Chapter 47 - Your Name is... Bick!

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The room was very quiet!

Unbearably quiet!

Cold sweat poured down Vaccine Child’s forehead as he looked at Wang Feng.

Who is this guy? He actually has the power to make me submit!

He is definitely not an ordinary person. That’s right, how could an average person take me in and hatch me? He can have the power to make me submit to him. He must be one of the rare powerhouses of the human race.

Perhaps, it is also possible that he is the strongest human. Damn it, how unlucky do I have to be to meet the strongest human being right after I was born? I met a big boss without even upgrading at all. How do I play this game?

Vaccine Child’s heart was in a mess. All kinds of jumbled thoughts came out one after another, making him angrier and angrier. It stared at Wang Feng, not knowing what to say.

Oh, should I call him daddy? Hey, my dad is already dead. If I call him dad, wouldn’t that be the same as cursing him to die? He would make me follow my dad and enter hell. Should I call him grandpa? It’s not good. If I call him old, I might be beaten. Then… call him a great one? Bah, what am I thinking? I am an Envoy of the Earth. How can I easily submit to that guy’s authority?!

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Vaccine Child tried to regain his facade. “You are really amazing. You entrapped me without my knowledge. However, so what? I am an emissary of the Earth. I have an incomparable power. As powerful as you are, I will not give in. I am an emissary of the Earth who will destroy all humanity! ”

“Huh?” Wang Feng stared blankly at the stubborn Vaccine Child.

What was this? Also, didn’t System say that after being bound to a pet, the pet ability and Level would be cleared? And Vaccine Child had clearly been bound as his pet. Why are the Attributes and Levels not cleared?

“Did your power not decrease?” He asked Vaccine Child doubtfully. However, just as his voice left his throat, System’s prompt sounded.

“Ding, Level detection for the pet Vaccine Child is complete. The comprehensive assessment is three stars. Because it has become a host pet, Vaccine Child’s Attributes and Level will be cleared. Countdown begins 5, 4… ”

“…” Wang Feng was speechless. System’s timing was impeccable, and Vaccine Child’s comprehensive assessment was only three stars?

Ah, I was scared by it just now. Maybe I spent a lot of Vaccine Man’s energy in the fight, and what’s left can’t hatch the egg as proper four-stars.

Vaccine Child snorted coldly. “I inherited the entirety of my father’s power. It is a weapon bestowed by the Earth itself to destroy humanity. How can it…hmm?”

Although he initially dismissed Wang Feng’s words, Vaccine Child couldn’t help but be vigilant when facing Wang Feng, who had a mysterious power. He subconsciously gauged the energy in its body. Suddenly, his eyes widened. Hey, wait a minute, my power… my strength… is dropping?

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Fear radiated from his body. The energy in Vaccine Child’s body was gradually decreasing. At this moment, he was like a balloon that had been punctured. The energy steadily escaped from his body. Vaccine Child stared at Wang Feng in horror.

He… who exactly is he? Why is he so strong? I did not see him attack at all. Just a look from him made me submit to him. Any thought to resist him was mercilessly quashed. A simple short sentence took away my power. It was too terrifying. The mission my father gave me to destroy humans was a Hell difficulty. No, from the looks of it, it was simply suicide!

“You… What exactly did you do to me? Why did half my strength disappear for no reason?!”

This world was too terrifying. What did father say about destroying all of humanity? Stop joking, alright? I can’t even deal with a single human, and you want me to destroy all of humanity?

“Hehe.” Wang Feng chuckled. He was too lazy to explain things about the System. Instead, he asked Vaccine Child, “Are you really the Envoy of Earth?”

He was very curious. In One Punch Man’s original work, there had been an existence of a “God,” which many people suspect as the embodiment of Earth’s will. And Vaccine Man claimed to be the Envoy of Earth; maybe he knew something useful.

“Humph, although you are very powerful, I also have my own dignity. If you want to kill me, do as you please, but don’t expect me to answer your questions.”

Vaccine Child shook his head and ignored Wang Feng. Although he had submitted to Wang Feng according to System’s settings, submission did not mean becoming a puppet. He still had his own thoughts and personality.

“You don’t want to answer?” Wang Feng smiled. “I command you to answer my question. Are you really an Earth Messenger?”

Another setting in the System was that pets have to obey all of the host’s orders!

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“My father’s memory that I inherited told me that I am an Earth Envoy. However, whether it is true or not is unknown.” Vaccine Child involuntary replied and was immediately stunned.

I… How could I listen to him?

Wang Feng nodded in satisfaction. “From today onwards, your name is Bick!”

“Yes!” Vaccine Child instinctively nodded in agreement, and a trace of sorrow immediately rose in its heart.

I, the son of an Envoy of the Earth, had actually become a servant to a mere human. I was utterly unable to even think of resisting. Can someone help me suppress my father’s coffin lid? I was afraid that it would come back to life and beat me up!

Wang Feng nodded in satisfaction and instructed, “Well, now you kneel down and stick your butt out.”

“Oh?” Vaccine Child tensed. Although he had not experienced much human affairs, he subconsciously felt that something that would make him ashamed for the rest of his life was imminent.

“Hey, you scared me half to death just now, and then you suddenly pretended to act tough. This time, I want to see if you can still pretend to act tough.” Wang Feng picked up the sofa, aimed it at Vaccine Child’s protruding buttocks, and fiercely swung it down.

“Ah!!” Vaccine Child let out a painful wail.

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I was just a newborn baby. Was there a need to be so ruthless? Papa, I want to go home. I want to go back to the warm and comfortable home in your body!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

“Alright, I’ve hit you a few times as a punishment.” Wang Feng threw away the sofa. “Go to my room and find a set of clothes to wear. You’ve been naked all day; do you want this book to be 404-ed? At least put on a pair of underwear and hide the hair in your crotch. Seriously, are you not ashamed?”

Vaccine Child replied in a small, indignant voice, “Yes.” He dejectedly entered Wang Feng’s room to search for suitable clothes. In order to adapt to the length of Wang Feng’s clothes, he also transformed his height with his ability. After a while, he came out wearing King’s clothes.

“Well, it fits quite well.” Wang Feng glanced at it and nodded with satisfaction. However, he looked at Vaccine Man’s head and scratched his head awkwardly. He could not bring such an obvious Monster out of the house!

Although many people in One Punch Man’s world raised Monster, they were secretly raised at home. Which one of them had led Monster to the streets?

What’s more, the Monster that others raised were all animalistic Monster that is non-sapient. As for Bick, other than his appearance, his behavior and thinking were all the same as humans. Rather than calling it a pet, it was more appropriate to call it a servant.

“I should buy you a set of cartoon doll suits.” Wang Feng touched his chin and thought, “What suit would be good? You have two antennas, so the puppet should have vertical ears or two horns. Well, a bull or rabbit suit shouldn’t be bad.”

His eyes lit up, and he decided to take Bick to shop for doll suits.

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