Chapter 55 - Saitama, We Will Have to Fight in the End

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“King, is that King?”

“Great! King is here to save us!”

“I said that King will definitely come to save us! He would never give up on us!”

When the people heard the sound of battle, they looked over in fear. However, they were pleasantly surprised to find that King was floating in the air and watching the battle below. And the dinosaur Monster that chased them was fighting with a… loli?

No matter. King had arrived, so the dinosaur Monster would not live for long. They were finally saved. Their tense bodies immediately relaxed, and they collapsed beside the wall. All of them looked like they had just survived a disaster.


The people were relieved and handed the battle to King. King also passed the battle to Bick. However, Bick was not a match for the dinosaur Monster at all. The energy bullets could not break through the defense, and he was pressed back by the dinosaur Monster.

As he calmed down, King assessed the situation and immediately realized his mistake. He was shocked to see the people in the corner not far away. “Bick, forget about defeating the Monster; just lead it elsewhere, and I will deal with him.”

He was afraid that his energy bomb would accidentally hurt the people, so he told Bick to lead the Monster away and then use the energy bomb to eliminate it.

“Is King afraid of hurting us?”

“We complained and complained about King, but he did not blame us at all. When Monster came, he still killed it as if natural, protecting us while we sat there uselessly, King… King… I am sorry!”

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“King, I have also let you down.”

The people cried and shouted, saying that they had let King down. King, you will always be my idol and something that touched everyone’s hearts.

However, King did not hear the cries of the people at all. He had already followed behind the dinosaur Monster. Bick was leading the Monster while looking for a place where he could fight with ease.

“Eh, this is… Monster?”

Suddenly, a familiar voice entered King’s ears. It was Saitama’s voice. His eyes widened, and he couldn’t stop himself from shouting, “Saitama, you damn baldy, let go of this last one, let me…”


A sound like a bomb exploded. The head of the dinosaur Monster that ran after Bick instantly fell to the ground like a watermelon. Its brain and flesh scattered all over the ground. With a booming sound, its stout body swayed and fell to the street.

It didn’t even have the time to scream before it died!

“My… my Monster…”

King stared dumbfounded at the Monster with shattered head. He wanted to cry, but no tears came out. The Experience bag that he had found for Bick had been snatched away by Saitama again.

“Saitama, I will kill you!”

He angrily roared at Saitama, whose face was full of boredom, to vent the depression in his heart.

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However, his venting words were an order that made Bick happy.

“This fighting style… this unceremonious death of Monster…”

Bick stopped running and stared blankly at the minced meat on the ground. Fear and resentment resurged from memory into his heart. His father was also killed by that man in one punch. Damn it! Damn it! The vengeance for his father exploded in his heart. I… I want to kill him!

He breathed heavily and stared at the disinterested Saitama. Hatred and anger filled his mind, making his body tremble. He clenched his fists, the energy gathered in his body ready to attack at any time.

He cruelly smiled at King’s involuntary order. The loli suit burst out as his body expanded. He aimed his palm at Saitama, shouting, “Damn baldy, go to hell!”

“Explosive… energy bomb!”


An energy bomb the size of a golf ball shot towards the stunned Saitama.

“Eh, there’s another Monster? Gotta kill him!”

Saitama turned at the source of the energy bomb and found Bick. His expression instantly changed from stunned to fierce. He suddenly disappeared from sight with a slight vibration and reappeared right in front of Bick.

His red gloves formed a fist and smashed the stunned Bick!

“Ding, System detected that the pet Vaccine Man has been killed. Would the host like to resurrect the pet? ”

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The confused King had been unable to respond to the situation. The Experience Monster that he had worked so hard to lure out was snatched by Saitama. Bick attacked Saitama inexplicably. Saitama did not hesitate to counterattack and blow up Bick. System directly prompted that Bick was dead. Should he resurrect?

“Ha? Is this a movie? The plot is full of ups and downs!”

He looked at Bick, who had become a pile of minced meat, and then shouted at Saitama, who was about to leave, “Damn baldy, stop right there.”

Fuck, you want to leave after killing my pet?

“Huh? Someone called me?” Saitama looked back in confusion and saw King floating in the air. “Eh, you are that… that underwear?”


The black lines on King’s forehead dripped down in an instant. He pointed at Saitama in a bad mood and said, “Are you a soy egg?”

Saitama pointed at the three scars on King’s left face. “You’re Scar Underwear.”

King was furious. “You’re the soy egg baldy…Ugh, don’t try to change the topic. Let me ask you, how can you kill my pet so easily? ”

Although it was Bick who took the initiative to attack you, you shouldn’t kill it, right?

Saitama scratched his face with his finger and said in confusion, “I didn’t kill your pet. I only killed Monster. I never killed pets like cats or dogs. You must be mistaken; I definitely didn’t kill your pet.”

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King pointed at the pile of Bick’s flesh, “Hey, my pet’s body is still here. You didn’t only kill it; you also cruelly dismembered it.”

“Ah, is this Monster your pet?” Saitama widened his eyes and looked at King in surprise. “You actually think of Monster as a pet? Aren’t you afraid of it?”

King said grumpily, “What kind of pet owner would be afraid of their pet?”

“Oh, but… it attacked me first.” Saitama frowned, “It is wrong for a pet to randomly attack a passer-by. Oh, and you don’t put chains on the pet either. It is very dangerous. It was going to bite me just now, so naturally, I fought back by hitting it. I didn’t expect it to die so quickly. I didn’t kill it on purpose.”

King’s mouth twitched, and he felt weak all over.

Well, it was my fault that I didn’t chain a dangerous pet; people would feel threatened whether Bick actually attacked them or not. And this time Bick actually did attack you recklessly, so I can’t really protest if you killed him. It is a Hero’s reflex to kill a Monster that they encounter. Hey, does this mean that Saitama was right after all?

Of course, if Bick really died, he would have to talk it out with Saitama even if it’s unreasonable. But since System had a resurrection mechanism, there was no need to pester him.

However, if he backed down now, he would not only lose the battle, but he would also lose momentum!

He stared at Saitama, “Saitama, let’s put this matter aside for now. However, I want to tell you that there will definitely be a battle between you and me one day. At that time, life and death will not matter.”

Oh yeah, he said some harsh words in a strong voice!


Saitama looked at King in surprise. This person… was he crazy?

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