While Grey and Luya were arguing, Ayla suddenly turned to Cindy, who was watching coldly from the sidelines, “Mr. Cindy came this time to sell the shares of the company, right?”

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“Sell the shares?”

Everyone was shocked and looked at the astonished Cindy in surprise. Selling the shares meant abandoning the joint-stock company. To abandon Robert, the hardcore entrepreneur that was his important partner?

The scene was silent for a moment, and the air was filled with an awkward atmosphere.

Today’s scene was a little hot. Robert died, and after that, it was revealed that his wife cheated on him with his driver, his trusted aide betrayed him, and his closest friend abandoned him. They could not help but sigh. If Robert heard this news, he would probably be so angry that he would revive and strangle them.

However, a heavy panting sound suddenly sounded just as their thoughts rose.

Huff —huff —

The sound became heavier and heavier. Everyone looked at Robert’s corpse at the same time. They saw the white cloth covering Robert’s face rise and fall along with the rhythm of his breath. Everyone felt as if the heavy breathing had sprayed onto their faces, shuddering.

Robert was resurrected?

Everyone’s faces turned pale. They subconsciously took a step back and stared at Robert’s corpse with wide eyes. Their bodies slightly leaned forward, ready to escape at any time.

“Is he alive?” King looked at the breathing Robert in surprise.

“Perhaps Mr. Robert is not dead. He just temporarily fell into a state of suspended animation. The great medical expert Sayed Michellf once said that some people could appear dead while still being alive. This state is called false death.”

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King raised his eyebrows. “Isn’t Sayed Michellf a great detective? How did he become a medical expert?”

Child Emperor pretended not to hear King’s question and said with a serious face, “The person who entered false death did not actually die and will return to life when the time comes.”

King curled his lips. Since he came from the modern era, he naturally knew about suspended animation. There were many rumors about people who faked their death using suspended animation.

Child Emperor was not the only one who suspected the use of suspended animation. Maigret also had a flash of inspiration and loudly announced, “Everyone, don’t be afraid. Perhaps Mr. Robert is still alive and simply entered a false death state.”

“Hubby —” Ayla immediately pounced over Robert, sobbing, “You are not dead. That’s great, that’s great.”


Suddenly, a hoarse roar came from under the white cloth. Then, a pair of withered hands grabbed Ayla’s slender and white neck.


Ayla was suddenly attacked. Suddenly unable to breathe, her face turned red, tears flowing down her eyes. Her delicate hands slapped Robert’s arm repeatedly.

“Help…Help…” Ayla shouted weakly.

The sudden development stunned everyone.

“Mr. Robert, stop!” Child Emperor and Maigret shouted at Robert, shocked at his sudden attempt at Ayla’s life.

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“Boss, let go of Madam.” Luya rushed and tried breaking Robert’s hand off of Ayla’s neck, but Robert suddenly released Ayla. He instead grabbed Luya’s ankle, stabbing his finger with enough force to pierce Luya’s skin.

“Ah!” Luya cried out in pain. His body subconsciously retreated. The sudden motion dragged Robert out of the white cloth, revealing his current appearance. His eyes were white with blank pupils. His face was ashen, and his mouth was crooked. His terrifying appearance sent chills down one’s spine.

“Zombie, zombie, my father has become a zombie Monster!” cried Damon in horror.

“Monster?” Child Emperor widened her small eyes. It was a Hero’s duty to eliminate Monsters, but this Monster in front of her was an important director of the Association.


While Child Emperor was hesitating, Robert’s hand on Luya’s ankle suddenly pulled back. Luya cried out in pain and fell to the ground. Robert crawled in front of Luya and opened his mouth, biting down on Luya’s calf, tearing the muscles. His mouth was filled with blood and meat, creating a terrifying scene.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Maigret immediately pulled his gun out and fired. However, Robert seemed to have completely lost his sense of pain and ignored the bullets that hit him. He had turned into a monster that specialized in devouring people.

Luya shouted in horror, “Save me, save me!”

“Explosive Energy Bomb!”

A blue energy bomb shot over and hit Robert in an instant. Robert’s head shattered with a muffled bang, and his ferocious body immediately stopped moving. After a moment, he softly fell to the ground.

“Ding! There is a converted Card nearby. Host, please perform the conversion.”

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System’s cold voice sounded.

King breathed a sigh of relief. This guy’s weakness was indeed his brain.

“Ah —”


Robert’s blood and exploded brain splattered many people. In addition to Luya’s bitten calf, the scene was horrifying. Luya’s screams and the sounds of the guests vomiting mixed together, making an eerie chorus.

“Ding! Congratulations to host for obtaining a two-star Monster – Mutated Zombie.”

King stepped forward and touched Robert’s remains. He raised his eyebrows and looked at the dazed Damon in surprise. As Damon had said, Robert had mutated into a zombie.

From movies that he watched in the past, the most basic and common reason for zombie transmutation is a virus infection. He recalled what Child Emperor said about a slight black wound on Robert’s palm. Well, it’s almost assured that Robert was mutated into a zombie by an infection.

Then, who infected Robert with the virus?

He looked at Damon with a meaningful gaze and then clicked on Robert’s Monster Card.

Mutated zombie

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Background: Due to his wife cheating on him with his driver, his secretary betraying him, his friend abandoning him, and his son murdering him, he had accumulated a monstrous amount of resentment. In addition to the virus infection, he evolved into a mutated zombie.

Skills: None.

His son murdered him?

King’s lips curled up slightly. He already knew who the murderer was!

“I already know who the murderer is.”

Suddenly, a clear voice silenced the room, accompanied by a gradually lengthening shadow on the wall.

“This Shadow… Could it be…”

“That’s right, Mori must be here.”

“Mori? Is that the savior of the police, the famous detective from the peaceful era?”

The guests stared at the shadow on the wall with wide eyes. At the same time, a look of trust appeared on their faces. Since Mori was already here, the murderer would soon be caught and executed!

King’s mouth twitched.

God, that famous detective “Mori” is clearly the shadow of Child Emperor’s “child emperor.” I don’t care if you want to play shadow puppet; after all, I’m not the kind of bad uncle that interrupt other people’s hobbies. But can I just pretend I’m blind?

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