Chapter 49 - King, A God-Like Man

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Wang Feng was purchasing food in the supermarket when suddenly he saw some pedestrians running into the supermarket in panic. They shouted that there was a Monster outside. He was stunned. Monster? It could only be Bick, right?

Wang Feng hurriedly put down the things in his hand and dashed out. When he reached the door, he saw that Raiden Kid was sent flying and about to be killed by Bick.

He shouted anxiously, “You bastard, stop!”

Wang Feng was so angry. He had just left for a short while, and Bick, this little bastard, immediately caused a big mess. He was already stressed about how to reveal Bick’s existence. Now that Bick was making a big fuss on the street, the citizens would probably fear and hate him. How could they accept him?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he rushed towards Bick angrily.

“Who… is shouting? Is it a Hero?”

Raiden Kid, who was seriously injured, watched helplessly as Bick’s fist smashed down. He was powerless to resist, and despair had already risen in his heart. However, things suddenly changed. After that loud roar, the Monster in front of him froze.

He looked at the cowering Monster in confusion. He did not understand how powerful that roar was to make the Monster so afraid. Who was it that could emit such a powerful sound wave attack?


He subconsciously thought of King, who he had once met. The strongest man in the world, King had forced a Monster to shout, “I surrender.” A god-like man, he was likely the only one with such a powerful aura, capable of using his roar to intimidate the little ones.

At this moment, Bick had lost the arrogance of a devil king. The iron fist that was supposed to hit Raiden Kid’s face stopped abruptly. His cruel smile froze on his face, replaced by panic, and his four-meter-tall body slowly deflated. Wang Feng’s roar was akin to an inviolable mandate of heaven, making him have no choice but to obey. It felt like he was following the law.

Although he knew that his body and mind had submitted to that guy, he never expected that the submission had been carved into his soul, and there was no room for doubt or hesitation.

He felt wronged. He wanted to escape from Wang Feng, the devil, and become an awe-inspiring messenger of the earth again. Unfortunately, his body and mind had submitted entirely to Wang Feng. No matter how resentful he was, his body and mind could not help but submit to Wang Feng. This situation made him extremely sad.

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Wang Feng came to Raiden Kid’s side and glared at Bick. He squatted down to help Raiden Kid up. “How are your injuries?” Looking at the weak Raiden Kid, he felt very embarrassed. After all, it was his own subordinate who beat him up like this.

“Ahem, Mr. King, I’m fine.” Raiden Kid was very excited to see the idol of his heart, but his injury got in the way of his excitement, and he coughed heavily.

“Calm down, take a rest. I’ll call the Association hospital to get an ambulance to come over.” Wang Feng laid Raiden Kid on the ground and took out his phone to inform the Heroes Association branch hospital.

After settling the matters on Raiden Kid’s side, he looked at the flustered Bick. When he saw that Bick was like a child who had made a mistake, he felt both fear and regret, distress and anger. Damn it, I left him just a second, and he immediately caused trouble. How could I be at ease leaving him alone in the future? Wouldn’t he cause a huge ruckus then?

“Kill it, King, kill it!”

“Yes, all these dangerous and vicious Monsters deserve to die!”

The citizens who had attempted to escape gradually gathered again after seeing King and started to shout at Wang Feng to kill Bick.

Bick clenched his fists and gritted his teeth. If not for Wang Feng by his side, he would have already started a massacre with his personality.

At the same time, he also peeked at Wang Feng in panic, afraid that Wang Feng would be persuaded by the citizens and kill him.

Oh no, if he wants to kill me, he doesn’t even need to lift a finger. With just a simple order, I would kill myself without hesitation.

Wang Feng took a deep breath and said, “Sorry, I won’t kill it.” He glanced at the stunned people and said, “To tell you the truth, I hope that it can become my subordinate and fight alongside me in the future, so I will not kill it. As for the trouble it has caused everyone, I will apologize to everyone in its place.”

“Hu —”

Seeing that Wang Feng had no intention of killing him, Bick breathed a sigh of relief, and his tense body relaxed.

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The crowd stirred at Wang Feng’s words.

“What’s going on? Why would King accept Monster as his subordinate?”

“Yeah, and that Monster almost killed someone just now.”

“How could Mr. King be so stupid? Has his mind been bewitched by Monster?”

“Besides, Monsters are a bunch of ambitious guys. If Mr. King adopts it now, it is very likely that he will be bitten in the future.”

Confusion filled their faces. The Hero King actually wanted to take Monster as his subordinate. Did King, who used to be cold-blooded and ruthless to Monsters, start to feel compassion? If so, could King still become the protector of mankind?

They cursed in their hearts. Damned son of a bitch! How could King fall to such a state? Where did the King that killed without hesitation go?

“King, you are a dignified S -class Hero. How can you be associated with Monster?” A man shouted excitedly, “Moreover, that Monster almost killed someone willingly. How can such a brutal guy stay in the world? King, we cannot agree with your way of harming others’ lives.”

If King adopted a non-sapient Monster as a pet, they could understand and even support him. After all, such Monster could be tamed slowly. However, this Monster in front of him was brutal and intelligent. Moreover, he instinctively hated humans. How could such a cruel and dangerous Monster be allowed to go out on the streets? He should either be killed or thrown into the Monster Prison.

“So what?” Wang Feng put his hands in his pockets and said lightly, “I adopted it only because I wanted to adopt it. I won’t change my mind because of anyone’s objection, not even Heroes Association.”

Brum-rum-rum-rum… Brum-rum-rum-rum…

His violent engine-like heartbeat echoed. Damn, acting tough was so fucking exciting!

“This is… King Engine?”

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“King entered a battle state?”

“Such… such a powerful aura!”

The people stared blankly at the expressionless King. This was the first time they had talked to King at such a close distance. It was also the first time they felt the powerful pressure from King, making it difficult for them to breathe. Especially when King’s cold eyes swept over them, they felt their hearts tighten. It was as if someone was pinching their hearts, causing them to suffocate.

“Hey, don’t be in a daze. Let’s go.”

Wang Feng put his parka’s hood on his cap, put his hands in his pockets, and walked back leisurely.


Bick stared blankly at Wang Feng, who was willing to sacrifice his own reputation to protect him, and felt a warm feeling in his heart.

Master? Humph, I am an Earth Envoy. How can I easily recognize you as my master? Unless you order me to call you ‘master,’ even if you sacrifice so much to protect me today, I will never call you ‘master.’

“King, you are not worthy to be Hero!”
A shout suddenly came from the crowd.


A fresh egg was just bought from the supermarket flew towards Wang Feng.


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The egg broke, and the egg yolk flowed out.

Wang Feng paused and turned to look at Bick, who had blocked the egg for him.

“Those who want to hurt my master, all of them deserve to die!”
Bick looked coldly at the people. He stretched out his hand and pointed at the crowd. An energy bomb the size of a duck egg condensed in an instant.

“Humph, don’t even think about hurting everyone within my presence.”

Raiden Kid struggled to get up and staggered in front of Bick. He gritted his teeth and glared at Bick, the electric baton in his hand making a sizzling sound.

Wang Feng glanced at Raiden Kid and turned to leave.

“Hey, stop messing around. Let’s go home and eat hotpot.”

“Yes, Master!”

Raiden Kid looked at Wang Feng and Bick’s receding backs. His expression was dull. Just now… that Monster called King “Master”?

The people were all stunned. That cruel and inhuman Monster actually recognized King as his master?

They looked at each other in disbelief.

However, after thinking about it carefully, they suddenly realized that perhaps only a super expert like King had enough charm to make Monster willingly accept him as his master.

King, a god-like man!

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