in midair and looked down at Wang Feng.

“What a crazy woman.” Wang Feng glanced at the old loli.

The Tornado pointed at Wang Feng. “What? You really are a coward. You don’t even have the courage to accept my challenge. You co~ ward!”

Wang Feng lowered his cap, put his hands in his pockets, and turned back home. “Well, since you are so persistent, let’s have a competition. Let’s see which of us can destroy a Dragon-level Monster in the shortest amount of days.”

This girl is so annoying. I might as well make a bet with her. It doesn’t matter if she wins or loses, as long as I can send her away. The Dragon-level threats are so rare that this competition would likely last a long time. Tornado would stop bothering me for the time being.

Tornado replied excitedly, “Alright, it’s a deal.”

With that, she waved her little hand and used her superpower to pull Blizzard up to the air. Her whole body flashed with green light, and she disappeared with a whoosh.

“Annoying loli!”

Wang Feng continued to walk leisurely on the street. Even though he had already obtained the Villain Card, he still hadn’t given up on finding a Demon-level Monster.

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