Chapter 53 King Will Definitely Come and Save Us!

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City A, Heroes Association Headquarter.

“Reporting to Minister, King has eliminated a Tiger-level….”

“Reporting to Minister, King has eliminated a Wolf-level….”

“Reporting to Minister, Raiden Kid has eliminated a Wolf-level….”

“Reporting to Minister, King has eliminated a Tiger-level….”

“Reporting to Minister, the Super Police Autobot has eliminated a Tiger-level….”

“Reporting to Minister, King has eliminated a Tiger-level….”

In the combat room, Maria was reporting to Sitch about the annihilation of the dinosaur Monsters in M City. King’s name appeared in far higher frequency than other Heroes.

Wang Feng was too shameless. When he encountered the dinosaur Monsters, he would fly into the air and blow them up from a distance. The unlucky dinosaur Monsters were helpless against him and could only be beaten. Therefore, Wang Feng was able to consistently deal with the Monsters. His efficiency in eliminating Monsters was very high, unlike other heroes who wanted to battle the Monsters in a real fight. They would lose eight hundred of their own to kill a thousand enemies; such was their inefficiency.

“King is indeed an S -class Hero. The number of Monsters he killed far exceeds the other Heroes.” After Sitch praised him, he immediately asked, “Maria, how many dinosaur Monster is left in M City now?”

“According to incomplete statistics, there are more than forty dinosaur Monsters that suddenly appeared. Now more than twenty have been eliminated, and a little more than a dozen dinosaur Monsters are remaining.”

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“Yes, I believe that these dozen or so Monster will be eliminated soon with this pace.” Sitch nodded with satisfaction, “By the way, have you figured out the source of these dinosaur Monsters?”

“Apologies, Minister. There hasn’t been much news about the source of the dinosaur Monster at the moment. However, a famous dinosaur expert is currently in M City, Professor Hammond. He is very obsessed with dinosaur fossils and has studied most of them for half a lifetime. He is very familiar with the matters of dinosaurs; I think he may know some reasons for the mass emergence of dinosaur Monsters. At present, our Association has sent staff to Professor Hammond’s research institute for consultation. I believe there will be results soon.”

“Alright, continue to follow up with the relevant information. Find out the source of the dinosaur Monster as soon as possible and eliminate the source of the danger.”

“Yes, Minister!”

Sitch nodded. “Right, announce the news of Monsters extermination by the Heroes to the public and broadcast it in real-time to promote our Association.”

Recently, the Heroes Association had suffered complaints one after another from the citizens, and the trust crisis had become quite dire. Especially after the news of the Monster Prison attack and King raising Monster spread, the citizens’ dissatisfaction with the Association substantially grew. If this continued, the Association would be finished sooner or later.

Therefore, the Association had to promote Heroic deeds more, improve the sympathy from the citizens, and improve the bad image of the Association. At the same time, it also had to clean up King’s image, the one that had been set as the example for Heroes by the Association.

M City, Erli Street.

“Roar —”

A thunderous roar echoed for tens of kilometers.


“Please! Anyone save us!”

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“Where are the Heroes? What is the Heroes Association doing?”

Around a dozen humans retreated to a dead end, running away from a Monster. They were surrounded by walls, trapped like rats with nowhere to run.

A 12-meter-tall dinosaur Monster tightly blocked the way to escape in front of them. The Monster’s head was as big as a red paper lantern, with big eyes the size of a bell and wide mouth. There were two rows of terrifying sharp teeth in its big mouth, with ridges reminiscent of the teeth of a great white shark. Its body was relatively thin compared to other dinosaurs.


The dinosaur Monster approached the humans, step by step.

It let out a low roar. Its eyes were bloodshot. It stared at the dozen or so humans with its mouth wide open and smelly saliva flowing.

“Ah! Help! Help!”

They kept pushing their bodies back to the back, crying for help.

However, Erli Street was a relatively remote corner of the city. The Association’s Heroes are putting out the fire in the city center, so they had no time to care about this place.

At the same time, the Monster alarm network in the city center suddenly reported,

“Residents of M City, residents of M City, this is the real-time report from the Heroes Association regarding the riot of dinosaur Monsters in M city.”

“King has eliminated a Tiger-level….”

“King has eliminated a Wolf-level….”

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“King has eliminated a Tiger-level….”

More than a dozen news reports about Monsters elimination were monopolized by King alone.


King’s name, the name of the strongest man in the world, filled the ears of a dozen or so people. The name of the powerful Hero ignited a glimmer of hope in the despairing them.

“King, yes, King will definitely come to save us! We must believe that King will come! He is… he is the protector of our M City. He will save us!”

A scream suddenly broke out in the crowd, as if praying for King’s help.

Everyone was stunned. “Will he come to save us? We… just complained about him yesterday!”

“Yes, he will! King is not the kind of person that will argue with us. He will definitely forgive us. He will definitely come to save us. He will definitely come. He will definitely come!”

The man screamed. He firmly believed that King would come to save them. Perhaps this was the only way for them to not give in to despair, to keep struggling against the Monster until the end, waiting for King or other Hero to come to their rescue.

“Yes, King will come to save me. He will definitely come to save us.”

“That’s right, King will definitely come to save us. Wasn’t it always like this before? Whenever we are in a desperate situation and lost all hope, King will come to save us. This time won’t be an exception. He has never given up on us. He will definitely come. He will definitely come.”

Perhaps they did not think that King would come at all. It was just that in the face of certain death, they tightly grasped onto every last straw and let themselves have one glimmer of hope to continue living.

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“Yes, King will definitely come! Let us chant his name. He will definitely hear our call and rush over!”


“King, King, King!”

The group shouted “King” at the same time. They hysterically screamed with all their strength, calling… calling… calling the name that gave them hope!

They firmly believed that the strongest man in the world would definitely… come and save them.


The dinosaur Monster seemed to be enraged by the loud cries of the crowd. It roared in a deep voice and sprinted towards them.

“Ah, help!”

“King, King, King!”

In times of crisis, some people cried for their parents, some insisted on calling King, and some people could not bear the stress and fainted.

“Bick, quick, kill this Monster for me. Don’t let the baldy take him away.”

At this time, King suddenly shouted from the sky.

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