“Nice! King exterminated those monsters.”

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“Oh, King showed up?! I didn’t even have time to see him. Damn it!”

Wang Feng was lying on his sofa, listening to the faint cheers around him, staring blankly at the hole on the second floor, before letting out a long sigh.

He sat down, pulled out his cell phone, and dialed his contact with the Hero Association headquarters.


“Hello, this is the Hero Association headquarters. How may I help you?”

“I am King…”

“Ah? What did you say?” The customer service lady was surprised, “You… who did you say you are?”

Wang Feng repeated helplessly, “I am the King, I’d like to speak to the person in charge, please.”

“Ah? Oh, please wait a moment, I… I’ll tell my boss right away.” The customer service lady stuttered excitedly.

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Heroes Association Headquarters.

The customer service lady reported to Maria excitedly, “Miss Maria, the S-Class hero, King is calling and asked to speak to Mr. Sitch.”

Sitch, Chairman of the Disaster Prevention and Control Committee within the Hero Association, was the Minister of the Rapid Response Department. As one of the senior leaders within the association, he had a lot of power and was responsible for eliminating and preventing various disasters (anomalous disasters, natural disasters, etc.).

“Are you sure that the other party is King?” Maria’s face was shocked. The Hero Association had a total of over a dozen S-Class heroes scattered across various cities. Their goal was to ensure that heroes that were as strong as nuclear weapons remained in certain areas to deter foreign invaders.

King lived in M-City, and his jurisdiction included the surrounding towns.

“Mrs. Maria, we’ve verified it. The phone it’s being called from is close to the King’s house, and that phone number is indeed the King’s number. We have already asked the other departments to confirm, but the speaker is likely to be King himself. “

Later, the staff on the other side finished using their satellites to position King’s phone and determined that it was near King’s house.

“Okay, go it. I’ll tell Mr. Sitch right away.” Maria nodded and immediately gave the order.


A staff member left the war room to alert the sleeping Sitch.

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A moment later, Sitch came in haste and said as he took his seat, “Take King’s call.”

“Hey, this is Sitch. Is this King?”

“Yes, it’s me.”

“Lord King, I don’t know why you’ve contacted us so late at night. Did something important happen?” Sitch was a bit confused and nervous. S-Class heroes could punch a hole in the sky. Generally, they didn’t interfere with the Hero Association. But they could contact the Hero Association for help at any time in case of a big problem or a disaster.

“The road in front of my house was badly damaged, so I want to pay for its repairs.”

Hesitating for a moment, Wang Feng explained that he wanted to repair the broken road, embarrassed by his destruction of it.

“The roads are destroyed? Needs repairs? It’s… that’s all?”

Sitch was shocked. Did a trivial matter like this need him to call headquarters?

Maria is also speechless. Several hours had passed since the tiger class monster incident in M-City. So she naturally knew of the road conditions that Wang Feng mentioned.

“Minister Sitch, I’d like to report a few things to you…” She gave Sitch a detailed report on the Tiger-Level monster that appeared in M-City a few hours ago and finally said, “King eliminated the monster, but his fight with the monsters damaged the road. He probably felt guilty, so he decided to ​​ spend money to rebuild the road.”

“Oh, that’s how it is.”

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Sitch realized and felt moved, “Mr. King, you really are a great hero, but your job is to eliminate the monsters. Road restoration is the work of our association and the government. Our association and government will make every effort to restore the roads to their original state on time…”

Wang Feng was dumbfounded. He just wanted to donate money to buy peace of mind. Why were they talking about responsibilities and the government?

“I understand, Mr. King, you feel guilty for destroying the road during your battle, but in the process of fighting monsters, there will definitely be damage to the surrounding buildings. No one can avoid that. You don’t have to take the blame. The people would never blame the person protecting them. You are the one saving them after all….”

Sitch deserved to be a leader. The moment he began to preach, he went out of control.


Wang Feng furiously demanded, “Just tell me. Which account should I donate money to for the repair work?”

Sitch solemnly said, “Mr. King, our Hero Association refuses to accept your donation. A hero’s job is to eliminate disasters, and our association’s job is to deal with the aftermath. You have done your job well, and now repairs are required. The road’s damage is our association’s, not Mr. King’s responsibility…”

Wang Feng explained, “Master Sitch, let me tell you the truth. There were no monsters on the road tonight. I was the one who caused all that destruction.”

“Is that so?” Sitch was silent for a few seconds before an enlightened expression appeared on his face. “Mr. King, since the founding of the Hero Association, I have been involved in and lead the Disaster Prevention Committee. I understand that heroes taking action against monsters will inevitably damage surrounding buildings and the surrounding environment. However, for world peace, for the safety of the residents, the damage is negligible. No one will blame you……”


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Wang Feng was speechless, and he just wanted to donate money. Why is it so difficult?

He helplessly pleaded, “I’m trying to tell you that the damage was not caused by a monster. I caused it. There wasn’t a Tiger-Level monster, and I was the only one on the road from beginning to end, and I destroyed the streets myself. Do you understand?”

“Well, I understand Mr. King’s intention,” Sitch said thoughtfully. “You are a good hero. Just to donate money to build roads, you lie and try to take responsibility for the road’s damage. Bless……”

“Beep beep beep!”

Wang Feng couldn’t take it any longer, so he hung up. It was way too hard to donate money.

Inside the Hero Association headquarters

Sitch glanced at his phone in a daze and said with emotion, “Mr. King truly is an extraordinary hero. Other heroes cause damage to the surrounding buildings during their battles with monsters as well, but they always take it for granted. This has led to the actions they take becoming evermore immoral and causing great losses. Many people have complained about us because of it. But Mr. King just damaged a street corner, felt guilty, and decided to donate money to rebuild the road. King truly is the perfect model of a hero for our Hero Association. We will greatly admire him.”

“Yes, Mr. King is truly extraordinary!” Maria nodded in agreement as a gleam of adoration flashed through Sitch’s eyes.

If Wang Feng realized what Sitch and the others were thinking, he would scream inwardly.

“This is a misunderstanding… this is just a misunderstanding!!”

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